May 28, 2018

6 Yoga Moves that Will Make You Look Younger and Beautiful

Having beautiful, glowing, and flawless skin can be a dream for many. Luckily for you, this article will reveal some super-stretching and anti-aging yoga poses that will make you look younger and beautiful. Please note, it’s the easiest, cheapest, and natural way to get a clean, healthy, and glowing skin. 

The air pollution, fluctuating weather, hormonal imbalance, and UV rays can deeply affect your skin and make it appear dull and gloomy. Plus, as we age, our skin suffers from various problems like wrinkles, fine lines, and dark circles. All of these problems can be tackled with some specific yoga poses. These yoga moves will not only strengthen your core, but also, they’ll flush out toxins, improve blood circulation, and make you look younger and attractive. 

So, before using cosmetic creams and lotions or undergoing expensive treatments, please follow these six-simple yoga moves to look younger and beautiful.

1. Plow

This is an advanced and tricky yoga pose that stimulates internal organs, calms your mind, stretches the hamstrings and shoulders, activates the thyroid, and stretches your skin. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to perform a plow pose.

i) Rest on your back and then place your palms beside you.

ii) Deeply inhale and slowly lift off your feet until they are forming a 90-degree angle with the floor.

iii) Support your lower back and hips with the help of your hands as you’re trying to further lift off your feet.

iv) Continue to lift off your feet and rest them above your head. Now, firmly press your toes on the mat and create a space between your chest and chin. 

2. Vertical wrinkles

Vertical wrinkles make you look old, aged, and haggard. These unwanted wrinkles can negatively impact the actual appearance of your face, especially when they appear right under our eyes. To overcome them, please practice the following facial yoga poses.

i) Widen your eyes as much as you can (until your eyes become teary or watery).

ii) Next, take a deep breath through your mouth, hold it just like a bullfrog, and then release. 

3. Sphinx and child’s pose

These yoga poses can excellently improve your posture. Furthermore, they will stretch and strengthen your chest, back, and arms. The best part is — both of these two yoga poses are easy to perform.

To practice a Sphinx pose, lie on a mat (with your face down and legs together). Your hands and forearms should be pointing forward. Take a deep breath, press palms down, and gently lift your chest and head. Hold this pose for around 15 – 30 seconds.

To practice a Child’s pose, slide hands beneath your shoulders, bend your knees, & sit on your heels. Now, lower your chest down in order to keep your head and thighs towards the floor. Stretch your arms to the front. Hold this position for around 30 – 60 seconds.

4. Shoulder stands

To perform a shoulder stand, please perform six simple steps (as described below)

i) Lie on your back (on a yoga mat or directly the floor).

ii) Now, try to lift your legs towards the ceiling & then over your head (just like the plow pose).

iii) Now, place your hands on the lower back and stretch your fingers wide. 

iv) Slowly lift the legs towards the ceiling.

v) Keep your body straight as much as you can when you’re lifting your legs. Use your hands to support your back and shoulder blades. 

vi) Hold this pose for 1 – 2 minutes and then release. 

5. Fish Pose

This is another effective yoga pose that helps you look beautiful and young. For the best results, practice this yoga pose along with a vegan diet. That’s because — a vegan diet can drastically improve your overall health and fitness.

To perform a fish pose, simply lie down on the floor (on your back). Next, place your palms and hands under your bottom. 

Press your elbows on the floor and try to lift up your chest towards the ceiling. Ensure that your back is now forming an arched position. Now, gently rest your head on the floor. 

6. Reclining Angle

Sit on a mat (please ensure to bend your knees and keep your feet flat). Now, place a pillow behind your tailbone. Grab another pillow and place it on each side of your knees. 

Your head and spine should now be resting on the pillow. Stretch your arms to the sides. Close your eyes, deeply breathe for a minute, relax and release the position. Practice this simple yoga pose on a regular basis to get a beautiful skin.

May 25, 2018

Are you suffering from an episode of constipation? These foods will help you fight the problem before it starts.

Among the most uncomfortable sensations and conditions in your existence is constipation. That experience of going to the washroom and struggling for long periods due to poor bowel movements is an experience you want to avoid, and when it happens you want it to end as soon as possible.

Everyone experiences constipation at some point in their lives, and statistics show that about 14% of people experience it occasionally. However, if the problem persists for more than a short time (usually one to two days), then it is more serious than you think and you need some medical help when dealing with it. It can even point to bigger problems with your gut, which require medical attention.

The usual factor that makes constipation so common is the lack of fiber in the diet. That makes it easy to deal with – you need to modify and change your diet to include more fiber sources in order to stem the problem. Other causes can include dehydration, illnesses, certain medication, drug use effects like cocaine withdrawal, mental disorders or diseases that affect the nervous system. However, diet is usually a main factor, so what are the foods we are talking about, and how can they contribute to your well-being?


You may know the saying, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, and it is very factual in this instance. In fact, a medium size apple that has its skin on contains 4.4 grams of fiber – this is actually 17% of the recommended intake on a daily basis.

Out of this, 2.8 grams is insoluble, and 1.2 grams is soluble through the form of pectin. This pectin is useful to your gut bacteria, as it helps them to form short-chain fatty acids that attract water to the colon, softens the stool and reduce the transit period of the gut.



Also known as dry plums, these are a natural solution for constipation episodes. They come with high fiber amounts, with ranges of 2g of fiber for every three prunes (equivalent to 1oz. serving). In fact, this is a good choice for you as the American Heart’s Association sets it at 8% of the recommended daily fiber intake.

The fiber in the fruit, cellulose, enhances the volume of water in the stool, leading to decrease in constipation because of bulk. The fiber is also soluble and produces short-chain fatty acids when it goes through fermentation in the colon, and this increases the weight of the stool.

Prunes also have sorbitol in their list of components. This is a sugar alcohol that the body tends to absorb very poorly, resulting in more water being drawn towards the stool and having a laxative effect. In addition, prunes have phenolic compounds, which enhance the work of gut bacteria.


This wonder fruit is very essential if you want to keep the problem at bay. Rich in fiber, it actually contains 5.5 grams within a medium size fruit, one of the highest among all fruits. That amount is also 22% of the recommended daily intake.

In addition, the fruit contains a particularly high amount of sorbitol and fructose, even when compared to other fruits. These sugars both stimulate the attraction of water to the colon, therefore enhancing bowel movements.

Citrus fruit

These are of various kinds, and include grapefruits, oranges, as well as mandarins and lemons. If we put it into perspective, an orange gives you about 3.1g of fiber, 13% of the daily intake. A grapefruit gives 2.6g, which is 10% of the daily intake.

All citrus fruits have high amounts of pectin, particularly in their peelings. They also have a flavanol, naringenin, which increases the retention of fluids in the colon, leading to laxative effects. However, the research on this is not completely clear.

Green leafy veggies


Those leafy green vegetables you see – spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, to name a few – are not only rich in Vitamin C and K, but also in folate and fiber. They help the body to add some bulk to the stool and weight, which enhances the movement within the gut.

Cooked spinach (one cup) for instance, has 4.3g of fiber, which is about 17% of the daily intake. Five Brussels sprouts will provide 10% of the daily intake, so even if you may not like them much, they are good for you. One stalk of broccoli gives 16% of the recommended intake, or 3.6g of fiber.


Artichokes prove to have prebiotic effects (similar to yogurt), according to scientific research – that means they enhance the health of your gut as well as the regularity of bowel movements.

Prebiotics are carbohydrates that happen to be indigestible, though they have the important role of feeding the gut bacteria. This helps them increase their numbers and guard against the spread of harmful bacteria.

Artichokes provide some of the biggest sources. In fact, prebiotics increase the frequency of stool movement, with the additional benefit of assisting people suffering from constipation.

Sweet potatoes

These mainly contain pectin, lignin and cellulose, both helping in absorbing water into the colon. One sweet potato that is medium size has 15%, or 3.8g of the recommended daily consumption of fiber.

Scientific research proves that it also assists patients who are undergoing intensive treatment. One study showed that patients who were going through chemotherapy ate 200g of the potato every day had less signs of constipation, and also had less discomfort and straining from the treatment itself.


Legumes that include lentils, peas and beans, have a valuable use in the body other than giving it energy – they are some of the cheapest sources of fiber you can get.

They also contain very high amounts of fiber, even more than most fruits and vegetables. In fact, a cup of navy beans (cooked) has 19g of fiber, or about 80% of the daily intake alone. A cup of cooked lentils gives you 31% of the intake, or 7.8 g.

Final thoughts

Constipation is unfortunately a common problem, but you can prevent it easily by sticking to a diet that incorporates a heavy dose of fiber. After all, these foods mentioned above are not very hard to access, and you can easily get the recommended amounts, helping you stay healthy.

May 25, 2018

Red Carpet Steal: Josephine Skriver & Miss USA’s gorjana Earrings!

Josephine Skriver was photographed wearing gorjana to the Gordon Parks Foundation Awards in New York earlier this week. The Victoria’s Secret model accessorized her LBD with gorjana’s Tanner XL Hoops ($70). Newly crowned Miss USA, Sarah Rose Summers also stepped out in gorjana earrings during her press tour in New York City wearing the Havana Circle Tassel Earrings ($55) and the Palm Drop Earrings ($65,
May 21, 2018

Top 5 SkinCare Tips To Tighten Your Skin Safely And Effectively

Loosening of the skin is one of the most visible signs of aging. As a person ages, the skin progressively looses elasticity, a condition that results in sagging features around the face as well as on the neck. In order to maintain a tight and healthy skin, the following are five top notch natural treatment methods that you can apply.

Avoid the sun as much as possible

Much of photoaging results from over exposure to the sun. Research has proven that the best method to avoid skin cancer and the general degradation of the skin is to keep away from direct sunlight. The sun contains two harmful ultraviolent radiations:

• UVA rays.
• UBV rays.

Exposure to these rays lead to the damage of the skin, whereby collagen loss by the body is sped up, thus increasing one’s chances to contacting cancer. Although most sun rays are beneficial to the body, you should carefully avoid much exposure so as to contain development of these health conditions.


You will be surprised by how much facial exercises can do to maintain your skin in a tight, young and healthy condition. As you exercise, unused muscles, which normally sag, are tightened. These muscles then maintain their tight, health form, which translates to the whole body looking good. You ought to learn some simple exercises that need to be practiced routinely, preferably on a daily basis. This is another simple and easily available remedy for keeping the skin in appealing conditions even with age beckoning.

Eat a healthy diet

What you eat directly translates to your physical condition. If you eat healthy foods, your body will remain healthy, and your skin will also look more appealing as it is properly nourished. Make certain that you eat enough vegetables and fruits, especially colored fruits. These contain high quantities of vitamins and are antioxidant rich. Berries as well as proper amounts of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids are also good in maintaining a healthy skin.

Consume a lot of water

Water is well known for tightening of the skin alongside the many other benefits. A person should drink between 10 and 12 glasses of pure water every day. This ensures that the body is properly hydrated at all times, and the skin maintains a firm, tight and moisturized condition. It is also a well known phenomenon that water helps in eliminating toxins that are harmful to the body. You should then make a point of having a glass of water every now and then as it is easily accessible and also beneficial.

Natural creams and oils

These are natural products that could be used in keeping your skin in check. Some notable skin oils include grape seed oils and avocado oils, which have properties that facilitate the elimination of wrinkles and skin sags. There are also various natural creams that help to keep the skin healthy and tight. However, before using any oils and creams, get professional advice on the right products and those with no side effects.

It is important to know what are the top collagen pills to use. This is important in helping you to tighten your skin in the healthiest way.

May 8, 2018

Nail Biting, Skin Picking, Hair Pulling: More Than Just Bad Habits

Sometimes it can be hard to explain why we do the things we do. It is common to experience stress, anxiety or frustration in our lifetime, but what we do to cope with these things matters the most. There are times where you may catch yourself biting your nails, picking at your skin, or even avoiding physical interactions due to germs. But how far is too far? Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a NYC based neuropsychologist and Teaching Faculty Member at Columbia University Teacher’s College, gives insight on behaviors that are more dire than merely bad habits.   

Onychophagia (Nail Biting)

Nail biting is an oral compulsive habit and that can develop from stress, nervousness, or excitement. A study published this year in Scientific American puts nail biting in another realm of behavior: body-focused repetitive disorders, like scratching or patting your own hair. And it seems to tie into one particular personality type that has a higher potential for boredom, stress, and anxiety than many others: perfectionists. Excessive nail biting can lead to infections, inflammation, and even tooth problems. The usual method for beating this habit? Dr. Hafeez says, “Override your old habit with a new one by “tricking” your brain using rewards, awareness exercises, and other methods. A typical strategy is to get subjects to note whenever they feel the urge to bite their nails, a feeling called a “cue,” and reward them with something else whenever they feel it, like stroking one’s hands.”


President Trump is an admitted germaphobic and has confessed that he dreads shaking hands. Germaphobia, also known as Mysophobi , is a fear of contamination and germs. This is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. You may feel the need for excessive washing and cleaning, constantly focusing on a way to sanitize everything you come in contact with. Germaphobia can lead to irritated skin and discomfort over time. Dr. Sanam Hafeez suggests medication that moderates serotonin in the brain known as SSRIs or Cognitive Behavior Therapy. 

Excoriation (Skin Picking)  

Skin picking is a repetitive “Self-grooming” behavior. This disorder can develop in two ways, through stress and after some kind of rash or minor injury. Skin picking can lead to tissue damage, infection, and even scarring. Dr. Sanam Hafeez suggests exercising as a way to distract yourself and improve your mood. “Taking care of any scars you have already with essential oils will also lessen the urge.”

Trichomania (Hair Pulling)

Trichotillomania is a disorder that urges individuals to pull out body hair. This is usually triggered by anxiety and can provide a feeling of temporary satisfaction. “The exact cause of trichotillomania isn’t known. It may be related to abnormalities in brain pathways that link areas involved in emotional regulation, movement, habit formation, and impulse control,” says Dr. Hafeez.  Excessive hair pulling from the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes can lead to patches and bald spots. ”Distract yourself with sensory toys which allow your body to focus on other things.” Adding petroleum jelly to problem areas will allow you to be less likely to put the hair because it is slippery,” says Dr. Hafeez.  The main treatment for trichotillomania is a type of behavior therapy called habit reversal training. Basically, this means replacing a bad habit with something else that’s not harmful. 

About the Doctor:

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD is a NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, P.C. a neuropsychological, developmental and educational center in Manhattan and Queens. 

Dr. Hafeez masterfully applies her years of experience connecting psychological implications to address some of today’s common issues such as body image, social media addiction, relationships, workplace stress, parenting and psychopathology (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc…). In addition, Dr. Hafeez works with individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disabilities, attention and memory problems, and abuse. Dr. Hafeez often shares her credible expertise to various news outlets in New York City and frequently appears on CNN and Dr.Oz.

Connect with her via twitter @comprehendMind or


April 27, 2018

5 Ways to Set Your Website Apart from the Competition

Whatever niche or genre your website falls into, whether it is a personal project, or part of a business venture, you will be competing against numerous other websites for precious traffic and attention in the online space. While it is now possible for anyone who wants to make a website to do so, actually mastering the art of web design is a much more difficult task.

Even once you’ve learned the nuts and bolts of it all and you understand how to put the website together, you still need to work out how you are going to make it unique and appealing. If your website looks and feels just like your competitors, how are you going to distinguish yourself? Even if you produce better content than your rivals, if you can’t step out of their shadow in terms of your design, your business will stand out as lacking innovation.

The good news is that by adopting a few relatively simple design principles and practices, you can effortlessly produce websites which manage to maintain the standards that internet users have come to expect, while also being unmistakably unique to you.

Logos and Banners

The easiest and quickest way to mark a webpage as your own is to make sure that your business logo and name are prominently visible. Remember, just because they are prominent does not mean that they have to be huge and take up the whole page. An eye-catching design will draw the eye even if it isn’t the largest thing on display.

Experiment with Layout

There are endless possible ways of laying out your website. Different types of websites will benefit from different design principles and practices, so think carefully about what you want to show the user and how you can most effectively show it.

Produce Unique Content

Note that there is an important difference between good content and unique content. Content that is unique is not necessarily good, and vice-versa. This is why it is important for you to be producing original and unique content that will also be of interest to the target demographic of your website.

For example, if you run a website for history buffs, you could throw in an article about the most famous thieves in history.

Affiliate with Others

Affiliating with another website means that you will both advertise one another’s existence to your respective visitors for your mutual benefit. Affiliate marketing is an excellent way of building up a network of contacts and other, friendly websites. You never know when these people might be able to help you in the future.

Make Sure to Proof!

Proofreading is a critically important step in the writing process. This is essentially where you check your work for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Just as you would when visiting another website, visitors to your site will expect everything to be written correctly and for the work to have been checked for mistakes.

Designing a website is easy, getting it noticed amongst all the competition is the difficult bit. At every stage of your website design and building process, ask yourself how you can put your personal flair on it. Just make sure not to overly complicate your design.

April 20, 2018

Tips for Dressing Abroad: Know What to Wear and What to Avoid

Safety should be a huge factor of concern when you are in a foreign country and, sometimes whether or not you stay safe,may be determined with what you choose to wear when you are among the locals. This is why it is imperative to choose your attires wisely, lest you offend the cultures, religious beliefs and morals of the host country and sometimes, just out of your dressing, you make yourself a target for the bad guys because you will advertise yourself to everyone that you are a tourist. Consequently, as you prepare with the renew my passport issues, also have in mind that you will need to choose just the right kinds of clothing based on your destination, and below we offer a few suggestions to help you go about it-:

Religiously inappropriate clothing

If you are traveling to countries in the Middle East where they have very strong affiliations and beliefs towards a particular region, it is wise to dress conservatively to avoid offending. If you are you in the United States or Europe, no one would mind if you put on tight fitting clothes or slightly revealing attires, but if you were to try that in UAE, the reaction would be completely different. You are a visitor in their country and so it is not respectful to offend them with your dressing.

For ladies, dresses such as leggings, bra tops, miniskirts, tank tops, and dresses that leave the cleavage revealing should be avoided always. For men, shorts and sleeveless tops should not be encouraged since in this part of the world, the only body parts that should be revealed through dressing should be the hands and feet and the face for men. So pack your clothes and dress with these in mind.

Flashy Jewelry

Irrespective of your collection of flashy jewelry and the desire to show them off everywhere you go, you should think twice about carrying them along when traveling abroad. This is for two main reasons. First, your expensive collection of diamond rings, watches and pearls may get flagged as someone else’s collection abroad. Besides, you don’t need to impress anyone with your bling abroad and they will be safe in your safe at home. Secondly, depending on where you visit, you could be making yourself a target by the bad guys who would be more interested in your gold earrings or expensive watch than they are interested in your life. Of course, no one would take note when you flash out such jewelry in England or New York, but if you try that in Pretoria, South Africa, the story would be completely different.

Open-toe shoes and sneakers

In most parts of the world, sneakers are reserved for sporting activities. Italians and Spaniards frown a lot at crocs and tennis shoes and you may want to think twice if you wanted to wear such in Madrid or Rome. Instead, think about comfortable leather shoes while you are in the cities, and be sure to keep them clean and polished. White, lace-up tennis shoes are one of the items people use to identify American tourists.

Unless you are going to the beach, always stick to closed shoes because they are relatively comfortable and they will also protect you getting cuts on your toes or from insect bites. Flip-flop and open toes may not be advisable they make you prone to getting infections you may not be aware of, and so to just stay safe, stick to closed shoes while traveling abroad.

How about wearing shorts abroad

Americans love their shorts and this is a fact they are willing to let anyone in any country know, even if it offending them. While you deal with you renew my passport issues, also think about how you will deal with the short issue if your destination is Indonesia or Vietnam. In these countries, shorts are not things you wear for a daily use and which you could comfortably use for going into the malls or walking the streets. As a matter of fact, you should wear them only indoors, but when you venture out, you must be inappropriate pants. If you love your khaki shorts too much, then reserve them for the beach, but not walking in the streets.

Clothes with national flag colors, curse words or religious images

Attires with curse words, military symbols, religious symbols or those with national flag colors should be avoided when you are traveling abroad. The same is also the case for clothes that might have words or writings who meaning you don’t understand. Such clothes may unintentionally start unnecessary emotional debates that might not have very good endings. Additionally, countries hold different opinions about others, and you may not know what the residents in your host countries think about your country so that you parade your national flag colors in front of them. Can you imagine what would happen if you went to Baghdad wearing a shirt with American flag colors?

Bright colors

Unless bright colors or bold patterns is what you have found the locals wearing, then you should avoid having bright colored clothes. Stick to conservative colors such as gray, turn, and navy. The idea is to fit and blend among the locals, but if you wear very bright colored clothes, you will attract unnecessary attention and you could be easily singled out as a tourist or foreigner, even by the bad guys.

Inappropriate colors

In the West, black colors are for wakes and funerals, but in Asia, white is the color for funerals. You should have in this in mind lest you end up offending a mourner while you are on a short holiday. Again, if you will be traveling in Central Africa, drop the blue and the black because they are the favorite colors for tsetse fly who will swim towards you without mercy.

Backpacks and cameras

The easiest way to sell yourself off as a tourist or a foreigner in that country is to have a backpack and have your Nikon camera easily visible. But you can blend by carrying a small handbag and then put the camera inside.


April 19, 2018

5 Ways to Learn Fast and Retain More

The sooner you realize that learning never ends, the more willing you’ll be to expand, elevate in your profession, thrive in your life and even generate more income. Learning and studying can be difficult once we are long past our college years.  For all the old dogs who might be reluctant to learning new tricks, we tapped the expertise of Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a New York based Neuropsychologist and Teaching Faculty at Columbia University to share 5 ways to learn fast and retain more so we can quickly grasp new concepts, technologies, business strategies and up-level our willingness to learn. 

Independent learning is the hot new brain trend. Thanks to digital media, we see a new renaissance when it comes to learning. On the professional side, nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers have taken a course or sought additional training to advance their careers, according to a March 2016 study by Pew Research Center.  On the personal development side, a simple Google search can lead anyone to a plethora of courses on everything from mastering personal finances, parenting, our relationships, nutrition, cooking, designing clothes, home organization and design.

“The key to longevity is the learning and application of new things. When we stop learning, we stop growing and that is a slow death to our brains and bodies. Luckily today there are online seminars and other ways to learn that speak to our interests. It’s also incredibly convenient to learn,” explains Dr. Hafeez.

What are the best ways to learn new things quickly? Dr. Sanam Hafeez offers the following 5 ways to learn fast and retain more.

  1. Learn in quick sprints.There’s a sweet spot for learning in the 30-50 minute timeframe. Dedicate that amount of time to learning and then take a 10 to 15-minute break to end a learning segment before starting a new task. “You’re more likely to retain more when you focus for a shorter amount of time at once,” explains Dr. Hafeez who helps people with ADHD to enhance their ability to focus and learn. “Using tools like notecards with quick points helps the brain absorb concepts even more,” she adds. Which leads to…
  1. Take written notes and use color!Ditch the laptop and go old school with a pen and paper. Outline important points with a different color pen or highlighter and if you can draw a concept out in the margin, go for it. Writing fuels comprehension and enhances listening skills. Studies out of UCLA and Princeton found students who took notes on laptops didn’t perform as well as students who wrote by hand. “When we handwrite notes we listen then process the information before writing. When we type on a laptop, we transcribe what we hear without any self-interpretation which is where the actual learning comes into play,” offers Dr. Hafeez.
  1. Give your brain time to rest and recharge with sleep.People brag that they work so much and sleep so little. Arianna Huffington’s book, “The Sleep Revolution,” and choice to add nap rooms at her Huffington Post offices turned the light onto sleep as a performance enhancer. “People who get a full 8 hours of deep uninterrupted sleep retain what they learn and have bandwidth to grasp more information quicker. We often feel tired after a course or following instructions. This is because focusing requires energy. Naturally, when we rest we get to reboot the brain,” says Dr. Hafeez.
  1. Read out loud, record, replay.Research has shown that reading out loud engages both senses of sight and sound which heightens retention.“Recording yourself reading and elaborating with your own idea of how the concept resonates then replaying the recording a day or two later, is a great technique that fires up the part of the brain that processes concepts like a computer filing information for later use,” explains Dr. Hafeez.
  1. Break things down and relate it to what you already know.We all heard of the math teacher who used the example of rock concert ticket sales to get kids to grasp algebra. According to Dr. Hafeez, “when we take a concept and link it to something we already know about or have genuine interest in, we retain that concept. Anytime we can internalize a concept is has resonance. It sticks.”

About the Doctor:

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD is a NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, P.C. a neuropsychological, developmental and educational center in Manhattan and Queens. 

Dr. Hafeez masterfully applies her years of experience connecting psychological implications to address some of today’s common issues such as body image, social media addiction, relationships, workplace stress, parenting and psychopathology (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc…). In addition, Dr. Hafeez works with individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disabilities, attention and memory problems, and abuse. Dr. Hafeez often shares her credible expertise to various news outlets in New York City and frequently appears on CNN and Dr.Oz.

Connect with her via twitter @comprehendMind or 

April 18, 2018

 Use these 5 Tactics to stay Healthy & Happy

Exercise is considered the best way to stay happy, healthy and being fit. Exercise will boost your mood, energy and helps you to sleep better and increases your self-esteem. Not only does exercise feel good and healthy and even dancing is a way to stay fit and healthy for people of all ages because dancing isn’t just fun- it’s really good for your health. A few things that boost your mood are:

Eating your favorite food and putting good food in your stomach. Whatever, you are putting into your body could impact your mood. Find peace of mind, the most important thing is don’t ever compare yourself to others because if you do so, you will never feel happy and healthier. Wear your favorite clothes which makes you feel good and happy because the way we dress makes an impact on our confidence and the attitude about our day.

  •    Look at the positive side of every situation

As we all have heard it before  “Stay positive, look on the brighter side – Don’t let things that get you down”. So, you need to train yourself to be more positive. Negative thinking will lead to dangerous and bad things. The problem with negative thinking is that this type of mindset and outlook on life can harmfully affect our health.

Basically, staying positive not only make us happier but it actively is helping to keep us healthy. There are many ways which help you stay positive and look on the bright side. You can control yourself of negative thinkers, share positive thoughts with others, search for the silver lining, separate fact from fiction, choose a positive thought, eat healthy and tasty foods etc.

  •    Join a gym or group workout class

A gym motivates you to do a balanced program which includes both aerobic and strength training exercises. These exercises promote heart health and weight loss, it helps to prevent osteoporosis and also improve muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. Nothing feels as good as being fit. Group exercises have many benefits, it’s challenging, they are motivational, it provides structure, group exercise classes will make us more regular and they are fun too, group classes are social because you can have an instant connection with them, again it teaches you to manage your time as well.

  •    Don’t forget your beauty sleep

Sleep makes you feel better. Enough sleep is a key part of healthy lifestyle and it benefits your heart, weight, mind etc. If we did not get enough sleep that can lead to serious health effects. On the other hand, if we get enough sleep then it is good for everything ranging from weight to mood and for the immune system. Stop worrying so much while sleeping.

Good sleep is vital for having a healthy mind and allows you to enjoy life more, getting enough sleep will keep you active for the whole day. As it is correctly said, “Early to bed, early to rising makes a human healthy, wise and wealthy”. Water helps your skin clear, leaving you feeling happier and better about your body.

  •    Practice inner calming techniques like yoga or martial arts

Basically, yoga is likely to keep your body more healthy and than many other forms of exercise. Even Martial arts can also do few of this but they don’t focus on the same level of flexibility and balance as yoga does. Yoga gives you a sense of calm, peace and balance which impact both the emotional well-being as well as overall health. Meditation is a natural anti-depressant remedy which boosts the mental health. Like meditation, martial arts focuses on movements and being present with awareness, embodiment, and precision.

  •    Eat healthy food

We all love to have delicious and tasty food, however, it is important that whether the tasty food is keeping us healthy, fit and weather will have a long life, no this food will not make us feel happy or keep fit. Some tips for good health is: Avoid eating long stored food, shall avoid junk food eating, the highly processed and convenience food. We should all follow a ‘Custom Meal Plan’ to stay healthy, happier and fit. So choose a good and healthy food that leads to happiness and live long.

  “The Great gift you can give to your family is Healthy You“


April 16, 2018

Fat Grafting 101: Your Guide To Facial Fat Transfer


Most people want to appear more youthful as they age, but time often tends to take a toll on someone’s face. The phrase “fat transfer” may sound unusual, but the fact is that it’s a healthy amount of facial fat that gives your face a youthful look. Whether you find yourself aging or have lost weight, you may discover that your cheeks or temples appear sunken, or that your face is lacking the youthful roundness it once had. If this sounds like you, you might be a candidate for fat transfer.

How Does Fat Transfer Improve Your Appearance?

In a culture where fat loss is a focus, it may seem strange to say that transferring fat to your face is a good idea. However, when you are young, facial fat is what’s responsible for smooth contours and the youthful “glow” that many young people have. As you age, these contours become less smooth. This is often due to a variety of factors. These factors include a number of things, including weight loss and gravity.

While getting a leaner-looking face as you age may sound appealing, the fact is that a rapid loss of facial fat will often lead to sunken-looking cheeks, circles under the eyes, and hollowed-out temples. With fat transfer, you can improve hollows in your face and smooth out the overall look of your complexion, making yourself look younger and more full of energy.

Where is the Fat Taken From?

This procedure is called “fat transfer,” but before you commit to undergoing it, you likely want to know where the transferred fat is coming from. The fat is transferred from another area of your body, typically from the thighs or stomach. This may sound off-putting, but the fact is that facial fat transfers generally involve small amounts of fat. Thus, while you will have two areas to heal–the site of the initial fat harvest and the transfer site–each area will be relatively small.

The harvesting of fat is typically done very inconspicuously, so you can expect little to no scarring from the procedure. Of course if you are concerned about scarring, be sure to talk to your surgeon–he or she may be able to help ensure that you have as little scarring as possible. And because the amount of fat taken from a different area of your body tends to be very small, you likely can work with your doctor to choose from a variety of areas of your body.

How Does the Procedure Work?

Facial fat transfer is a two=step procedure. In the first step, fat is taken from another area of your body, typically the thighs or stomach. This fat removal is accomplished through liposuction, in which a cannula, or slender tube, is inserted beneath your skin. The cannula then essentially vacuums fat from beneath your skin. Because the only incision in liposuction is the tiny hole the cannula makes, you likely will have either very little scarring or no scarring at all once the incision has healed. And because the amount of fat removed is very small, you also are not likely to notice a major difference in your body contours.

The second phase of the procedure is the transfer of the harvested fat to your face. The fat transfer involves injecting the collected fat under your skin. First, though, the fat is purified. Once it is injected, your surgeon will make sure that it’s spread evenly under your skin to ensure maximum smoothness and best results. And because the injection sites are so small, you won’t experience any lasting scarring.

This procedure is popular with those who want to look younger, but who don’t necessarily want to pursue major surgery on the bones of the face. Because it doesn’t involve your bones, recovery time is generally shorter than the recovery time for rhinoplasty or other major surgeries.

How Permanent Are the Results?

One of the main draws of facial fat transfer is the fact that it’s permanent. Barring extreme weight loss, the contours created by adding a bit of fat to your face are there to stay.

Therefore, facial fat transfer tends to be a preferred method compared to other methods of facial rejuvenation. Other methods tend to focus just on the surface level of your face, but this one works at a level below the skin to help ensure lasting results.

How Can I Choose a Surgeon?

If you have decided facial fat transfer is for you, or if you want to schedule a consultation to see if it’s the right option, your next big step is finding a surgeon.

However, this can often prove to be a difficult task. For many people, distance is understandably a limiting factor, as nobody has unlimited time and resources to travel thousands of miles to see a surgeon. If you have the finances and ability to travel far, though, it may be helpful to also search outside of your immediate geographic area.

You also will want to look at several examples of each surgeon’s work. You may find that, across even many types of patients, a given surgeon’s before and after pictures catch your eye. If this happens, it’s well worth giving this surgeon a closer look.

And lastly, as you search for surgeons, keeping your budget in mind is useful. Some offices may offer payment plans, and others may be able to refer you to a medical credit agency that can help you manage debt from the procedure.

Ready to Get Started?

If you miss your youthful facial contours and are ready to pursue fat transfer, you may be eager to find a surgeon. If you are in or near the Miami area, Dr. Bustillo may be a good choice for you. Andres Bustillo, M.D. is board-certified and well known for his expertise in various forms of facial surgery and other cosmetic procedures, including fat transfer.