April 12, 2018

Breast Reduction for Men

When you think of cosmetic procedures, you may imagine a breast augmentation, in which the breasts are enlarged. However, breast reductions are also done, albeit less commonly. These are usually done for women whose breast size causes back issues and other problems.

Breast reduction can also be done on men. Some men–and even boys going through puberty–may find that they start to develop breast tissue. This condition is known as gynecomastia. While it has several possible causes, it often requires surgical intervention.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

All men have some amount of breast tissue, but gynecomastia causes this tissue to swell. This often results in the appearance of breasts (sometimes called “man boobs”). While gynecomastia is sometimes only an appearance issue, it causes pain and tenderness in some cases.

It is important to understand that gynecomastia is more than just an accumulation of fat. Excess weight may cause you to look like you have gynecomastia, but true gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance of the hormones testosterone and estrogen. Every man has both testosterone and estrogen, but when testosterone is too low and estrogen too high, health problems can result.

High estrogen in men tends to lead to loss of muscle mass, fat gain, and fatigue, and it also can lead to gynecomastia.

There are several possible causes of high estrogen in men. The use of street drugs and alcohol may increase estrogen and lower testosterone, and anti-androgens used to treat prostate cancer and other illnesses may contribute. Anabolic steroid use also frequently causes gynecomastia, especially in those who do not also use anti-estrogen therapy.

Gynecomastia also affects some adolescent boys. As they go through through puberty, hormonal fluctuations may lead to a temporary overbalance of estrogen. Puberty-related gynecomastia typically goes away on its own, although it make take up to two years.

More rarely, other health conditions, including kidney failure and some tumors, may contribute to gynecomastia. If you find yourself experiencing gynecomastia symptoms, it’s important to talk to your doctor to make sure there isn’t a dangerous underlying cause.

How Do You Know if You Have Gynecomastia?

The main symptom of gynecomastia is swollen gland tissue in the breast region. However, many men with this condition also have pain and tenderness. In some cases, discharge may come from one or both nipples.

If you are unsure whether your symptoms are simply weight gain or gynecomastia, be sure to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can tell you whether you have this condition, and he or she also may be able to help you pinpoint the cause.

What Can You Do About Gynecomastia?

In some cases, though not all, gynecomastia goes away on its own. However, this medical condition is often embarrassing and sometimes very painful. If your doctor has told your your symptoms may be permanent, or if you don’t want to wait for symptoms to go away, pursuing breast reduction for men may be a good option. In this surgery, the glandular tissue that swells when gynecomastia is present is removed. Depending on how much is removed, a male breast reduction may prevent you from having to deal with this medical condition again.

How Does Male Breast Reduction Work?

There are two possible surgery types for gynecomastia. For less severe cases, liposuction is typically used. In liposuction, your surgeon will insert a cannula, which is a hollow metal tube, beneath the skin. Then, gland tissue and fat is suctioned out, helping to create a flatter chest. The cannula only makes an extremely small incision, so this option typically results in the least amount of scarring. After you are completely healed, you may not even see a scar at all.

If you have a severe case of gynecomastia, however, your surgeon may need to use a method called tissue excision. While this method is slightly more invasive, it is often necessary in cases with excessive tissue swelling, or where the swelling is enough to cause stretching of the skin. Tissue excision results in the removal of more tissue, but it often provides permanent or near-permanent results.

While tissue excision may result in some scarring, plastic surgeons are skilled with the placement of incisions. After healing is complete, you likely will notice little to no scarring.

How Much Downtime Can I Expect?

Male breast reduction is not quite as invasive as some forms of plastic surgery, but it does require some downtime. Many men are able to return to work in a few days, although vigorous physical activity should be avoided for a few weeks. Your surgeon will likely give you a compression garment to wear after the surgery as well. This garment will help minimize swelling and reduce pain. Post-surgical pain is usually minimal, especially with the liposuction option, and you may even find that over-the-counter pain medication is enough to manage it.

Healing times will vary depending on both the surgical method used and your individual physiology. At your consultation, be sure to discuss healing time with your doctor. Your doctor can take into account your symptoms and preferences, and he or she can then decide on an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Gynecomastia can be painful and embarrassing, but you don’t have to let it hold you back. If you are ready to get started on improving your life, the first step is setting up a consultation with a surgeon who performs male breast reduction. At your consultation, your surgeon will examine you and discuss your symptoms to start formulating a surgical plan. And if you are near New York, NY, Madison Plastic Surgery may be the practice you need. This established surgical practice is known for a variety of cosmetic procedures, including male breast reduction. It is the home of Dr. Robert Tornambe, one of New York’s top plastic surgeons.

April 11, 2018

What are my Long-Term Lip Augmentation Options?

Lip augmentation is a superficial procedure that is performed to offer the patient fuller, plumper lips. Recently, most people are going for dermal fillers, which get injected into their lips and around the mouth. Most of these fillers are comprised of hyaluronic acid. This is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and helps in increasing the lips’ volume.

Another option that was used in the past was collagen. This substance used to be common dermal filler, but today, doctors prefer to use safer methods whose effects last longer. Also, doctors use fat injections and implants for lip augmentation. However, not many people prefer these options due to the risks involved.

Who Qualifies for Lip Augmentation?

Many women feel concerned about their thin lips, and it is the reason they opt for augmentation. This procedure helps them get fuller lips that don’t show lipstick lines by filling the creasing that appears along the lip border as a woman ages. The ideal lip augmentation candidates include:

  • Any adult regardless of age
  • Any patient with extremely thin lips or persons who have suffered age-related lip volume decrease
  • People wishing to undergo this procedure should be medically fit and have measurable expectations of the results

What are the Medical Considerations?

Since it is possible for a patient to suffer from an allergic reaction to the material used during the procedure, it is important for all candidates to let the surgeon know whether they have any existing allergies. If the patient is considering undergoing a lip implant, the surgeon should be made aware of any respiratory issues that could be compromised by the anesthesia.

There are numerous dermal fillers and implants available out there to help with lip augmentation and not all of them are safe for every patient. Before going for lip augmentation, select a highly qualified cosmetic surgeon you can put all your trust in. Also, make sure that the doctor uses FDA approved products. Make certain that the method he chooses is ideal for all your cosmetic and medical needs.

Using Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

This substance can help improve your lips’ appearance through their volume, shape, and structure.

Its results last for up to six months after which you will need to go for more injections if you want to maintain the volume of your lips. There are many hyaluronic acid fillers in the market which are used in the same way and yield the same results too. Some of them even come with lidocaine which is a local anesthetic.

The Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Its benefits include:

  • The slow pace of treatment- the injections don’t have to be applied all at once. They can be done gradually until the patient attains the desired results
  • More control over the lips volume- it is easy to control the amount of substance to be injected, which means that the surgeon controls how much lip volume to create for a patient
  • Dissolves easily- the lumps that the gel creates dissolve very easily
  • Reasonably longer results- the hyaluronic acid fillers results last longer although they are not permanent
  • Less bruising- this kind of filler comes with less bruising, unlike the other alternatives.
  • Unlikely allergic reactions- since the fillers are made from substances that resemble those found in our bodies, it is not likely for a patient to get an allergic reaction. However, any patient who is allergic to lidocaine should let the surgeon know before the procedure.

Lip Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Any patient with the desire to get fuller lips but afraid of having foreign substances injected into their bodies can opt for a fat transfer. Since most lip fillers like collagen come from animal or human donors, fat transfer is different. This is because it uses the patient’s own body tissue thus, yielding a soft and natural-looking outcome.

The procedure involves the transfer of fat from a certain area of the body and injecting it into the patient’s lips. During the process, only the patient’s body natural tissue get used, which means that there are no chances of rejection or allergic reactions occurring. Once the surgery is done, the patient will have soft and natural-feeling lips that will last for at least six months and up to more than a year.

The Procedure

The doctor first removes fat from a specific location, usually from the thighs or abdomen through liposuction. This procedure is unlikely to affect the removal area unless the patient is also undergoing a body liposuction surgery. The fat gets injected into the lips using a syringe and a blunt needle, leaving tiny prick marks only.

This type of augmentation is usually done under local, or if need be, light general anesthesia as per the surgeon or the patient’s preference.

What are the Benefits and Risks Associated with Fat Transfer?

This procedure is considered to have relatively low risks. However, any surgical treatment comes with possible side effects. In this case, they might affect the injection area or where the fat was removed. The risks include infections, inflammation, bleeding, and slight discomfort.

However, there is one problem that surgeons are striving to rectify. Some of the fat cells die during the transfer. Any highly-qualified surgeon will, however, avoid this from happening by injecting the fat at intervals as opposed to doing it all at once.

One of the benefits related to this procedure is that it is unlikely for a patient to develop an allergic reaction. Also, the chances of the body rejecting the tissue are minimal since it is from their own body. The results are usually natural-looking.

This is a simple procedure that is usually treated as an outpatient case. Besides, it only requires a couple of hours for patients to recover and go home where after which they can resume their daily activities.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Permanent Lip Surgery?

As compared to other surgeries, lip augmentation is relatively a low-risk procedure. However, every patient should know the possible risks and be prepared. Some of these risks include:

  • Scarring
  • Implant rejection and migration
  • Infection
  • Lip stiffness

The good news is that the risks can be reduced if the procedure is done by a qualified surgeon. This type of lip augmentation comes with one main benefit; it offers permanent results, unlike in the use of temporary fillers.

If you are looking for a cosmetic surgeon to carry out lip augmentation for you, consider Dr. Agarwal of the Aesthetic Surgery Center. Anurag Agarwal, MD FACS is an expert on this field and can be reached at (239)-594-9100 at his office in Naples, Florida. His great work goes beyond surgery as he loves giving back to the society through pro bono humanitarian work.

December 12, 2017

Nurse Your Holiday Hangover with Dr. Christopher Calapai’s TIps

Tis the season for over-indulgence. As we gear up for this jolly time of the year, it goes without saying, most will be sipping on spiked eggnog, champagne, among other festive cocktails. In the moment, this may seem like harmless fun, but in excess can take a toll on your body, and some will be left with the holiday hangover blues.


Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O., a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine, suggests the following natural remedies for getting rid of that pesky morning aftermath hangover.

1)     Drink water and other liquids too! Drink a good amount of water before [going out] — at least 6 to 8 glasses, with a little lemon or orange, which are acidic and balance your pH. If in the case this does not happen, rehydrate and flush the impurities from your system with electrolyte filled drinks. I.e. sports drinks, coconut water, or bouillon soup for salt and potassium restoration the morning after.

2)     Ginger is packed with vitamins and minerals making it a great remedy for settling an upset stomach. Add honey, as it contains fructose, which will help the body metabolize and burn off any alcohol still in your system.

3)     Alka-Seltzer – Get a different type of bubbly in your system! Alka-seltzer varieties contain sodium bicarbonate (also known as baking soda), which can help settle an uneasy tummy by neutralizing stomach acid 

4)     Go Bananas for Bananas – A lot of potassium is drained from your body when you drink heavenly. Bananas are bursting with potassium and will the you the giddy-up and go your body may be needing!

5)     Exercise – Even when you don’t feel like it, it can help to stimulate the release of endorphins, resulting in a better mood and a better state of mind as you recover from your hangover.

6)     Multivitamin – Taking a vitamin supplement before drinking and one the next morning with food is a great source of rejuvenating the vitamins lost due to drinking, as alcohol is a natural diuretic.

7)     Eat a big meal before! – We all know how it is to get caught up in the celebrations and fun, but it can be a game changer if you can remember to do this. A large meal will coat your stomach lining, helping to better absorb alcohol.

About the doctor:

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Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the “The Stem Cell Guru” by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson’s. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham’s, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at www.drcal.net

July 20, 2017

From the pros: Dr. Christopher Calapai shares seven medicine cabinet must-haves for the summer!

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O., a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine has shared seven medicine cabinet must-haves for the summer!


  1. Moisturizing Sunscreen – This goes without saying. A moisturizing sunscreen is an absolute must! Sunscreen acts as a basic sun protector, assists with premature aging, helps with evening skin tones, all while making sure you stay moisturized.


  1. Aloe Vera Gel – With the sun rays in full force, it can be difficult to protect your skin from the heat. Aloe Vera Gel has great preventative properties also working as a skin rejuvenation, healing and soothing product. Aloe Vera Gel is a summer essential tool in skin-health and can used to relieve burned skin, remove sunspots, and moisturize dry skin


  1. Calamine Lotion – The summer brings mosquitos along with other pestering insects, leaving you vulnerable to bug bites and itchy rashes. Calamine Lotion is an oldie but goodie. This soothing cream is great to calm any itching that you may endure.


  1. Neosporin – Most people are more active during the summer season, partaking in outdoor activities like hiking, camping and beaching. Neosporin helps in treating and preventing infection due to minor cuts, scrapes, and burns you may get from your summer lifestyle.


  1. Band-Aids – Besides the most common use of Band-Aids, such as treating minor cuts and scrapes, Band-Aids can also be a great summer hack and important to prevent blisters, friction and wounds from sandals and other exposed footwear.


  1. Benadryl – Summer allergies are no joke! Pollen and insects can do a lot harm. Benadryl treats sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, hives, skin rash, itching, and other allergy symptoms that summer brings.

       7. Multivitamins – Some people may not know it, but summer is a great time to boost your body’s defense system. Multivitamins are important to provide the nutriment your body will crave in the summer.

About the doctor:

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the “The Stem Cell Guru” by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson’s. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham’s, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at www.drcal.net

May 18, 2017

Safe Solutions for 6 Common Beach Body Concerns

Summer is approaching! It’s the time of year met with mixed emotions. On one hand you’re excited for the warmer weather, open toe shoes and weekends at the beach or pool. On the other hand you dread revealing the stubborn cellulite, dull skin, stretch marks, scarring from breakouts on the chest shoulders or back not to mention coarse hairs.

Dr. Kirk Brandow, founder and director of the Brandow Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery in Philadelphia who has appeared on national programs such as Good Morning America and 20/20, offers some insights and tips on these top 6 beach body concerns.

  1. My skin is so pale!

It’s been way too long since you have seen a glimmer of sunshine and realize how your skin matches the white of your office walls. You want to avoid tanning beds and load up on sunscreen. “Opt for a bronzing cream or spray tan instead of tanning beds. Many of the women who come to me for facial procedures including Botox, fillers and laser treatments could have slowed down the aging process by being vigilant about sun protection and avoiding tanning beds,” cautions Dr. Brandow.

  1. I have acne scarring on my shoulders and chest.

The quickest and most permanent way to remove these infuriating scars is with a laser. “Lasers are a very efficient way to remove scars and improve over all skin texture with minimal side effects. Patients are pleased with the fast results, which can be seen after the first treatment with optimal results by end of a treatment cycle based on your own needs,” explains Dr. Brandow.

  1. I exercise but there still that little bit of tummy flab.

Stubborn tummy flab won’t disappear even with all of that exercising and dieting. Some people who have had children even consider a full tummy tuck. “It is very important to find a doctor who understands all options and can recommend one that will address your specific concern. Some pricey non-invasive body contouring procedures will offer a temporary result making it necessary to repeat them,” advises Dr. Brandow whose specialty is the Jersey Shore Tummy Tuck given his practice’s proximity to the Jersey Shore.

  1. Cellulite.

There is no easy way to remove cellulite; you are either using a coffee scrub or going in to see the doctor for a laser procedure. Dr. Brandow recommends the professional treatment called Smartlipo, which is a small laser that goes into the skin and melts the fat away. Smartlipo is a less invasive procedure than liposuction, is costly and time consuming but the results can last up to five years.

  1. Stretch Marks.

An inevitable result of weight fluctuation, are stretch marks.

Coolbeam laser is a new hit to eliminate stretch marks thanks to Kim Kardashian, who posted on her Snapchat about the procedure. Dr. Brandow explains, “lasers are far less invasive than a surgical procedure, which has a much longer recovery time.” Another option for stretch marks that Dr. Brandow recently spoke of on a recent TV segment is using PRP (platelet rich plasma), which involves pricking the scarred region with a special roller instrument then using the body’s own plasma to stimulate healing and collagen regrowth. “This is the same thing as the ‘Vampire facial’ but done on stretch marks. Results are incredibly impressive,” he says.

  1. Unwanted body hair.

Hair removal is always a beach season battle. For a more effective long-term hair removal option, Dr. Brandow highly recommends investing in laser hair removal. “Laser hair removal is the most permanent way to remove unwanted body hair. It takes ups to 6-12 treatments offering the best results.” Waxing is a popular option, which can last up to 3-6 weeks depending on how your hair grows. It is the quickest and long-lasting hair removal technique that doesn’t require any laser and it can be done at home.

Dr. Brandow also reminds people to check with their dermatologist for an annual skin screening before exposing themselves to another season of sunshine.

About Dr. Kirk Brandow

Dr. Kirk Brandow, founder and director of the Brandow Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery is a plastic surgeon with 2 locations in the Philadelphia metro area and a 3rd one at the jersey shore. Named a “Top Doc” in Plastic Surgery by Philadelphia Magazine as well as nationally recognized for one of America’s “Best Plastic Surgeons” of this decade, Dr. Brandow is a trusted expert who has developed many innovative, minimally invasive procedures for the face, body and skin. He has been featured on local, national and international television programs including 20/20, CNN’s Headline News, Good Morning America.

May 17, 2017




FROM THE PROS: According to Dr. Sanam Hafeez Psy. D, Colombia University Professor and Founder of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services in New York City; stress is written all over our face and can result in looking years older when stressed for prolonged periods of time.


Dr. Hafeez whose expertise is in understanding neural pathways as they respond to anxiety, stress and trauma explains that how we think directly impacts how we age and how youthful we appear. The routine stressors in our lives really impact how fast or slow we age. When stressed, we see it in our skin tone, texture, elasticity, and over all glow.


“When someone is under stress they can appear up to 5 years older, 10 years if they don’t manage stress or make changes to their lives. Stressful relationships and careers age people. I have seen patients end relationships or get new jobs and look 10 years younger within days.  People are spending money on creams, facials and cosmetic procedures but if the stress is still there it will still show in their face,” offers Dr. Hafeez.


Here are Ways Stress is Written All Over Your Face


  1. You have dark circles. Stress results in blood flow to main organs plus capillaries under eyes are fragile and break under stress leaving your face looking sallow and tired. Dark circles seem more apparent.
  2. Mini-Menopause

The jury is still out on exactly how or if this is possible, but it appears that the constant flow of cortisol that goes along with chronic stress causes a dip in estrogen, one that mimics, on a smaller scale, the dip that occurs during menopause. Less estrogen means less collagen and less moisture. So, while estrogen levels may not drop enough to shut down your period, stress may make them dip enough to make your skin look dull and dry.

  1. You notice more wrinkles. Life’s stress due to divorce, death of loved one, job-loss, financial concerns; impacts our brain chemistry. When we feel sad or anxious, are crying or not sleeping well it’s common to see deeper lines around the middle of the eyes, forehead, under eye area and mouth.
  2. You itch, flake and even have hives.  Stress leads to inflammation which may lead to rashes, rosacea, eczema flare ups and changes in skin moisture.
  3. People ask if you’re feeling okay. When the Starbucks barista or guy at the dry cleaners asks if you’re feeling okay, pay attention. These people may not know the details of your life but they know how you look because they see you quickly.


  1. Under-Eye BagsTomorrow’sto-do list can weigh on your mind, keeping you from getting enough beauty sleep. This can cause fluid to pool below your lower eyelid area, and what you end up with is a puffy mess in the a.m. Stomach sleepers, bad news: You can expect the puffiness of your under-eye bags to be even worse because of gravity.


  1. Increased jaw size– Heavy jaw

Grinding teeth and clenching of the jaw are common symptoms of stress. Unfortunately, these habits can cause the jaw muscles to work overtime. This can result not only in damaged teeth, but also a heavier than usual jawline, as the muscles become larger with the grinding action.


8.Hair Loss

Stress can cause sudden hair loss by literally flipping the switch on the hair follicle’s growth stage from an active to a resting phase. Once the follicle enters this resting phase prematurely, it stays there for about three months, after which time a large amount of hair will be shed. When you experience an overall shedding of hair, you must cast back a few months to find the trigger. Rest assured that in most women, this hair will grow back.


  1. Adult Acne

Acne isn’t just for hormonally crazed teenagers. Many adults can’t seem to outgrow it because of stress hormones. What makes it worse is that tense people often can’t leave pimples alone. Squeezing, poking and picking at them becomes an almost obsessive way to release tension, but it also makes breakouts worse, exacerbating the inflammatory response, and you’re left feeling a bit more stressed. So no picking


  1. Hormonal Mood Swings

There is a lot of interaction between hormone physiology and mood that works both ways. Our mood can impact our physiology, and our physiology can influence the balance of our hormones. If stress can sit at the top of a cascade of events that lead to undesirable hormonal changes in the body (like those that trigger insomnia, insatiable hunger and weight gain, and collagen breakdown), then what we want to do is find ways to gain the upper hand on our stress level and ensure that we keep all those hormones in check.



According to Dr. Hafeez, “The good news is that we can get to the root cause of our stress and manage it. When you notice changes in your facial appearance take inventory of what is going on in your life and what may be stressing you out. Simple things like sitting quietly for 10 minutes focusing on breathing, writing in a journal, exercising or taking a walk outside, reading, baking, painting, listening to music and reaching for an activity that takes focus off the stress is helpful. If you find yourself reverting back to the stressful issue consider therapy. Clearly there is a connection between how we look and how we feel and think.”



About Dr. SanamHafeez: 

Dr. Hafeez  is available to speak to media on a plethora of topics that connect stress, anxiety and depression and its negative impact on our wellbeing and physical appearance. She provides neuropsychological educational and developmental evaluations in her practice.  She also works with children and adults who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disabilities, autism, attention and memory problems, trauma and brain injury, abuse, childhood development and psychopathology (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc…) In addition, Dr. Hafeez serves as a medical expert and expert witness by providing full evaluations and witness testimony to law firms and courts.

December 27, 2016



When most people think of Botox the first thing that usually comes to mind is wrinkle reduction. Indeed, Botox is the world’s most popular treatment for eradicating wrinkles and fine lines.  The toxin is specifically FDA approved for treating frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) and lines around the eyes (crow’s feet). In addition to being the gold standard for wrinkle reduction, Botox can also be used to treat a variety of issues, both cosmetic and non-cosmetic. Dr. John Zannis is a New Bern, North Carolina board certified plastic surgeon. He provides a list of conditions that Botox has been used to treat.


Botox can curb oil production, reducing breakouts. “To totally treat acne, you’d need to use doses of Botox so large they’d prevent you from constricting your facial muscles,” says Dr. Zannis. “But tiny amounts of Botox injected very superficially help reduce oil production, and you can still have facial expressions.” Though he’d recommend it for almost any patient struggling with acne, Zannis would likely advise trying another dermatologist-prescribed treatment, like spironolactone or birth control pills, first. And though it can technically be used to quell oil production anywhere on the face, he cautions against using it all over because of potential effects on muscular activity (a.k.a. frozen face). The most effective and common area for using Botox to curb oil production, he says, is the forehead.

Gummy smile (not FDA approved)

A “gummy” smile, one that’s characterized by a smile that shows too much of the gums, usually results from “excessive lip elevation” when the upper lip rises too far above the upper teeth when smiling. Injecting Botox into the upper lip weakens the upper lip’s retractor muscles so that it won’t raise as high and your smile will seem better-balanced. It can be done in about five minutes. Usually lasts for four to six months. Costs range from $200-$300.  Dr. Zannis says, “This technique is not for the novice Botox injector. Too much, and your lip won’t raise enough, too little and you will need more, or if injected asymmetrically, you might have a funny asymmetrical smile.”

Urinary incontinence.

Overactive bladder problems affect up to 20% of women over 40. For severe cases where medications do not provide complete relief, Botox injections into the bladder wall may provide relief lasting about 6 months.

Psoriasis is uncomfortable, itchy, and not exactly easy on the eyes. Luckily, this flaky skin condition could be a thing of the past thanks to Botox. Though psoriasis is technically incurable, Botox minimizes the activity of inflammatory cells that bring on outbreaks.

Excessive Sweating

For those who suffer from excessive sweating, however, summer isn’t always the sunniest time of the year. Thankfully, Botox could be a saving grace for those attempting to manage this condition, which is officially known as axillary hyperhidrosis. Studies show that just a handful of injections can reduce underarm sweat for up to TWO years. Um, where do we sign up?

Breast Lift
Are your breasts in need of a pick-me-up? Instead of going under the knife and getting permanent augmentation, some experts have suggested a quick and easy Botox lift.  Dr. Zannis says that, “Those looking for a modest improvement are said to be able to temporarily plump their assets thanks to injections into the pectoralis minor chest muscle.”


The benefits of Botox® may be more than skin deep; two recent studies suggest that it may help alleviate the symptoms of depression. In a study published in the May 2014 issue of the Journal of Psychiatric Research, more than half of participants who had moderate-to-severe depression showed a substantial improvement in depressive symptoms following one injection of Botox® between the brows. This improvement lasts longer than the cosmetic effects, suggesting that the effect may be more than just feeling better about your appearance. Botox® is not approved to treat depression.

Teeth Grinding

Injections of Botox® were used to control involuntary muscle tension and spasms long before it became the go-to wrinkle buster. Dr. Zannis says that, “these neurotoxin injections may weaken the chewing muscles enough to reduce bruxism (teeth grinding) without affecting your ability to chew, talk and smile. Results last about four months. Botox® is not yet approved to treat bruxism.”

Migraine Headache

Botox® is approved by the FDA to treat chronic migraine headaches in adults who have 15 or more headache-days a month, each lasting four hours or more. Studies that led to this indication show that BOTOX®® prevents up to nine headache-days a month (vs seven for dummy injections). Other research hints that the neurotoxin may also help with low cerebrospinal fluid headaches and cluster or “suicide” headaches.

 Brow Boost

Much like lines form over time, your brow may also drop or droop. Botox cosmetic treatments can also be used to improve the appearance of the brow. Dr. Zannis explains that, “the treatment essentially freezes the sagging muscles in place and gives the brow more stability. Lifting the brows in this way leaves you with a less tired and younger, fresher appearance.”

Jaw Reduction (off label use)

Botox can be used to perform jaw reduction (commonly called jaw line softening). Injecting Botox into the masseter muscle (the primary muscle used in chewing actions) reduces its overall size; transforming an overly square and masculine appearing jawline into a more feminine oval or heart shape. 

Dr. John Zannis is a New Bern, North Carolina board-certified plastic surgeon and best selling author. A graduate of Stanford University and The University of Cincinnati Medical College, he received his formal training in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina under the guidance of world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Louis Argenta. During this time, he performed over 5,000 surgical procedures and covered all aspects of plastic surgery including cosmetic surgery of the face and body, complex reconstructive procedures of face and body, cleft lip and palate surgery, hand surgery, facial and jaw fracture repair, and reconstruction following massive weight loss. He blends his interests and studies of classical art and symmetry to his surgery practices. Connect with him via twitter @JohnZannisMD or his website www.zannisplasticsurgery.com  

December 13, 2016

Expert Tips: Avoiding Uber Scams This Holiday Season


Office parties, family gatherings, special get-togethers with friends, and New Year’s Eve galas—‘tis the season of celebrations galore! It’s that time of year when the festivities, fun, and drinks flow freely. So RSVP and plan for a safe and sound ride home. With a tap of your smart phone, an Uber driver will get you from door-to-door safely. Uber is a transportation network in hundreds of cities worldwide that allows users to download an app, connect with a driver near them, and get a ride to their desired destination. For many people, Uber has become an alternative to taxi services. But be aware, some recent reports have warned of complaints ranging from non-Uber drivers picking up passengers and price hikes during peak times. Below, Justin Lavelle of PeopleLooker provides a few smart tips to help keep you safe and protected on your ride home:

Staying on Top of Common Uber Scams This Holiday Season

  • Always Use the Uber App. Remember there is no human interaction with Uber. Uber rides can only be requested through the Uber app, so never accept street solicitations from those claiming to be from Uber. The app is free and easy to download on your smart phone. If someone approaches you at an airport restaurant, or other location claiming to be Uber, tell them you’ve already reserved your ride.
  • Upfront Pricing and Unauthorized Charges. Uber uses something called “Upfront Pricing” that estimates the cost of your trip upfront and charges you for that amount. In many instances, the actual trip price and upfront price can be off by quite a bit and Uber pockets the overage. If you feel the difference is excessive, contact Uber support straight away. Also, Uber passengers have found additional charges to their account for trips they didn’t take. Always double check the amount charged to your credit card to confirm the amount is correct and to make sure the trips are valid.
  • Watch Out For Surge Pricing. Price increases often take place during major events like concerts, known closing times of bars and nightclubs, and holidays. While a quick ride at 2:00 on a Mondayafternoon might seem quite reasonable, if you try the same distance during a popular event, it’s very likely that you’ll end up paying several times the standard rate. Pay attention when reserving the ride or you may not even find out about the price increase until you receive your credit/debit card statement.
  • Wait for Your Driver Inside. Uber recommends that all passengers wait indoors in a safe spot until the driver arrives. The app offers a notification of the driver’s arrival. This feature helps keep you safe and provides an extra layer of protection against being solicited by a non-Uber driver.
  • Confirm Your Driver. Before getting into any car, always check that it is the correct car by confirming your driver’s car model, license plate, and name via the Uber app.
  • Choose Backseat Riding. If you’re riding solo, opt to sit in the backseat. This ensures you have the choice of exiting either side of the car to avoid moving traffic. It will also give you some space from the driver.
  • Monitor Your Trip. While enroute to your destination, monitor the trip in your app and share your trip details with friends and family so they know where you are and when you’ve arrived safely to your destination.
  • Be Leary If Your Driver Tells You That He Accepts Credit Cards Or Cash. With Uber, you never need to carry cash. Fares are charged to your payment information that’s on file.
  • Do Not Share Personal Information. Do not share your personal information with your driver, such as telephone number or personal information. There is no reason the driver would need this information.
  • File a Complaint for Unsatisfactory Service. If you felt your trip was unsatisfactory due to such things as a rude driver, threatening behavior, or reckless driving, contact Uber support and file a complaint. If you have a valid grievance, they will usually give you a ride credit as a compensation within 24 hours.
  • An Additional Word Of Advice. Don’t disregard security precautions when creating and using online accounts and apps. For example, scammers might take pricey Uber rides in various locations that are then charged to your Uber account. In some cases, they even might invent fake Uber driver­ accounts and charge nonexistent rides—called ghost rides—to your account.
Credit for Justin Lavelle of PeopleLooker

Justin Lavelle is Communications Director at PeopleLooker.com (https://www.peoplelooker.com). PeopleLooker is the fast, affordable, and easy way to access public records and search for people. Find out ages, marital status, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, criminal records, and more. PeopleLooker is a popular tool for online daters who use the app to check the background of potential dates.

November 9, 2016

Post Election Stress Disorder (P.E.S.D) 5 Signs You Have It and What to Do


Regardless of whom you voted for in the 2016 Presidential election, there is one thing we all can agree on. It was stressful! For the past year people have been heated on social media, blocking and un-friending those on “the other side.” Families have been arguing. Spouses have been at odds. Now that the election is over, one side will feel the stress associated with the loss. We spoke with Dr. Sanam Hafeez, NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, who shares the signs of Post Election Stress Disorder and what to do about it.

  1. Your stomach is in knots!

According to Dr. Hafeez, stressing out about the future of our country can certainly manifest in physical discomfort. When you ruminate about the worst-case scenario it can lead to stomach tension, nausea and lack of appetite. She advises to take a break from news coverage and discussing the election results. “You want to be informed but YOU want to be in control of the news you are seeking out. Select one media outlet that you want to get your news from. Check in the morning and then focus on what you have to do that day.”

  1. You can’t focus!

Your mind wanders and you keep worrying about the next 4 years of your life. These wandering thoughts lead to a lack of focus. Dr. Hafeez explains that when we are fixated on a thought and are in a state of worry, it is difficult to give full attention to anything else. Her advice, “go for a 30 minute walk, exercise, meditate by lying still focusing on your breath, color in a coloring book or get a ball and have a catch. You want to choose tasks that are repetitive, pleasurable, calming and don’t require a lot of focus.”

  1. You can’t sleep!

You’re tossing and turning and can’t seem to get to that deep level of sleep. “This is a true sign of anxiety and stress,” flags Dr. Hafeez. Sleep is when our bodies turn over cells, fight off illness and are fully relaxed. When stress disturbs sleep for a prolonged period of time, it can lead to a slew of illnesses including, depression and mental illness, heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.  “Avoid watching the news before bed as it can evoke worry and negative thoughts. Get into the practice of writing down all the things you appreciated that day so you calm down and drift off on a positive note.”

  1. You’re snippy with everyone!

You feel on edge and angry. Anything can set you off. Your cell phone doesn’t work and you throw it across the room. You’re screaming in traffic. You’re irritable at work and prefer the door to your office closed so you can avoid everyone. Dr. Hafeez explains that it is normal to have a short fuse when stressed. Unfortunately the people we love the most get the fallout from our stress. “Put yourself in a ‘time out.’ Notice what is setting you off and avoid it for a day or two. Book a spa massage, take a long bath, pamper yourself, cash in on some well needed ‘me time.’ Within hours your mood will shift, “offers Dr. Hafeez.

  1. You’re not in the mood for love.

When stressed it’s common for sexual desire to wane. When your mind is on other things the last thing you want to do is get romantic. According to Dr. Hafeez starting off with sensual touch is calming. “Simply being in the bed holding hands breathing for 2 minutes can work wonders. Don’t rule out sex, ease into it. Avoiding sex only adds another thing to be stressed about and sex is a stress reliever. You need those feel good brain chemicals to beat the stress,” she reminds us.

So try not to be bummed out and stressed out if your candidate didn’t nab the presidency. Things could be far worse. YOU could be President of the United States. Now THAT is something to be stressed about.

About the doctor:

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD is a NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, P.C. a neuropsychological, developmental and educational center in Manhattan and Queens. 

Dr. Hafeez masterfully applies her years of experience connecting psychological implications to address some of today’s common issues such as body image, social media addiction, relationships, workplace stress, parenting and psychopathology (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc…). In addition, Dr. Hafeez works with individuals who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disabilities, attention and memory problems, and abuse. Dr. Hafeez often shares her credible expertise to various news outlets in New York City and frequently appears on CNN and The Doctors.

Connect with her via twitter @comprehendMind or at www.comprehendthemind.com

November 3, 2016

A BEAUTIFUL MIND: Mental Workouts To Strengthen Your Brain


Have you ever walked into a room and forgot what you went in there for? Perhaps you lost your train of thought mid conversation after being distracted by a noise. Maybe you forgot a name or a number or to buy milk. We’re human! We forget things. However, the more we multitask, the less we focus and the verdict is out on how this affects our brains long term.

So how do we strengthen our brains? Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD a New York City based licensed neuropsychologist and teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College, shares how we can exercise our minds and master our memory. 

How do brain activities play a role in strengthening the brain?

Dr. Hafeez explains that just like physical exercise, brain exercises strengthen and keep the mind agile and active. “You have a cognitive reserve, a finite amount of memory, problem solving and visual motor even verbal reasoning skills that declines over time. The more you engage your brain, the longer you can hold on to your cognitive reserve,” explains Dr. Hafeez.

What are some brain-boosting activities someone could do before work?

There are a lot of activities one can do to boost your brain. Research shows that any stimulating activity will “boost” circulation and activate areas of the brain. According to Dr. Hafeez things like writing with your left hand, trying to remember phone numbers, doing mental math calculations, the daily crossword, or looking up a new word in the dictionary on a daily basis, helps your mind stretch in ways you can’t see but certainly feel. “The frustration that you feel when doing something that’s mentally taxing is when you know your brain is getting a workout. It’s good for you,” she says.

How do brain-boosting exercises help when it comes to work life?

There are a lot of websites and computer generated programs that offer memory training and visual spatial exercises. Dr. Hafeez suggests looking for puzzles, numerical sequences, and recall activities that can help boost processing speed, attention and memory. Just like your body, the more you do, the more your brain can stretch and accommodate.

How does doing these exercises before work enhance our performance?

“Doing something stimulating and challenging, before work, gets your brain geared up for the day. If you run two miles in the morning, walking seems like a stroll. Similarly, if you perform math calculations as you’re driving or insist on spelling words backwards for the fun of it will make the stuff you do at work every day seem like a breeze. It’ll make you more aware and vigilant not to mention focused and almost raring to keep moving from one task to the next,” Dr. Hafeez explains.

Can it enhance our performance in other areas of our lives? If so, which areas and why/how?

Mental health practitioners agree that over time, brain boosters such as learning a new language, a sport, a musical instrument, or painting, sewing, arts and crafts, boost the brain in bigger, more long-term ways. “It may even reduce or delay the onset on Alzheimer’s and other mental decline, again by strengthening the cognitive reserve. Brain exercises are good for one’s overall daily health and may actually protect one from more serious ailments. Daily smaller brain boosters can help with mental agility, daily memory, an active work and even social life, by helping increase attention, focus and creative, problem solving skills,” adds Dr. Hafeez.

About Dr. Sanam Hafeez:

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD is an NYC based licensed neuropsychologist. She is a teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and clinical director of the Comprehend the Mind Institutes in Manhattan and Queens. She was a long time child school psychologist. She specializes in providing neuropsychological, educational and developmental evaluations to both adults and children in her practice.  She works with individuals who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disabilities, autism, attention and memory problems, trauma and brain injury, abuse, childhood development and psychopathology (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc…) In addition, Dr. Hafeez serves as a medical expert for various news outlets and programs, and as an expert witness providing full evaluations and witness testimony to law firms and courts. Connect with her via twitter @comprehendMind or at www.comprehendthemind.com