November 2, 2016

4 Ways Your Cellphone Might Be Making You Ugly

Woman sending a text message on her mobile phone

Woman sending a text message on her mobile phone

Our cellphones have become so vital to our daily lives. Research has shown that the average person checks their phone 85 times a day and that we spend a total of five hours using our cellphones to browse the web or use apps. For many, our smartphone is the first thing we look at in the morning and the last thing we check at bedtime. Although quick glances at our phone may seem harmless, it can in fact be affecting us physically, mentally and emotionally. We caught up with some experts who help explain the ugly side of excessive cellphones use.

  1. Ugly posture.

When we look down at our cellphones we are straining our necks and slouching our shoulders. Doing this can cause some serious damage to our overall posture even leading us to lose up to an inch to an inch and a half of height. “I see up to 10 patients a week complaining of severe neck and shoulder pain. When asked how often they use their phones the typical response is all the time. When pain becomes chronic and severe, surgery has to be considered,” explains Dr. Richard Samperisi, CoFounder of Campus Chiropractic Center at Florida International University & Functional Medicine Practitioner.

  1. Ugly eye strain, bags and wrinkles.

Not only can staring at your phone all day cause serious neck and shoulder pain, the extreme use of our phones is leading to various eye conditions such as blurred vision, eye strain, headaches and dry eyes as well as to a condition they like to call “tech neck.” For those concerned with cosmetics and eye appearance constant squinting leads to wrinkles and under eye bags. New Bern, North Carolina plastic surgeon Dr. John Zannis explains that a combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures that address under eye bags, drooping and sagging usually range from 5 – $10,000 with a recovery time of up to 2 weeks. He’s also seen a rise in complaints about neck lines and wrinkling skin attributed to excessive cell phone use.

  1. Ugly skin.

Are you constantly struggling with breakouts around your cheeks or chin? Instead of blaming hormones, junk food or a bad skincare routine consider looking at the device in your hand. “Our cellphones are filled with bacteria. We are continuously touching them with dirty hands, throwing them in our bags, stuffing them in our pockets or putting them on counter tops. Then without even thinking twice we put our phones right up to our ears where all of that bacterium from those dirty areas wreak havoc on our face,” offers Board Certified Dermatologist Dr. Kaly Papantoniou.  She suggests frequently wiping the phone screen and using a face wash with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to rid bacteria from building up.

  1. Ugly Manners

We see people at restaurants who are more focused on snapping a pic of their meal than enjoying each other’s company. Our persistent use of our cellphones can be affecting our relationships with the people and world around us. “When we focus more on our digital lives rather than the individuals we are with; we are not only giving off the impression that we do not care about what they have to say, we are also letting valuable and meaningful moments pass us by,” explains Dr. Sanam Hafeez a New York City based neuropsychologist and teaching faculty at Columbia University. She suggests putting the phone down and even going cell free twice a week.

Give it a try and see how cutting down on your phone use can also cut down on the ugly.

About the doctors:

Dr. Richard J. Samperisi, DC, of Miami, Florida, is a New York Native who completed his Doctoral studies at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. His post-doctoral education focuses on functional medicine and clinical nutrition.

Dr. John Zannis is a New Bern, North Carolina board-certified plastic surgeon and best selling author. A graduate of Stanford University and The University of Cincinnati Medical College, he received his formal training in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Connect with him via twitter @JohnZannisMD or his website

Dr. Kaleroy (Kally) Papantoniou is a Cosmetic Dermatologist, Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology.  She is also a clinical instructor at Mount Sinai Health Center in New York City. Connect with Dr. Papantoniou via twitter @DrPapantoniou or her website

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD is a NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, P.C. a neuropsychological, developmental and educational center in Manhattan and Queens. Connect with her via twitter @comprehendMind or at

November 1, 2016

7 Not So Junky Junk Foods to Grab on the Go


Road trips, gas stops, no time for lunch; we’ve all found ourselves at the convenience store for a fast bite on the go. While a bag of chips or chocolate bar may be an option we later regret; there are fast bites that can actually offer some health benefits. Dr. Christopher Calapai a board certified expert in osteopathic medicine specializing in longevity offers some junk food options to consider the next time there’s no time for an actual meal.

  1. Blue M&M’s and Blue Gatorade

Don’t get the blues about all food dyes. From candy to sports drinks, the unnatural colors of foods today can make you cringe at the thought of what’s making them colored. But, not all colored dyes are as bad as you may think. Research done by scientists at the University of Rochester found that Brilliant Blue G (BBG), found in blue M & M’s and blue Gatorade, could help reduce damage from spine injuries. When BBG was injected into lab rats with spinal cord injuries, it sped up their recovery time and ability to walk.

  1. Cheeze Whiz?? No way!!

Fat isn’t always a bad word.  The FDA has stated that not only are all trans fats not bad, some are actually good for you. Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs), although high in calories can help fight cancer, weight gain, diabetes and arthritis. It’s hard to believe, but CLAs are found in Cheese Whiz.

  1. Pork Rinds

Just the words pork rinds sound like instant heart attack. However did you know they are a fantastic source of protein? A one-ounce serving of this fried snack has seventeen grams of protein, seven times the amount of found in a serving of potato chips. Plus, 43% of the fat found in pork rinds come from oleic acid, the same healthy fat found in olive oil.

  1. Beer

Some studies have found that beer can actually help increase bone mineral density because it contains silicon, making bones stronger and less likely to fracture. A Harvard University study found that beer could prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of stroke. Italian researchers found that beer can raise HDL, the good cholesterol in your body. Opt for a light beer with fewer calories to avoid that full feeling.

  1. Graham Crackers

They are the next best things to cookies if you’re trying to keep your health in mind. Graham crackers contain much less sugar than regular cookies and are still sweet enough to satisfy a craving. Plus, they are made with flour that undergoes a special milling process, preserving more of the whole wheat than in usual milling.

  1. Popcorn

This is a snack that gets two thumbs up. Popcorn is packed with fiber and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help to protect us from heart disease and certain cancers. Surprisingly, popcorn has more iron than eggs and spinach! It is also gluten-free, which makes it an option for those with Celiac Disease and other gluten allergies. Lastly, popcorn is mostly air. This means it fills you up, helping to stave off hunger cravings.

  1. Beef Jerky

Forget about the leather-tasting jerky of years past, today’s gourmet jerky is delicious and can be healthy. Beef Jerky, just like its non-dried version of meat, is high in protein, iron and zinc. It, also, contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Be sure to look for natural beef jerky as the newer gourmet styles that are packed with flavor and free of nitrates.

About the Doctor:

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the “The Stem Cell Guru” by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson’s. He has worked with Mike TysonMickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham’s, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at

October 31, 2016

Morning, Afternoon, and Night… Which Foods Will Do You Right?


From the Pros: 

Before you grab that morning cup of coffee on an empty stomach, that lunchtime slice of pizza, or indulge in a steak dinner or ice cream while watching TV, understand that what you eat and when you eat it can lead to stomach upset. It can also trigger more severe issues in your gut. On the flip side, there are some foods that when eaten at certain times of day may soothe already existing stomach issues or may even prevent stomach ailments from occurring down the line. We spoke with Dr. Gina Sam Assistant Professor in the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York who offers insights on what and when to eat certain foods for a healthy gut.

Best Bets for Morning


It’s important to start the day with a healthy breakfast that factors in stomach health. Probiotics found in Greek yogurt is ideal as it regulates the growth of harmful bacteria that grown in the digestive tract. Probiotics also keep colon lining healthy as it breaks through gastric acid and gets to the colon. In 2015 a study published in the The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology showed that yogurt might improve intestinal function for those with inflammatory bowel disease. Those who are lactose intolerant can enjoy lactose free yogurt.


Oatmeal is a great bet for breakfast and can be topped with blueberries another gut friendly food. Oatmeal doesn’t cause acid reflux. It soothes any morning stomach upset and regulates bowel movements.  

Fresh Fruit 

Honeydew, cantaloupe, and watermelon are great options for those sensitive to reflux. Bananas help restore potassium, electrolytes and normal bowel function, especially if you have diarrhea. Bananas are also high in fiber, which is great for digestion.

The Lunchtime Lowdown


Eating leafy greens daily is a great for digestion. Lunchtime salads that include grilled salmon; chicken or turkey won’t cause reflux and will be easily digestible throughout the afternoon. If you are sensitive to acid then you will want to avoid onions or tomatoes and for some even the seeds in cucumbers can trigger a bout of stomach cramping. Be careful with lemon juice and vinegar in salad dressings, which can promote reflux. Try adding fennel with arugula and baby spinach along with parsley. Parsley is known to help digestion and settles the stomach.


This delicious Korean coleslaw is made primarily with cabbage, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. Also cabbage helps to eliminate waste regulating bowl movements. Home made sauerkraut is also a delicious option but be mindful if you are sensitive to spicy foods. This is why it is best to make your own so you can regulate the amount of spice.

Mediterranean Plates

Lunchtime is optimal for grilled veggies, legumes such as lentils with olive oil along with grilled fish or chicken. Preparing a plate of various whole grains, cauliflower, carrots, figs and pears are all great sources of fiber for the mid day.

A Digestible Dinner

You really want to focus on ease of digestion at dinnertime. Foods that are high fat

can overwhelm the stomach, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. Steatorrhea or pale colored stool is excess fat in the feces. People with IBS fare better when they avoid high fat foods. That said here are some options for a healthy gut.


Grilled Fish

Cold-water fish such as salmon, halibut, or tuna when grilled in olive oil are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which can address any inflammation in the digestive tract. According to a 2014 study featured in the World Journal of Clinical Cases, omega-3’s were sites as being beneficial to those with ulcerative colitis.

Grilled Chicken with Couscous or Brown Rice

Chicken another lean meat that offers protein and is easy to digest goes great with couscous or brown rice especially if you tend to get acid reflux after late meals. Another option for a side dish is guacamole or avocado slices with lime. Artichokes also feed the good bacteria in your gut as does asparagus and lentils.

Stomach Friendly Snacking

When it comes to snacking there are several options you can reach for. Granny smith apples with almond butter, baby carrots and hummus, hallowed out cucumber and cottage cheese, kale and zucchini chips and assorted nuts (not peanuts) are all healthy and good for the gut.

You know your body best. Pay close attention to what agrees with you at varying times of the day and if you notice changes in how you take to certain foods see your doctor.


About Dr. Gina Sam: 

Dr. Gina Sam, MD/MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York. She is the Director of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center specializing in achalasia, gastroesophageal reflux, functional disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroparesis, and anorectal disorders including pelvic floor dyssnergia and fecal incontinence.

In addition, she does practice General Gastroenterology including colon cancer screening with colonoscopy. She also has a special interest in Women’s Health Issues.
Dr. Sam graduated from Tufts University School of Medicine with her medical degree and her Master’s in Public Health with a concentration in Community Health in 2003. She has established the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center at Mount Sinai Medical Center providing a multidisciplinary approach to motility and Functional gastrointestinal disorders.

October 9, 2016

What’s Aging You? Pollution? Sugar? Exercise?


From the pros:

Add Heliocare® Daily Use Antioxidant Formula to your daily routine to help skin protect against the damaging effects of free radicals*

Aging happens to us all. It’s inevitable, but it’s also complicated. First of all there are two different kinds of aging: Intrinsic (think: genetics) and Extrinsic (think: environmental and lifestyle related factors). Unfortunately, extrinsic factors like pollution, sun exposure, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, smoking and even exercise all include elements that produce free radicals.


A free radical is a molecule that’s missing at least one electron, causing it to be negatively charged. In an effort to remain neutral, free radicals seek electrons from healthy cells. This process leaves healthy cells damaged, and sets off a chain reaction. Unfortunately, free radicals are a part of our everyday life and high levels of free radicals in the body have been linked to a number of medical conditions and premature aging.1

Pollution as an extrinsic factor is specifically concerning. And the ozone may be a primary cause of skin damage related to pollution. As described in a recent NY Times article, “Ozone, the toxic gas formed when UV light hits mono-nitrogen oxides (basically, combustion exhaust), is suspected by some to be one of the primary causes of pollution-related skin damage. (Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs UV rays, and so is protective against skin cancer. But ground-level ozone has been linked to respiratory problems.)”2 The ozone oxidizes lipids in the skin causing damaging inflammation, breaking down of the skin barrier and causing DNA-damaging effects.

Fortunately, you don’t have to permanently stay indoors or give up on your fitness goals; you can help neutralize free radicals by introducing antioxidants into your daily routine.3 The goal is for the number of antioxidants in the body to outnumber free radicals in the body. So in addition to a healthy, antioxidant-rich diet, consider adding a dietary supplement, like Heliocare Daily Use Antioxidant Formula to your daily routine to help your skin protect itself from the damaging effects of free radicals.*

Heliocare Daily Use Antioxidant Formula is a natural oral dietary supplement with a powerful antioxidant formula. It is derived from the extract of Polypodium leucotomos (PLE), a tropical fern native to Central and South America that has been used for centuries as a remedy for skin related conditions. The antioxidant properties in this supplement help skin protect against the damaging effects of free radicals and help to maintain younger-looking, more resilient skin.*

Heliocare retails for $29.99 and can be purchased at Walgreens locations nationwide. For more information, please visit or


October 9, 2016

Lies you are likely to hear for thyroid disease



It is not easy to get direct information regarding thyroid. There is some important information needed to know about thyroid. With the following factors, you will come to know about possible lies usually said from practitioners.

  • Check Whether You’re your levels Are Normal:

If your TSH level remains normal, then you are said to have between the ranges .5 to 5.0. If your TSH level remains lower, you will come under either of case hyperthyroid or overactive. Since the year 2002, both American Association of clinical Endocrinologists and National Academy of clinical Bio-chemistry recommended that normal range as in between ranges .3 to 3.0. More number of doctors has not switched over to new standards and range yet. As you doctor says you are in normal level, you are needed to ask about his tool to find normal level.

  • Use iodine:

Natural health practitioners could not understand about thyroid function. If you are deficient to iodine, Iodine will help you to get thyroid. For some people, iodine deficiency may be a factor in thyroid problem. For some people, iodine or iodine involved products may keep autoimmune problems in worse condition. If you are said to really have thyroid deficiency, you are necessary to show attention towards symptoms which develop after consumption of iodine.

  • Have Graves Disease and needed to take Radioactive Iodine Treatment:

As it is a time to auto-immune thyroid disease, hashimoto disease, it may result in Hypothyroidism. At few stages of Hashimoto disease, during earlier stages, thyroid is in the process of auto immune failure. There are some temporary hyper-thyroid symptoms named such as anxiety, heart palpitations, fast pulse, weight loss, diarrhea, insomnia and etc. People fall under these cases should initially visit doctor.

Some doctors ask you to verify blood test to check TSH level. Based on this result, you may be asked to undergo radioactive iodine treatment. It is a permanent treatment to completely off thyroid from body. In few cases, unless hyperthyroid becomes serious problem, the expensive radiation treatment is necessary to be taken.

  • Base Temperature Can Diagnose Hypothyroid:

If a body is remained in lower temperature, simply you no need to make use of diagnostic tool. It is going to never work. In medical terms, it simply defines that thyroid problem is said to have direct impact on metabolic rate. Few practitioners believe that body temperature is an important diagnostic tool to say about thyroid.

The diagnostic tool is still being used in complementary methods.

In order to take measurement of BBT, it is good to use oral glass thermometer. For glass thermometers, the method to use is, it should be shaken well. Readings should be continued with this thermometer for consecutive days.

If average BBT remains below than 97.6 F, it is better to undergo diagnosis treatment. An average BBT should fall in between 97.2 and 98.2. Temperature from 97.6 to 98 F is said to be the proof of hypothyroid. The application of base temperature measurement should be a part of testing. 

  • Synthroid Is Only Treatment For Hypothyroid:

Synthroid is a brand name for levothyroxine. It is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone thyroxine. Synthroid is also known as lenothyroxine drug. Synthroid is almost said to be most   expensive levothyroxine. Other brands are said to be less expensive and remains in same level in terms of effectiveness. Synthroid includes levoxyl, levothroid and unithroid. Some patients find that they could find results with anyone. The general name for thyroid is T 3 hormone. Brand used for is Cytomel. While you add T3 to levothyroxine, it has been believed that it helps better in releasing symptoms in more effective manner.

The last common prescribed drug includes T4 and T3 for thyroid.

Photo credit: World Health Org.

October 4, 2016

Go Bananas Over Bananas


It’s no surprise that bananas are a fruit favorite around the world, packed with nutrients and antioxidants, rich in fiber and low in fat, they are little powerhouses of good nutrition. In our never-ending quest to stay healthy without sacrificing our taste buds, bananas are a clear go-to and they are quite versatile. Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O. a highly accredited New York City anti-aging and stem cell specialist, and long-time nutrition advisor to the New York Rangers hockey team explains, “Bananas are packed with health benefits throughout every stage of their lives, from green to fully ripe. As the banana ripens some of these health benefits change, making it a rare fruit that is enjoyable in many forms.”

Typically when we think of bananas we think of a lunch-box addition or a quick on-the-go snack, more so than a cooking staple? Here are 5 healthy ways to incorporate bananas into your meals and the health benefits of each.

When they’re green…

Fill Up on Mashed Plantains.

Green bananas are often referred to as plantains, they are not sweet like ripe bananas and they contain most of their fiber in the form of resistant starch. “Plantains are rich in starches that regulate appetite,” says Dr. Calapai. “Resistant starch may even slow stomach emptying, making you feel full longer and thus reducing the urge to eat sooner after a meal.”

Bonus! Mashed plantains could not be easier to whip up. Simply peel and cut the green plantains into chunks and boil in a full pot of water for 20-30 minutes or until tender, then mash with a fork until they achieve the consistency of mashed potatoes. Sautee garlic and onions in olive oil and add to the plantains along with salt and pepper and any other seasonings you enjoy. You can serve the dish with fish, chicken or meat, sprinkle with bacon bits or eat plain.

Satisfy your craving for something salty, crunchy with plantain chips.

“All bananas, green, ripe or in between are very low in calories, about 105 per fruit” explains Calapai “So you can get away with frying them in your choice of light, heart-healthy oil.” Plantain chips are a great snack or side dish and are also incredibly simple to whip up. Peel the plantain completely and cut off about half an inch on both ends, then thinly slice the rest of the plantain into chips. When the oil is piping hot fry your chips until golden and salt to taste. Voila!

When they’re semi-ripe…

Eat “Maduros” for younger, healthy skin. 

“Maduro” (pronounced mah-doo-row) means “ripe” in Spanish and it’s what Latin Americans call this tasty plantain dish. You can eat plantains this way once they are very yellow and spotted, or have turned fully black. Simply peel, cut into thick diagonal slices and deep fry until golden brown in heart-healthy oil. Bonus! “Bananas at any stage of ripeness are very rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant also known as called ascorbic acid,” says board certified dermatologist Dr. Kally Papantoniou. “Vitamin C assists in collagen production, which keeps your skin healthy and also blocks free-radical damage which is believed to potentially contribute to the aging process.”

When they’re ripe…

Manage blood sugar with a banana smoothie.

This one takes five minutes and a blender. Cut up two nice yellow, ready to eat bananas into chunks, add milk or yogurt of your preferred variety, some ice, and blend until thick! “Bananas have shown by studies to possibly regulate blood sugar as they are very moderate in the glycemic index, meaning they don’t cause dangerous spikes to your blood sugar levels,” says Dr. Calapai “Having a good banana smoothie for breakfast or as an afternoon snack, as opposed to high-sugar options make sure you are balanced throughout the day.”

Amp up the flavor!

If simply eating a banana starts to get boring amp up the flavor with a healthy pairing. Cut up your banana into chunks and add a healthy spoonful of peanut butter, sprinkle with some almonds or cinnamon, or mix with some dark chocolate chunks!

Bananas are a great, affordable way to add some goodness into your meal plan. Enjoy!

October 3, 2016

Tips for Going Natural & Healthy this Halloween, While Still Keeping it Fun


MIAMI, Florida – (October 3, 2016) – According to the National Retail Federation, roughly $7 billion will be spent on the Halloween season. A good portion of that money will go to candy purchases, which will be given away to the tens of millions of trick-or-treaters who take to the community streets and neighborhood parties. Armed with a bag full of candy, many parents worry about whether or not their child is getting a sugar overload as this yearly holiday makes its way through their home. The good news is that there are ways that people can help make Halloween more natural and healthy.

“Halloween is an exciting time for kids, so the last thing we want to do is take away their fun,” explains Dr. Bruno Sharp, a fourth-generation dentist who created a line of products called Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care, and is celebrating his 10th year as a Natural Oral Care provider. “We can still keep it fun and yet make it healthier. Most kids may not even realize that parents took steps to make it more natural.”

Dr. Sharp offers these tips for going natural and healthy this Halloween:

  • Prior to Halloween, visit your dentist to have sealants put onto your kids’ teeth to seal and protect the enamel grooves, avoiding dental decay.
  • Give your children a good nutritious meal before they go trick-or-treating. Mashed pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and a great snack. If they are not hungry while trick-or-treating, they will be less likely to try and fill up on empty calories and sugar.
  • Try to avoid all unnecessary sugar that day. That way, if they do have a few treats later, they won’t run the risk of overdosing on sweets.
  • Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by you.
  • Supervise your children to have their teeth brushed and flossed immediately after consuming Halloween candy and right before bed.
  • Parents who are handing out treats to trick-or-treaters or donating snacks for parties should opt for non-sugary foods, such as individual bags of crackers, granola bars, or fruit leather.
  • Encourage kids to walk when they are trick-or-treating, so they get some exercise as they gather their treats.
  • Make sure your children use high quality, natural non-fluoride toothpaste.
  • If your child gets a large amount of candy, encourage them to keep half of it and donate the other half to a shelter, sell it to a dentist office candy buy-back, or give it to one of the organizations that sends it to U.S. troops overseas.

“Healthier Halloweens are not only simple to do, but your child will grow accustomed to them and it will become the norm,” added Dr. Sharp. “You will be helping them establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime.”

Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care product line includes children’s toothpaste, adult toothpaste, fresh mint mouthwash, and dental tape. All products are safe to use, made in the USA, and are metal free, gluten-free, have no artificial colors or flavors, are vegan, non-GMO, alcohol-free, fluoride-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free. Plus, they help whiten teeth and have xylitol, which is a natural sweetener that also helps to fight off cavities. The products are safe for the entire family. To learn more about Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care products or see where they can be purchased, visit the site at:

About Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care

Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care is a line of natural oral care products that were created by a fourth-generation dentist. All products are made from natural, safe non-GMO ingredients, and are made in the USA. The product line includes toothpastes for children and adults, mouthwash, and dental tape. For more information, visit the site at: Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @drsharpnaturaloralcare

September 23, 2016

From the Pros: 5 Common Things That Happen When You Lose A Noticeable Amount Of Weight


5 Common Things That Happen When You Lose A Noticeable Amount Of Weight 


Whenever someone chooses to commit to a weight loss journey, it’s not just a physical transformation that happens, but a mental transformation as well. Regardless of how long it takes for people to reach their goal weight, there are significant things that occur along the way that impact their body image and confidence. For all of the positive reinforcement once receives, they might also notice some negativity or odd reactions from those they are close to. Read on for tips and insights from leading experts that will offer clarity and solutions for anyone seeking to transform or who already has.

  1. You shed friends along with pounds.

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD a NYC based licensed neuropsychologist, a teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College, explains that, “It is normal to lose friends as you lose pounds. As you see the payoff from the lifestyle changes you’ve made you may feel disconnected with friends who may still eat and drink things you no longer do. You’re evolving,” offers Dr. Hafeez. She also adds that, “It’s common to notice jealousy, and digs. You may even experience exclusion from dinners out presuming you wouldn’t want to indulge.”

Have faith that your true friends will love you at any size. “It will actually be difficult to tolerate any gossip, negativity or activities that are counterproductive. The last thing you need are people who bring you down when you are doing something positive for your well being. Look out for yourself. At times that may mean distancing from certain people,” advises Dr. Hafeez.

  1. Loose skin becomes the new thing you notice.Once you reach your goal weight, you may love how you look in clothes but naked in or a bathing suit is a whole other story. This is most common when weight loss is significant. Even when weight training is part of the regimen, loose skin does happen.

Dr. John Zannis a board certified plastic surgeon based in New Bern, North Carolina frequently sees and treats patients who went through a weight loss transformation. According to Dr. Zannis, “Loose skin can gather at the stomach, under arms, breasts, buttocks, inner thighs, face and neck. The more significant the weight-loss is, say 50 pounds and above, the more likely a plastic surgeon is sought out to explore body lifts that specifically address loose skin after weight-loss.”

  1. You have more energy, are excited about life and can do more!

As you change your diet, add daily exercise to your new lifestyle and see the weight melt off, you gain energy! You don’t feel the need to hit the snooze button anymore. You may wake up energized for that 7am powerwalk or you may be inspired by that beautiful new dress you get to wear to work, another dress size dropped. Yay!

“Use newfound energy to your advantage, encourages Dr. Hafeez, your brain is forming new neuropathways as your perception about your body starts to change. That flight of stairs that was once an obstacle is much easier. Simple things like putting on shoes, picking up toys and pushing a vacuum are done with ease. As you take notice of what your body can do, you gain more confidence and want to do more. This energizes you both physically and mentally,” she adds.

  1. Shopping gets interesting.

It is common to get overwhelmed with options now that you can shop the way you always dreamed of.  Perhaps your new strong, shapely legs have inspired you to wear dresses again for the first time in years. Or after always covering your arms, you may opt for sleeveless tops. Either way, trying new looks outside of your comfort zone can be daunting. Dr. Hafeez advises to, shop on your own or with someone you really trust. “It is important that shopping is made to be fun by approaching it as a style experiment. Don’t expect everything to look perfect just because you are a much smaller size. Some things will work, others won’t. Look for clothes that feel good. When you smile in the mirror that’s a sign you’re on track.” 

  1. You make yourself, your health and well being top priority and start to inspire others.

When you lose a noticeable amount of weight other people want to know how you did it and how you are keeping the weight off. Your immediate family may also adapt to your dietary changes and experience weight loss by association. When your kids see you wake up every morning to exercise they see that anything worth having requires commitment. Your significant other may be inspired to also lose weight. “When you take care of yourself and are in a positive mindset, it has a positive impact on everyone you interact with. When the mind and body are aligned you love the way you look and feel, you’re happy and someone others can look up to.”

For information on Dr. Sanam Hafeez visit:

For information on Dr. John Zannis visit:

September 15, 2016

Pro Advice from Dr. Zach Bush: Are Probiotics Really Helping?


Dr. Zach Bush

Probiotics taught us that bacteria is good for your health but it hasn’t proven to be a long lasting solution to gut problems.  A healthy gut needs more than probiotics.  It needs dirt.

Dr. Zach Bush, a triple board certified physician with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism, Hospice and Palliative Care, has the facts on what probiotics actually are, what they can do for you and other solutions for your gut health instead.

Probiotics can:
.    Have a positive “reset” effect on the gut
.    Prevent bad bacteria from taking over
.    Provide great short-term benefits, like after an antibiotic wipe out

Probiotics can also:
.    Overwhelm the gut eco-system with one species of bacteria, creating a monoculture
.    Build a temporary environment in your system on a daily basis because they can’t colonize the human gut
.    Cause you to feel worse if you forget or stop taking them

Probiotics don’t:
.    Increase tight junction function, the velcro-like proteins that allow the body to absorb the nutrients it needs and block the toxins it doesn’t
.    Produce a healthier, diverse ecosystem of bacteria
.    Generate communication between your gut and its cells

Even if you eat a clean, non-GMO, gluten-free, and organic diet, you are still susceptible to air, water, and food contaminated with herbicides called glyphosate which you may have heard of.  These herbicides can damage tight junctions which block toxins and lock in nutrients.

Nature has it’s own antidote to glyphosate discovered in unspoiled, ancient soil 10 feet below the southwest desert.  This soil is proven to increase tight junctions to promote a healthy internal firewall, which helps create a more resilient system by supporting gut health, respiratory wellness, balanced immune function, and enhanced mental clarity in the face of environmental factors.   RESTORE is a new soil-based liquid supplement available at GNC,, thousands of health practitioners offices and soon be at Walgreens and Organic Avenue.

Dr. Bush is available to explain the science behind the need for dirt.


September 15, 2016

The Path to Recovery after Intimate Cosmetic Surgery


Plastic surgery of the labia, commonly referred to as labiaplasty, is a procedure that’s done on an outpatient basis on women who would like to change the appearance of their labia. They may, for example, want to make their labia symmetrical, or they may want to make it smaller. If you’ve decided that this is a procedure that you need, the key is to work with an experienced doctor, such as David Ghozland, to ensure the procedure will go smoothly and safely and that you’ll get the results that you want.

One of the most common questions regarding labiaplasty has to do with the recovery after the surgery. Keep reading to learn more about what you can expect, and how long it will take to recover from this procedure.

What to Expect

After your procedure is complete, you might experience a bit of swelling and discomfort. This should resolve completely, however, after about one or two weeks. Also, any labial incisions that were made will typically heal very well, and they’ll rarely ever be noticeable.

Taking Care of Yourself

Once you’re back home after your labiaplasty is complete, you need to take good care of yourself and follow your doctor’s orders closely. Keep in mind that everyone will react differently to the same surgery, and your body will have its own speed at which it recovers, so patience is key.

Also, because the labia are sensitive, you may need painkillers in the days following the procedure, especially while the labia are bruised, sore, and swollen, which can make urinating and sitting uncomfortable.

To reduce swelling, you can apply cold compresses to the area, and you can also relieve some discomfort by wearing loose clothing. Maintaining an extremely high standard of hygiene is also imperative in order to keep the area from becoming infected. You should rinse your vagina each time you use the bathroom, and showering twice a day is recommended as well.

Returning to Work

Following a labiaplasty, you can probably go back to work after about three or four days. You should, however, still take care of yourself by avoiding thongs, tampons, and sex for roughly six weeks.

If any problems arise at any point in time during your healing process, whether you’re at home or at work, contact your doctor immediately.

Total Healing

Even though you can go back to work fairly quickly after a labiaplasty, you should still limit physical activity, such as exercise, for about a month. And even though the swelling and discomfort should subside within two weeks, total healing and total recovery could take as long as three months. Your doctor will know best, however, and can specifically tell you how long you should expect the recovery to take.

Before getting a labiaplasty, be sure to get the facts so that you can know what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. It will take quite a bit of time for your body to heal and get back to normal, but once you’re all better, you’ll love the results.