Search Results for: weight

June 12, 2017

Wine & Weight

Now that the weather is great, we tend to congregate by a body of water with a chilled bottle of wine but how do we enjoy those glasses of wine and stay on track with our diet?   Here are a few things you can do so that you can enjoy those nice evenings with your friends while sipping some wine.

  1. Know calories – Find out the calories in the wine(s) you drink. I know it’s not sexy but Moo Moo’s aren’t sexy either.  Check the internet for the calories of your favorite wines, I would go with your top 5, make note of it and when you go out ask for that wine so there are no surprises.
  2. Drink in moderation – Two (2) or more glasses of wine in one night is considered a heavy drinker for a woman.  For men, it’s three (3) or more glasses.  Women who drink about four drinks or more at one event (at least once a month) have larger waists than do moderate drinkers.  So, try not to hit your max drinking limit in one night.  Have that glass of wine, sip on it, fellowship and enjoy your friends.
  3. Choose Red –  Drink dark, dry red wine if you can.  Studies have shown that there is a compound in red wine that can block the growth of fat cells.  Red wine can increase your good cholesterol levels, improve digestion and metabolism. Go big red!

Proceed to the nearest body of water and grab that bottle of red wine, pour yourself a drink, sit back with your friends, watch the sunset and enjoy those beautiful evenings.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence Coach on  Fit Mind, Fit Body and Fit Spirit. 

June 12, 2017

Benefits of Weight lifting for Women

Back in the 80’s Jane Fonda, Richard Simmons and Denise Austin ruled with their aerobic workouts and women were moving.  We started buying matching leg warmers and head bands and kicking and screaming like the rest of the women. It was a movement that got us moving for sure, however we are now in the 21st century and we need to build on that aerobic phase.  While we are doing all those aerobic exercises we are burning fat and muscle but let me tell you what you can do that will burn almost only fat (even around that belly) lifting weights.  Yes, ladies it time to pick up some dumbbells and lift.  Here are just a few benefits to lifting weights.

  1. You burn more calories – while you burn calories doing aerobics once you stop exercising you stop burning calories.  However, when you are done lifting weights your body will continue to burn calories.  Do you hear me?  You can be reading this blog and burning calories.  You can be watching TV and burning calories.  You can be eating and burning calories.  I think you get it.  If you lift weights your body will burn more calories.
  1. Stronger bones – Lifting weights will make your bones stronger more dense.  The more you lift you are decreasing your risk of osteoporosis.  You can also improve muscle mass and balance. You don’t want to be the lady in the commercial “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”.
  2. Mood Stabilizer – When you lift weights your body releases endorphins which I call natures happy pill.  Endorphins can enhance your mood, fight depression, reduce stress and anxiety.  Lifting weight can put you in a better mood and help you get your happy back.

Like in the 80’s the aerobic movement was big, let’s make lifting weights the big thing in the 21st century for women.  Go ahead run to the store and buy yourself a matching set of dumbbells.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence Coach on  Fit Mind, Fit Body and Fit Spirit. 

May 7, 2017

Weight Watchers Diet – Lose Weight And Feel Great

If there was a weight loss plan that allowed you to:

  • Lose weight safely and permanently.
  • Be rewarded you for weight loss.
  • Follow easy plans and
  • Be part of a community that helped you in your fitness goals..

..would you not love to be part of such a plan?

Well, you do not have to wait and look around anymore because the Weight Watchers diet is all this and more.

Holistic approach

The Weight Watchers diet is all about your whole health status. Yes, weight loss is a central aim but overall health is of paramount importance. This approach extends to their diet plans as well. It is, therefore, all about:

  • Making healthier eating choices.
  • Making behavioral changes that help.
  • Focusing on nutritional values of food items.
  • Allowing an individual to eat whatever they want but
  • Making eating a smart and points-based activity.

How does it work?

Every food has a value assigned by the Weight Watchers diet program. It is known as SmartPoints® and it is based on a combination of sugar, protein content, saturated fats and calories of course. You have to follow a certain budget and choose foods according to the same and keep going on your path to fitness.

There are also FitPoints® that you can notch up when you indulge in specific exercises such as walking, gardening and so on. Everything can be synchronized with your fitness device and your Weight Watchers account. You can reference and keep track of your exercise, weight loss, nutrition goals and so on.

What’s interesting?

The Weight Watchers diet differs from most other diet plans in one major area – it does not forbid anything. So, go ahead, eat whatever you want.


The rider is that you stay within your SmartPoints target. You are allowed meet a daily target and you can choose to spend your SmartPoints on alcohol and desserts, fruits and veggies or ice creams and cakes. Interesting isn’t it? Obviously, low-calorie foods and healthy options cost fewer points.

How easy is it?

There are two main aspects to this diet that make it pretty easy to follow:

  • Nothing is taboo when it comes to food.
  • It is aimed at the long-term weight loss goal.

There is nothing drastic about this plan. So, you will find yourself making long-term habit changes over a course of time which makes it easier to stay within a healthy eating pattern.

Mental and physical

Weight loss is not just the physical aspect of life. Here is where the Weight Watchers diet scores high over a large number of diets out there. With their ‘Beyond the Scale’ program, Weight Watchers has been able to get people around to knowing and internalizing the fact that weight loss takes place only when they eat healthy, choose personalized fitness plans and make changes to their mindset as well.

This kind of overall program helps people make consistently healthy choices rather than weaving in and out of healthy and unhealthy eating. The weight loss is sustained and made permanent too.

September 23, 2016

From the Pros: 5 Common Things That Happen When You Lose A Noticeable Amount Of Weight


5 Common Things That Happen When You Lose A Noticeable Amount Of Weight 


Whenever someone chooses to commit to a weight loss journey, it’s not just a physical transformation that happens, but a mental transformation as well. Regardless of how long it takes for people to reach their goal weight, there are significant things that occur along the way that impact their body image and confidence. For all of the positive reinforcement once receives, they might also notice some negativity or odd reactions from those they are close to. Read on for tips and insights from leading experts that will offer clarity and solutions for anyone seeking to transform or who already has.

  1. You shed friends along with pounds.

Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD a NYC based licensed neuropsychologist, a teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College, explains that, “It is normal to lose friends as you lose pounds. As you see the payoff from the lifestyle changes you’ve made you may feel disconnected with friends who may still eat and drink things you no longer do. You’re evolving,” offers Dr. Hafeez. She also adds that, “It’s common to notice jealousy, and digs. You may even experience exclusion from dinners out presuming you wouldn’t want to indulge.”

Have faith that your true friends will love you at any size. “It will actually be difficult to tolerate any gossip, negativity or activities that are counterproductive. The last thing you need are people who bring you down when you are doing something positive for your well being. Look out for yourself. At times that may mean distancing from certain people,” advises Dr. Hafeez.

  1. Loose skin becomes the new thing you notice.Once you reach your goal weight, you may love how you look in clothes but naked in or a bathing suit is a whole other story. This is most common when weight loss is significant. Even when weight training is part of the regimen, loose skin does happen.

Dr. John Zannis a board certified plastic surgeon based in New Bern, North Carolina frequently sees and treats patients who went through a weight loss transformation. According to Dr. Zannis, “Loose skin can gather at the stomach, under arms, breasts, buttocks, inner thighs, face and neck. The more significant the weight-loss is, say 50 pounds and above, the more likely a plastic surgeon is sought out to explore body lifts that specifically address loose skin after weight-loss.”

  1. You have more energy, are excited about life and can do more!

As you change your diet, add daily exercise to your new lifestyle and see the weight melt off, you gain energy! You don’t feel the need to hit the snooze button anymore. You may wake up energized for that 7am powerwalk or you may be inspired by that beautiful new dress you get to wear to work, another dress size dropped. Yay!

“Use newfound energy to your advantage, encourages Dr. Hafeez, your brain is forming new neuropathways as your perception about your body starts to change. That flight of stairs that was once an obstacle is much easier. Simple things like putting on shoes, picking up toys and pushing a vacuum are done with ease. As you take notice of what your body can do, you gain more confidence and want to do more. This energizes you both physically and mentally,” she adds.

  1. Shopping gets interesting.

It is common to get overwhelmed with options now that you can shop the way you always dreamed of.  Perhaps your new strong, shapely legs have inspired you to wear dresses again for the first time in years. Or after always covering your arms, you may opt for sleeveless tops. Either way, trying new looks outside of your comfort zone can be daunting. Dr. Hafeez advises to, shop on your own or with someone you really trust. “It is important that shopping is made to be fun by approaching it as a style experiment. Don’t expect everything to look perfect just because you are a much smaller size. Some things will work, others won’t. Look for clothes that feel good. When you smile in the mirror that’s a sign you’re on track.” 

  1. You make yourself, your health and well being top priority and start to inspire others.

When you lose a noticeable amount of weight other people want to know how you did it and how you are keeping the weight off. Your immediate family may also adapt to your dietary changes and experience weight loss by association. When your kids see you wake up every morning to exercise they see that anything worth having requires commitment. Your significant other may be inspired to also lose weight. “When you take care of yourself and are in a positive mindset, it has a positive impact on everyone you interact with. When the mind and body are aligned you love the way you look and feel, you’re happy and someone others can look up to.”

For information on Dr. Sanam Hafeez visit:

For information on Dr. John Zannis visit:

September 15, 2016

Happy Weight with Atkins


by Lisa Gal

What is your happy weight? Everyone’s body doesn’t respond the same way to losing weight. The key is to find a match for your body and metabolism. By limiting your sugar and carbohydrates you are able to burn fat and lose weight. Low calorie diets only burn sugar, but in turn cause your body to store fat. Atkins as two plans for optimum weight loss, the Atkins 20 and Atkins 40. Both plans allow you to increase your carbs, but one adds food one at a time and the other adds to your carbohydrate portion size as you approach weight loss goals. With their new kits, you can be on your way to a healthy lifestyle with the click of a button. Hollywood Swag Bag will be gifting Atkins delicious Harvest Trail and Lift Protein Bars to celebrities this weekend at the Four Seasons Hotel.

September 13, 2016

Discover the Foods Which Make You Sick or Overweight with Pinnertest


by Lisa Gal

For years I have struggled with food allergies, bloating and many doctor visits. Who knew I was intolerant to food that was basically apart of my everyday life! Pinnertest helped me identify what foods I couldn’t digest properly and through that test I discovered I was intolerant to chicken and turkey. Who knew! Since cutting it out of my diet I no longer feel bloated and the weight is dropping on it’s own and I actually find that I am eating more food and enjoying it more as well!

Pinnertest tests for 200 food types and after they receive the blood sample (just a finger prick), it only takes 10 days for your results! The results are easy to understand and are labeled clearly as to which you can’t digest, those are your Pinnertest Food Intolerances. Learn your intolerances now, with the most accurate and easy-to-perform Test.

The guests and nominees for the awards this weekend staying at the Four Seasons Hotel will be receiving their complimentary test in their Hollywood Swag Bags.

July 20, 2016

Weight Management is a Marathon, Not a Sprint!

Have you noticed that weight seems to be a favorite topic that, one way or another, has a way of always popping up in conversations, publications, television programs, commercials, and the like?    Whether it’s gaining weight, losing weight, fad diets, new food, the perfect exercise program, or new exercise gadget, weight and it’s management is a marathon and not a sprint.

Let’s face it, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight is real for many of us!

In fact, the CDC reports that now 41% of all US women are obese, and only women show an upward trend. Furthermore, studies show once you lose weight, it’s very hard to keep it off.

 It’s a real pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Scott Kahan, MD, MPH, Director of the National Center for Weight and Wellness, and an expert on weight management, who says finding a support network is key. “Patients are more likely to achieve progress when, in collaboration with their healthcare network, they have opportunities to discuss treatment options, establish plans, monitor results and evaluate responses to the plans,” says Dr. Kahan.

For me, the challenge is often just getting started! Dr. Kahan came to the rescue with some great tips to follow before you begin a weight loss plan!!  If you heed Dr. Kahan’s advice and tips below, it will help to get you in the right frame of mind!

 TIP #1) Approach weight management as a marathon, not a sprint. A recent study shows that most people go through several phases during the cycle of weight management, some of which are exciting and associated with having lots of energy and momentum, while others are frustrating, such as the dreaded “plateau.”  Just like any marathon, there are ups and downs, and we should expect this and build our approach to managing it. 

[Click Live Link below by IMAGE to view the attached image developed , based on the study results, to help people understand the Weight-Loss Cycle.]

TIP #2) Set realistic expectations. Several studies show that we typically go into weight loss attempts expecting wildly more weight loss than what is realistic. One study showed people starting a basic weight loss program expected 20-30% weight loss, more than is typical with bariatric surgery!  In contrast, we know that as little as 3% weight loss improves blood sugar, and 5-10% weight loss improves most health outcomes and helps you feel good.

TIP#3) Understand that weight maintenance is something that will continue. Weight loss cycles between momentum and fatigue, excitement and frustration. We need to build an approach to managing each of these phases during the long process of weight maintenance.

IMAGE: Weight loss cycle w_caption-1

These are terrific, Dr. Kahan. Thank you so very much for the helpful weight management advice!

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from Press Materials.)


March 12, 2015

Eating Healthy and Losing Weight starts with Selvera

Selvera Logo

Selvera just might be the last weight management program you will ever need, and it’s definitely worth checking out.

Selvera is a “clinically-based and technology-enabled weight management program designed to equip you with the latest medical knowledge“. Clinical trials showed long term results, with 90% of Selvera clients are currently losing weight and keeping it off. Selvera is a program with a monthly fee excluding food. In my opinion, this really is a great deal considering what a weekly food bill is for one person when they are on a diet. Special foods needed for a diet do add up fast. Many other benefits are included in the Selvera program that are impressive:

Counseling: 24/7 access to one-on-one expertise, and cutting edge tools. Strategies and support are given to establish lifelong healthy living habits.

Technology: The Selvera program uses wireless technology to remotely monitor each client’s progress. Once enrolled, Selvera will send you a wireless scale and pedometer that provide you and your Registered Dietitian with unique insight into your weight-loss progress. A dietitian will be able to remotely monitor your progress and intervene if needed.

Food & Nutrition Guidance: You will receive customized nutrition, activity, and lifestyle plans designed by a Registered Dietitian.

Selvera was designed by physicians, psychiatrists, and Registered Dietitians and is designed to provide long-term results, helping you to lose weight and keep it off. “Selvera is a new kind of program based on clinical results,” said Andrew Zengilowski, Co-Founder and CEO. “Our core group of medical advisors and licensed nutritionists has created a one-of-a-kind program using the latest scientific knowledge.”

Selvera is designed for anyone who wants to achieve a healthy weight and maintain it for life.The cost is $99 per month plus the cost of meals (three-month commitment required). Register for the program online at

The best part about this program is that you can receive all of the wonderful benefits Selvera has to offer right in the privacy of your own home. Consider Selvera as the only weight loss program you will ever need.



December 31, 2012

Plan For the New Year With “Our Skinny”…The Tastiest and Easiest Way to Weight Loss

It’s that time of year when we are all trying to shed a few holiday pounds. Let me say right now that I am not a diet expert!  I don’t even like using the word diet, I prefer “eating program” or “weight loss program”. I do however, find myself being an expert on trying different eating programs. What I found out is this, it all boils down to exercise. I have to exercise every day and count every calorie in order to lose or maintain my weight.

In the meantime, we all have to feed our bodies and there are many ways to go about this. I have recently tried something new and its an eating program that I enjoyed thoroughly and found extremely easy to follow, it’s called Our Skinny and with the new year starting I think “Our Skinny, The Easiest Diet Ever” is worth trying.

Our Skinny was created by Dr. Paul Bradley and a team of Registered Dietitians at Ourlife Health in Savannah, Georgia.  Their goal is to help men and women with weight problems, lead healthier lives. With obesity rates on the rise in the United States, health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer and sleep apnea are also on the rise. Dr. Bradley and his team created Our Skinny, “The Easiest Diet Ever” and it really is the easiest diet ever. Our Skinny is very easy to follow and at their website you can learn all the details on their weight loss program and order your delicious shakes and bars which will be your meal replacements for as long as you plan on using it. You will definitely be on your way to a new and healthier you.

In a nutshell, Our Skinny allows you 4 shakes a day starting at breakfast and drinking a shake every 2 or 3 hours. Add to that 1 delicious snack bar of your choice as well as 1 main meal consisting of vegetables, protein and a healthy fat. That’s it!  You will have 6 meals a day and you will feel completely satisfied between meals.

Our Skinny has 6 delicious shakes to choose from The shakes have between 70 and 100 calories and contain 15 grams of protein which is enough protein to keep you satisfied throughout the day. They are really delicious and I found them to be extremely satisfying without any bad after taste like some protein drinks can can leave you with.

The snack bars are equally delicious, with 6 varieties to choose from,, they will replace one meal. Our Skinny comes with a complete easy to follow program guide with a journal to keep track of your meal intake and water. It is so easy to follow. Once you order your shakes and bars from Our Skinny, you will also be entitled to a free consultation by phone or email at no extra cost to you.

What I like most about Our Skinny is the fact that you don’t have to commit to a full 5 meal replacement program. You can enjoy the products and still lose weight or use the protein shakes and bars to maintain your weight. You can substitute one meal or two meals a day if you choose.  The 15 gram protein bars and shakes offer great energy boosts and are also fantastic meal replacements. So whether you choose to use Our Skinny as your complete weight loss program or just use it partially, you will be heading down a path to a new you this NEW YEAR. Remember, Our Skinny, The easiest Diet Ever!




April 16, 2024

Finding Your Comfort Zone: Where It All Begins

In today’s fast-paced world, finding peace and comfort may seem like an impossible quest. But ladies, finding peace doesn’t happen overnight, the journey starts now. Understanding and advocating for your own personal comfort are key components of everyday living. Professional commitments, milestones in personal relationships, or seeking solace are part of it all. Comfort shouldn’t just mean spa days and luxurious pajamas, but creating an existence where confidence meets comfort at every turn.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Understanding Yourself

“Know Thyself” has long been considered the cornerstone of self-knowledge for women seeking happiness in themselves. Recognizing your individual needs and boundaries, as well as what truly brings you pleasure, is paramount to finding peace within oneself. Taking time each month to check in and assess yourself allows for necessary adjustments over time.

Your Sanctuary, Your Rules

Environment plays an essential part in our comfort. By customizing spaces to reflect what makes you feel relaxed and at ease, tailoring them can transform the day-to-day experience while safeguarding comfort. Such as creating designated work areas or having “no technology” rules in bedrooms.

Dress the Part 

Never underestimate the power of clothing on your comfort and confidence. Selecting outfits that not only suit the occasion but also help make you feel like the best version of yourself is essential. Be it a full coverage bra that provides support and comfort or soft, well-fitting jeans, this will allow you to express your personal style and wear what makes you feel good.

Wellness and Self-Care

Wellness is more than just physical comfort, it involves our mental and emotional well-being too. Integrating self-care routines that address all areas of your health into your daily routines is vital for maintaining balance. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance as necessary, taking care of oneself is an act of love towards ourselves. And remember, it’s okay to take a break and prioritize your well-being.

The Art of Saying No and Yes

Comfort comes from how we interact with those around us, so learning to communicate your needs and set healthy boundaries is an effective way of staying true to who you are. Don’t be intimidated by opportunities that align with your values and passions. Instead, be open-minded when considering new experiences that might fit well. Achieving this balance can lead to an enjoyable life full of fulfillment and comfort.


When looking for comfort, remember that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. This journey is deeply individual, what works for one may not work for another. Adapt to what brings you peace and strength while exploring, adapting, and advocating for what brings it. Adopting new self-care rituals, updating your workspace, or saying no to activities that don’t bring comfort are all steps toward building a life that not only accepts but also celebrates it. Remember, the key to comfort and ultimate self-confidence begins with one powerful step: acknowledging that you deserve it. From there, the possibilities are endless. Here’s to finding and expanding our comfort zones so that they make us feel whole, celebrated, and undoubtedly comfortable within ourselves.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash