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January 13, 2019

5 Excellent Reasons to Get a New Tattoo or Redesign an Old One

What do you think of tattoos in general? Do you have any right now? Would you like to have one or more? The answers will tell you if tattoos in Toronto are right for you. If you would like to explore the reasons a little further, consider these scenarios that lead many people to get a new tattoo or have some additional work done on an older one.

You have a New Story to Tell

You are no stranger to body art in Toronto. In fact, you have several tattoos and each one of them has to do with an important or person in your life. Now that you’ve entered a new chapter, there’s an event that you would like to memorialize with body art. Find the right professional, come up with a design, and determine where you would like it to go. Once it’s done, your new story will always be there to tell when the mood or setting is right.

An Old Story Has a New Chapter

Maybe an event that you thought was complete turns out to have a little more to it. By all means, keep the tattoo that tells the beginning and have it augmented so that it reflects the rest of the story. Remember that existing tattoos in Toronto can be altered or added to in such a way that they continue to capture the essence of the original inspiration while broadening the subject to tell a little more. A skilled professional can help you come up with ways to enhance the old design and ensure it captures the essence of the new.

There’s Someone or Something You Want to Honor

Many people choose body art in Toronto as a way to create a living memorial to someone they love. It could be a romantic partner, a relative, or anyone else who has brought many good things into your life. It can even be some event that has changed the course of your life for the better.

A professional can work from a photograph, a description, or even an idea and come up with the perfect tattoo design. As with the design elements, you get to choose the colours that are in keeping with the topic. When the work’s completed, you have something that makes it all the easier to sense the presence of that person or at least remind you of why that individual or event is so important.

You Appreciate Body Art But Don’t Have Any Right Now

You have friends with some wonderful tattoos in Toronto. You like they way they look and the stories they tell. Up to this point, you’ve never gotten any tattoos but now seems like the right time. There’s someone special who’s been in your life for some time, or something has happened that you want to remember all of your days. That’s worth a trip to a reputable tattoo parlor for getting your very first tattoo.

You See a Design That Would Look Great

You were out and noticed a tattoo that really caught your eye. The design is something that would work well with the body art in Toronto that you already have. After telling the person how much you love the design, it’s perfect acceptable to ask where it was done. If it was an original, ask the person if he or she would mind if you took a photograph and used it to recreate a similar design. What you will find is that many people are happy to oblige.

What’s your day like? If you have the time and are in the mood, why not visit your local tattoo parlor and see what designs they have? You can also bring along an original design that the artist can enhance a bit. You can bet that once the work is done, you’ll be happy with the results.

January 13, 2019

Surprising Hacks to Look Beautiful on Your Wedding Day


Every bride wishes to look like a princess on her wedding day. Unlike real princess, she doesn’t have a team of helpers on her wedding day. Exhaustion is common to build-up because you have to do several things. On your special day, you have to look relaxed and energized. You want to look beautiful because you will be the center of attention on this day. Just like every bride, you will need special memories of this day for your remaining life. From wedding dresses to makeup, everything should be perfect. For your help, we have some surprising hacks to look beautiful on your wedding day.

Glowing Skin

Women try different things to look fresh on their wedding day. These simple things can make a big difference. Make sure to wash your makeup before sleeping. Use herbal face creams and face masks. On the day of the wedding, each bride needs a unique look. You will need a glowing skin and fresh smile to impress the audience.

Ideas for Glowing Skin

To get glowing skin, you will need a combination of pore cleansing, chemical peels and much more. Carefully work on your sweet smile. It doesn’t mean to practice your smile, but pay attention to your teeth whitening. Your wedding images look beautiful with white teeth.

Select Dresses in Advance

A wedding gown becomes the center of attraction of the whole ceremony. It should look perfect on your special days. For this reason, you have to prepare a trendy dress for your wedding. Choose a dress in which you look beautiful and comfortable. While choosing your dress, you can’t ignore bridesmaid dresses. Your clothing should correspond to the generic style of the wedding ceremony.

Carefully Choose a Hairstyle

Carefully check all options for your hairstyle and select correctly complimenting hair accessories. You will need a beautiful headpiece to compliment your hairstyle. After completing your preparation, stand in front of a mirror and check your final look.

Enjoy a Sound Sleep in the night

A comfortable sleep in the night is essential. Days before a wedding can make you look fresh. Avoid late night parties and sleep early in the night. You can’t have liquor 1 to 2 days before your wedding. If you are busy in part before your wedding night, you may feel horrible, exhausted and irritated on your special day.

Choose Light Meals

You have to quit junk food and unhealthy meals at least one day before a wedding. Make sure to avoid overeating to stay healthy on your special day. Keep it in mind that this day will become the happiest day of your life.

Important Preparation

If you both want to dance on the stage, you have to call a professional choreographer and do lots of practice. Before practicing a wedding dance, consider the theme of your wedding. After choosing a theme, it will be easy for you to select decorations, cake, flowers, etc.

January 11, 2019

Pros And Cons: Dermal Fillers Versus Botox

Cosmetic procedures have been done for centuries. From simple non-invasive procedures to full surgical procedures, these beauty mechanisms have been extremely popular with people of all ages.

However, cosmetic procedures like Botox and dermal fillers are especially popular with the older generation when wrinkles and creases become more noticeable and prominent.

For a long time, Botox has been the top choice of clients wanting to have youthful looking faces. However, dermal fillers have been on the rise recently, competing for the top spot. Other options include over-the-counter drugs and face creams which promise younger-looking skin.

Since not all approaches are applicable and effective on everyone, knowing the one that suits you best is essential before going through these procedures.

One great way to weigh your options is to examine the pros and cons of your prospective cosmetic procedure. Continue reading to find out more about the unique advantages and disadvantages of these two popular procedures.

Dermal fillers

These treatments vary from type to type depending on their target parts. There are currently many different types of dermal fillers, the most popular of which are Hyaluronic Acid Fillers. This type has further classifications with treatments like juvederm, Belotero Balance, HylaForm, Prevelle Silk, Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane-Lift, Restylane Silk, Restylane Refyne, and Restylane Defyne.

Pro #1: Immediate Results

Almost all clients who use dermal fillers see immediate results. Unlike Botox, whose effects can take a week to be noticeable, dermal fillers can instantly bring you results.

Pro #2: Non-surgical

This procedure is non-invasive so the risks associated with surgeries are reduced, if not completely avoided.

Pro #3: More Natural Looking Results

More and more people are going for dermal fillers because of the promise of more natural-looking results. Dermal fillers, especially juvederm, have been known to produce more natural results when compared to other cosmetic procedures such as Botox

Con #1: Relatively More Expensive Than Other Cosmetic Procedures

Since dermal fillers are one of the most sought after and effective treatments in the cosmetic market, they are also some of the costlier ones. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of dermal fillers vary from $600 to $2000 depending on the type and amount of fillers used.


First things first: the treatment we know as Botox is actually its brand name. It is a natural and purified form of botulinum toxin, a protein which can be obtained from bacteria. Although toxic in large amounts, a regulated amount can be used to treat cosmetic conditions like wrinkles, crow’s feet and sagging skin. It can also help treat medical conditions like hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.

Pro #1: One Of The Most Affordable Cosmetic Procedures

Botox procedures are one of the most financially affordable cosmetic procedures. Unlike other cosmetic procedures, prices for Botox range from $135 to $550 depending on the cosmetic place. Be careful though, not all salons that offer Botox are legitimate and safe. Never compromise quality and professional work for affordability.

Con #1: Allergies May Occur


Although rare, allergic reactions can still occur after Botox procedures. This is especially true when non-professionals do the procedure. Before doing anything like this, you must make sure to inform your cosmetic professional of your health condition and allergies so as to help avoid this situation.

Con #2: Drooping Eyelids

Some clients of Botox procedures report drooping eyelids as a side effect. This event is caused by the movement of the Botox in the injection site. Patients are advised to avoid touching the area after the treatment to reduce the risk of drooping eyelids.

January 8, 2019

5 Key Health Exams Millennials to Get This Year

With more and more millennials skipping out on annual health exams in favor of a quick as needed, visit to an urgent care facility, doctors fear the largest generation in America, may overlook serious health issues. There are 83 million Americans between age 22 and 37 and according to a November 2018 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 45% of those 18-29 and 28% of those age 30-39 do not have a primary care physician. The issue is that health conditions that can be caught early may slip through the cracks. Dr. Niket Sonpal, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in New York City, offers 5 health exams millennials should get this year.

Dr. Sonpal, who at age 36 is a millennial himself, has compassion and understanding when it comes to millennials. “You’re looking at a generation with incredible debt and many don’t have jobs with health insurance,” he says.

In addition to the financial aspect, Dr. Sonpal adds that this is a generation raised on the internet. “When we got sick as kids, our mom searched for answers online. If we went to the doctor, it was a day of missed school and boring waiting rooms. Now as adults, millennials want, fast affordable solutions and often take a DIY approach to health.”

He goes on to say that healthcare has become an expensive hassle millennials choose to avoid. They would much rather facetime or text a doctor as opposed to miss work hours. They prefer to just walk into an urgent care clinic, pay $40 and be done with it, fast. “The problem though is that while this approach may be ok for treating a sore throat or flu, millennials might be missing an opportunity to nip a bigger problem early on.”

I want to urge all millennials women to get women’s wellness exams which is a PAP Smear and breast exam as well as a screening for STD’s and bloodwork. HPV, can lead to cervical cancer so it’s important to monitor dysplasia.

Dr. Sonpal encourages millennials to get these exams out of the at either the start of the year or their birthday month so they can easily remember when they last went to the doctor for these exams.

  1. Blood Pressure Screenings

You want to get blood pressure checked out at least once every 2 years and ever year if the top number is 120 to 139 and bottom between 80 to 89. High blood pressure is linked to diabetes which is really hitting millennials hard. According to the CDC, between 2001 and 2015 teen obesity rates rose 30%. “As kids, millennials were part of a supersize culture. Millennials also didn’t spend a lot of time going outside to play until the streetlights came on as Gen X’ers did. This all adds up to diabetes and heart disease if not monitored,” he says.

  1. Eye Exams

Millennials were raised on technology and their eyes are reaping the cost of this. It’s estimated that millennials spend over 12 hours per day consuming media with a majority of it on mobile devices on screens held closer to the eye. This leads to “nearsightedness” or “shortsightedness” where the eye weakens and can’t see clearly at a distance. A lot of millennials will find themselves squinting to see things that are further away, they may have dull headaches and find themselves rubbing their eyes frequently. “A lot of millennials are popping ibuprofen for headache associated with eye strain and neck ache from prolonged computer jobs. This then leads to stomach issues,” cautions Dr. Sonpal.

  1. IBS and Digestive Screenings

We also need to consider that the food we eat today is full of antibiotics and hormones. Millennials are a generation whose diet was primarily full of processed foods. We see a lot of Celiac Disease (intolerance of gluten). A study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that from the mid-80s to 2013, the incidence of colon cancer has been rising fastest for people between the ages of 20 and 29, by 2.4 percent per year. “The issue here is that we have millennials self-treating stomach issues that can be the start of something serious. If you’re experiencing chronic stomach pain, see a doctor. Gut health is incredibly important for overall wellbeing,” advises Dr. Sonpal.

  1. Mental Health Screening

Millennials are one stressed out generation. According to Psychology Today, suicide rates among young adults have tripled since the 50’s with millennials are reporting a sense of “faking it until they make it.” The problem is they feel disconnected from themselves and wrong for the life they are living. They feel as if they are not enough and then they scroll on their Instagram feeds and see people their age with luxury watches, travel to the Maldives and Dubai and they feel hopeless, stressed and depressed.  They’re popping Xanax and smoking marijuana to take the edge off. The good news is that millennials are willing to discuss their feelings and studies show that this is the first generation who doesn’t see any stigma about seeing a therapist or mentor coach. Sometimes a break up or a layoff can trigger a downward spiral into depression or even drug or alcohol addiction.

  1. Annual Exam and Immunizations

It’s recommended that you get the flu shot every year. Another important vaccine is for HPV which was mentioned earlier. Dr. Sonpal points out that the HPV vaccine has expanded coverage and is important to prevent certain types of cancer. Other vaccines may also be recommended depending on your health history. The only way you know is by having a yearly physical.

About Dr. Niket Sonpal:
Dr. Niket Sonpal is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine and Clinical instructor at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn who specializes in Gastroenterology. He is a graduate of the Medical University of Silesia – Hope Medical Institute in Poland. After completing his residency in Internal Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, he was selected to be the 20132014 Chief Resident at Lenox Hill Hospital–Northshore LIJ Health System. Dr. Sonpal has completed his Fellowship in Gastroenterology & Hepatology at Lenox Hill Hospital and continues his work in the field of medical student and resident test preparation. He now serves as the associate program director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Brookdale University medical center.

He is the coauthor for the best-selling Master the Boards: USMLE Step 2 CK, Master the Boards Step 3, And Master the Boards: Internal Medicine. He is also the Chief Operating Officer for Medquest Test Prep, Director of Medical Education for Picmonic Test Prep, and a recognized expert on medical test prep.

January 8, 2019

5 Tech Essentials for Your Handbag

The contents of a woman’s handbag are a closely guarded secret, however, for the purpose of this article we’re about to uncover some of the essential tech items every woman should have. Women’s handbags come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big enough to fill with all the essentials and still have room for the kitchen sink. If you’d rather not carry around such a cumbersome fashion accessory, you might be interested to know how you can pare things down. The following five items are essential if you don’t want to get caught out and be able to pass any free time you have effectively. 


There are going to be moments during your day when life is going to get very stressful. It’s something we all have to deal with on a regular basis, so it pays to be prepared. Carrying a vape with you means you can sit back and relax for a few minutes. Choose one of the many flavorsome e-juices from and you’ll enjoy those precious minutes.

Portable Battery Charger

You’ll never have to worry about getting cut off in the middle of a conversation because your battery has died. With a portable battery charger you’ll always be connected. If you don’t want to carry a charger, then a portable battery is a must. Purchase one with a double-USB and your BFF can keep her phone fully charged as well. Look for one that includes a portable flashlight, so you’ll never need to struggle in the dark.  


You could be listening to music or watching a movie on your smartphone, but if you’ve got a great set of headphones, it’s going to be far more enjoyable. There are some very elegant earbuds available, and it’s much better to have them and not need them than to leave them at home and then wish you’d carried them with you.  


It would be impossible to carry a library full of books around in your handbag, but there’s no need for such a thing if you carry an e-reader. If you enjoy reading but don’t have the room for even the smallest paperback, an e-reader is the obvious answer. Choose a paperwhite style e-reader, and you’ll be able to catch a few minutes of your favorite novel whatever the weather.


Does anyone actually leave home without their smartphone nowadays? Just in case you do on occasions, we thought it best to add this one in at the end. With your smartphone tucked in your handbag you’ll have no problems finding directions, catching up on emails, posting on your social media profile, ordering a takeout, and buying tickets for a movie. We use our smartphones in so many ways that we’d be lost without them.

This is a list of the tech essentials, but let’s not forget all those other important items you need in your handbag. Band-Aids, a packet of tissues, a hairbrush, sunscreen, notebook, a manicure set, pocket knife, and so much more.

January 7, 2019

The Glamorous Smile: Dental Implants

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

This quote from the movie Annie resounds to our very existence. Having a great smile will take you places. It can improve your self-esteem and your overall confidence. It will help you express yourself more clearly and more effectively.

As a matter of fact, research studies have concluded that having a bright white smile increases your chances of having a successful professional life. This is because of the halo effect that causes people to have good impressions about people who they perceive to be attractive.

On the other hand, having a not-so-attractive smile can make it hard for people to achieve maximum confidence. They tend to be very self-conscious about smiling so they sometimes come off as a snob.

People nowadays realize this importance. That is why it is not much of a surprise that more and more people are undergoing cosmetic dental procedures, and opting for dentures and implants to improve their smile.

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, there are approximately 3 million people living in the United States who have gotten dental implants. Moreover, the organisation reports that this number is growing by 500,000 each year.

Now comes the big decision you need to make. Which is better, dental implants or traditional dentures? Continue reading to find out more about the pros and cons of having dental implants, and why they may be the right choice for you.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants can be roughly defined as a surgical and cosmetic procedure done to a patient that more or less permanently supports a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge and/or false teeth.

PRO #1: Last Longer Than Traditional Dentures

With good oral hygiene and a proper care regimen, dental implants have been found to be very durable. Some can last as long as 20 years! A high-quality dental implant can be a very good investment because it is more or less permanent if well taken care off.

PRO #2: Boasts A More Secure Bond That Prevents Slipping

Dental implants draw their bond strength directly from the bone to which they are attached. This is the main reason why they are the more secure option since they are embedded in the bone. Dental implants avoid the embarrassment of slipping incidents when compared to traditional dentures.

PRO #3: Prevents Bone and Gum Deterioration

Traditional dentures usually accelerate bone loss because of their tendency to wear away at the ridges of the bone to which they are attached. Dental implants actually stimulate the bone, preventing shrinkage or deterioration.

CON #1: More Costly Than The Average Traditional Dentures

To be upfront, dental implants can indeed be more costly, because the procedure and surgery is more complicated and the materials are more expensive. However, it is undeniable that dental implants are good investments in the long run.

CON #2: Some Dental Implants Require Bone Grafts Prior To The Surgery

Since not all patients are good candidates for dental implants due to severe bone loss, dental implants sometimes cannot be made without prior bone grafts.

January 5, 2019

5 Heart Healthy Foods You Need to Include in Your Diet

When it comes to keeping your heart healthy, there’s no better place to start than your diet. We are what we eat, after all, and consuming too much of the tasty and convenient stuff—such as fast food, salty snacks, and sugary drinks—have been proven to cause no end of health problems. Some of these problems are so serious that they can affect your heart directly, which could send you to the hospital, or worse, the morgue.

So with preventing that morbid fate in mind, here are some heart-healthy foods you should definitely look into including into your diet.

Walnut milk. If you want to look after your heart while still indulging in some creamy and delicious milky goodness, then there’s no better way to do that than to add unsweetened milked nuts to your diet. Specifically, unsweetened walnut milk. Walnuts are known to have a generous amount of plant-derived omega-3 fats, which have been proven to be beneficial in keeping heart disease at bay and improve overall heart health. What’s more, the nutrients in walnuts such as magnesium, calcium, and iron also help give you more energy while improving your bodily functions. So get into the heart-healthy kick in a creamy and tasty way by adding nut-based milks to your daily food intake.

Green leafy vegetables. Ever since we went to school, we’ve always been told that a healthy diet includes vegetables, mainly the green and leafy kind. It won’t surprise you to know that our teachers have always been right to do so. Not only do green leafy vegetables give us a lot of vitamins and minerals to help us grow healthy and strong, but they also help keep major health issues like heart disease at bay. The vitamin K in greens, for example, protects your arteries and helps promote good blood clotting. Meanwhile, the dietary nitrates in vegetables also help reduce blood pressure and keep arteries flexible, preventing strokes, heart attacks and arterial ruptures.

Whole grains. Whole grains are grain products that have gone through very little refinement or processing as possible—i.e. they contain all three parts of the grain, namely the germ, endosperm, and bran. Unless the grain product you’re buying contains the words “whole grain”, or “whole” when it comes to wheat, then it can’t be considered as whole.

Why is this distinction important? It’s important because whole grain is much healthier than refined grains, especially for the heart. For one, whole grains have a higher amount of fiber, which has been proven to help lower LDL cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, is linked to many heart diseases and circulatory conditions.

Studies have also shown that eating three servings or more of whole grains every day can significantly reduce systolic blood pressure by as much as 6 mmHg. This is enough to reduce the risk of stroke by about 25%, as well as significantly decrease the incidence of heart attacks.

Fatty fish. If you’re a seafood fan and love fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, then you’re in luck, as consuming these tasty fish regularly can definitely protect your heart from all sorts of diseases and conditions. This is because fatty fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which has been linked not only to reduce blood pressure but also decrease heart disease markers such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. So have these fish as often as you like—just remember to prepare them in a healthy way, like roasting, streaming, or stir-frying. No deep-frying allowed!

Beans. Besides having a reputation as “the musical fruit”, beans are as healthy as they are tasty. A healthy serving contains quite a bit of what’s known as “resistant starch”, which is known to resist being digested. It instead gets fermented by the beneficial bacteria in your intestines. This allows the resistant starch to work its magic in your body by reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood, both of which are known to affect heart health in high levels. Resistant starch has also been discovered to stabilize blood sugar, yet another marker for heart and circulatory disease.


Don’t take your heart for granted. Include these heart-healthy foods in your diet right away to protect the most vital organ in your body from all manner of health conditions and diseases. Doing so will help you live a full and happy life.

December 26, 2018

Best Places To Host A Special Event In Seattle

If you are in Seattle and looking to host an event or even your wedding, settle for only the best venues. There are many options for a great venue, especially at some of the great hotels in Seattle. Here are some of the best places to host a special event in this great city.

  1. Hyatt Regency Bellevue

Hyatt Regency Bellevue is ideally located with parks, museums, and the waterfront nearby. The building was also recently renovated, so you know it will be modern and fresh in terms of cleanliness. It will offer your event guests a relaxing ambiance with a stunning backdrop of the mountains nearby, or the waterfront too. You can get space for any event size, as it has numerous conference rooms and four great ballrooms. In total, it has over 65,000 square feet of meeting space for you to utilize. There are catering options and even wedding planners available to help you get your event organized. Click here to find out more about this great location.

  1. Four Seasons Hotel

The Four Seasons Hotel in Seattle will offer chic intimacy to your event, making it unforgettable. It has various spaces ranging between small ornate dining rooms and a 4,490 square feet ballroom. This venue can be able to offer accommodation to any size of an event. Additionally, the hotel provides exclusives and buyouts that you can ask about while you book.

  1. 1927 Events

This space was constructed in 1927 and underwent renovations in 2012. However, it remains to be a unique urban setting due to its exposed beam and brick as well as high rulings. It is suitable or weddings, parties, and meetings. During booking, you can opt to get the proper license for offering your beverages and food or go for the in-house bar service. Most critically, this space gives room for customization of events to meet your special needs.

  1. Edgewater Hotel

If you are looking for a place with cozy fireplaces, local cuisine, and outstanding views, Edgewater Hotel is the ideal venue. The hotel is situated in the middle of downtown Seattle. It also provides various event spaces as well as exceptional catering. It gives you all you need to inspire you for your big event.

  1. Bell Harbor International Conference Center

This is one of the biggest event spaces in Seattle and part of the only two International Association of Conference Centers’ members located in Washington. It offers more than 100,000 square feet of venue for trade shows, conferences, and meetings. Its tech-savvy setup and accommodating floor plans make it the best venue for meetings.

  1. Space Needle

Space Needle is the most popular architectural structure in the city of Seattle. It boasts of outstanding views of majestic Mount Rainer, waterfront, and the city due to its Skyline level private event and banquet space. It will make your guests feel like they are on top of the world.

  1. Loews Hotel 1000

Loews Hotel 1000 was named as the top hotel with an event and meetings space in Washington by Northwest Meetings & Events Magazine. This was part of their list of 2015 Best in the Northwest. It has everything from bookshelves, a breathtaking greenhouse, and fireplaces to a meeting room with tables and all amenities. No matter the size and shape of your event, this location is equipped to host it.

  1. Arctic Club Seattle

This location’s main attraction is the Northern Lights Dome Room, which is popular for its unique stained-glass dome, ornamental cornices, Rococo gilding, and original artistic frescos. Whether you want a storied ballroom or a smaller, more intimate one, the Arctic Club offers professional staff who can meet all your requirements.


All these venues will offer some of the best spaces and amenities for your special event. Pick one that suits your needs.

December 24, 2018

GloLite by PartyLite® Scented Jar Candles

by Lisa Gal

The World’s Brightest Candle™ is exclusive to PartyLite. GloLite Jar Candles give a unique, all-over glow and an even stronger fragrance. The GloLite Jar features a beautiful decoration and new stylish jar lid that can be used as a coaster. GloLite by PartyLite is also available in Large Tealight Candles and Pillar Candles. GloLite Pillars are one-of-a-kind with a top-to-bottom shimmer. Available in three sizes. Burn times range from 25-100 hours. Their new Large GloLite Tealights feature their exclusive GloLite wax formula for an all-over, instant glow. Available in a pack of 4. Burn time 8-11 hours. We are excited to have them in or Hollywood Swag Bags being gifted at the Four Seasons hotel next month honoring Golden Globe weekend.

December 20, 2018


As luck would have it, most women seem to experience skin care problems just when they want to look their best. Every woman can relate to waking up with a huge zit right at the tip of her nose, or huge dark circles under the eyes, and the list goes on. There are pre-emptive measure one can take with less than two weeks until the New Year to ward off these skin care evils. We turned to Dr. Manish Shah, a Denver board certified plastic surgeon for guidance on what to do without breaking the bank or having invasive surgery.

Facial Extractions by a licensed aesthetician– Dr. Manish Shah says, “When done correctly extraction facials can clear closed comedones (AKA those tiny, flesh-colored bumps that never come to a head, yet never really go away), remove whiteheads and blackheads, and give your skin a newer, fresher foundation for your skincare products to penetrate. Basically, extractions can be the kiss of life for your lifeless broken out skin.”

Drink Alcohol in Moderation

If you plan on ringing into 2019 with a few glasses of bubbly, Dr. Shah recommends moderating your alcohol consumption leading up to the big day. He explains, “Alcohol can dehydrate the skin and cause it to appear less fresh and vibrant, which can certainly hinder your skin care efforts.”

Cleanse your Face Every Night- You have just arrived home at 2 am from a holiday Party. It may be tempting to flop into bed without washing your face. Don’t do it! Dr. Shah says that, “Sun damage isn’t the only environmental factor you have to worry about. Small micro particles from air pollutants might just hurt your skin, too. Play it safe by remembering to take a minute to cleanse your face to remove debris that could be weakening your skin. In addition, that foundation and pressed powder you have been wearing all night can clog your pores and cause breakouts.”

Start Exfoliating

Want brighter, younger-looking skin? It starts with a great at home exfoliator! Dr. Shah explains that, “As your skin replenishes itself, dead skin cells start to build up on the top layer, leaving you looking dull. Exfoliating regularly removes this layer, revealing fresh, healthy skin. Regular exfoliation also allows your moisturizer and other topical products to penetrate more deeply, making them more effective.”

Clean Your Makeup Brushes

You would not eat food on dirty dishes, would you? Applying makeup with dirty brushes is not so different. Not only will dirty brushes give you a spotty application, but they can harbor bacteria, dirt and oil, leading to acne and breakouts which necessitates piling on even more makeup to cover it up.

Don’t Squeeze Your Pimples!

Here’s a secret that many a supermodel or actress use: Steroid shots. Dr. Shah explains that, “when we discuss treating acne with cortisone or “steroid” shots, we are referring to the process of gently placing a very dilute quantity of a “glucocorticoid” steroid into the cyst. Glucocorticoids are a class of steroid molecules that are naturally produced by our bodies and have numerous functions including the regulation of human metabolism, immunity, and inflammation. They have very potent anti-inflammatory effects, so they are often used to treat inflammatory diseases in medicine. They can be formulated as creams to treat skin rashes or as pills to treat systemic disease. They can also be injected directly into local areas of inflammation such as in arthritic joints and inflamed acne cysts. Within one or two days of injection into a cyst, the steroid will shrink the inflammation producing relief of pain and almost immediate cosmetic improvement.”


Look for AHA/BHA/PHA peels that will exfoliate the skin and help release the top layers of dead skin cells allowing for a more radiant underlay to come through.


This professional treatment exfoliates at a deeper level (similar to a peel), with a mechanical handheld device that buffs away the upper layers of the skin.

Add vitamin C to your routine.

Dr. Shah suggests applying several drops of vitamin C serum underneath SPF each morning to target free radical damage, help lighten brown spots, and even out your skin tone.


It may seem obvious, but when it comes to dewy, glowing skin, moisturizing is essential. “When your skin is dry, it looks dull, so hydrating ingredients can help bring back that glow,” says Dr.  Shah. For skin types already prone to shine, adding moisture may seem like the last thing you need, but an oil-free hydrator with ingredients like hyaluronic acid could actually help reduce your sebum production and even out slickness into a sleek glow.

About Dr. Manish Shah

Manish Shah, M.D., F.A.C.S. was born in Canada and raised in the Washington, D.C. area. He graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania, receiving a degree in biomedical engineering. He then completed his medical training at the University of Virginia, earning his Medical Doctorate. During this time, he also completed a one-year fellowship in microsurgery research at the New York University School of Medicine / Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. As a prelude to his plastic surgery training, Dr. Shah completed a rigorous five-year training program in General and Trauma Surgery at Emory University and the Medical College of Georgia. His formal training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was completed at the Univ. of Tennessee College of Medicine – Chattanooga Unit. After completing his plastic surgery training, he moved to New York City when he was selected for the prestigious Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship at Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital. He underwent extensive, advanced training in aesthetic surgery of the face, breasts, and body at the hands of some of the most renowned cosmetic surgeons in the world. This fellowship is widely considered to be the best of its kind in the world. Dr. Shah is one of only a select few plastic surgeons in the country who have undergone formal post-graduate training in aesthetic surgery.

Dr. Shah’s specialties include revision facial aesthetic surgery, rhinoplasty (“nose reshaping”), and aesthetic surgery of the breast (breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction). He is, however, well-trained in all areas of aesthetic surgery.

Dr. Shah’s aim is to obtain a natural appearing transformation that complements the real you!

Dr. Shah is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.  He maintains a private practice in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in the Cherry Creek neighborhood of Denver.

Dr. Shah is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the Rhinoplasty Society, and the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Shah is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.