August 1, 2019

Gadgets Can Be Accessories, In Your Home And On You

Sometimes we don’t realize that the type of gadgets that we have on us and in our home can be a reflection of who we are. For example, there might be the person who is into vintage and quirky stuff, who may not necessarily invest in the latest tech trends, but still have an older mobile phone for the vintage look. Then you have the person who is ultra modern and on trend, the person that has that phone when it is released and the latest software updates. With that in mind, here are some of the tech trends and gadgets that can be an expression of who you are.   



The trend setter 

Maybe you are a bit of a trend setter. Are you the type of person who wants to have the latest gadgets and things in your home? Someone who wants to have the latest things in their life, wanting to keep up with trends and the latest gadgets, definitely will see themselves as a trend setter. This could be having the latest iPhone every time it is released. Having things such as the new in clothes that get launched each season in their favourite high street shops. The trend setter will also be ahead of the time in terms of other factors, like wanting to be sustainable in their home or even having things working remotely such as switching light bulbs on, with a click of their phone.

The entrepreneur and work at home professional 

You will be able to spot the entrepreneur and work at home professional with a simple glance. They are the ones with the computer laptop case, looking all smart. They are the ones that are sitting in high street coffee shops, working with their Americans and slices of cake. They will want the latest tablet or laptop on the go, where they can utilise the latest software features highlighted on websites like They will want to be productive, ahead of their game, and working as much as possible while still living their lives to the max. Dressed sharply and looking professional, these people are easy to spot. 

The quirky one 

The quirky one, we all have someone we know in our lives that fall under this bracket. When it comes to technology they may be a bit of a phobic. Avoiding the latest iPhone and tablets and sticking with vintage classics like the good old fashioned Nokia 3210 model. The ones where they enjoy playing games on their phone such as snake and don’t want to be able to upload to their Instagram on the go. These are the people that find amazing fashion finds in thrift shops and charity stalls. They are the ones with the funny stories, the ones with that are unique and yet you can’t help but feel drawn towards them. 

So which one do you fall into? Are you the one with the latest gadgets or do you avoid anything to do with technology? 

(Image source:


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