November 25, 2016

Confidence is Key


Recently I attended a networking event called, “LipStick Mania Business Social” and the topic was about image. I was expecting the regular spiels about hair, make up, and clothes. To my surprise the speaker, Marjory Brifil spoke of inner image which I am all about. I believe that image is tied to your self-esteem and it has to come from within. She spoke of four topics I want to share with you.

Self-Awareness – The word says it all, aware of one’s self, including one’s traits, feelings, and behaviors. It is important to know thyself. Know your strengths and your weakness. If you are not sure of your strengths and weaknesses here is a little exercise you can do. Take a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the center on the right side write the word strength on the left side of the line write the word weakness. Then write at least things on 10 on each side.

Self-Care – Taking care of yourself is so important, yet we rarely do it on a regular basis. Women we put everyone in front of ourselves. Taking care of one’s self is a deliberate action you take to care for your physical, mental and emotional health. Make an appointment with yourself to do just that, read a book, exercise, or meditate, whatever you need to do to safeguard your well-being body, mind and spirt.

Passion – The definition of passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion. If you are not sure what your passion is, just think back to when you were a child. What did you like to do when you were little? What did you want to be when you grew up? Reconnect to what you loved and be passionate about it, may it be your business, your family or even your friends.

Enthusiast – Embrace your enthusiasm, don’t hold back because you fear judgement from others. When you do something enthusiastically, you do it with excitement and eagerness and when you are genuine others will feel your excitement and join in with you.
When you truly connect with these 4 things, your outer image will be vibrant and no one can resist you, people will be drawn to you and that will be beneficial to you and your business.

Get more information about Elizabeth Colen, confidence and conditioning coach on Fit Mind, Body and Spirit

November 15, 2016

Get Your Happy Back



When we’re busy and sometimes too busy for ourselves, we must remember the pursuit of happiness. With that being said, we tend to focus on our goals, we put our heads down and hit that daily grind, day after day and we lose sight of our state of happiness. The state of happiness means different things to different people. Are you looking to be happy for the moment or for the rest of your life? Let’s be happy for a lifetime, not just for the moment. Here are some tips that you can do in your daily life to create happiness in your existence.

  1.  Catch the Sunrise/Sunset – It does not matter, if you are at an exotic vacation spot or in the comfort of your own home; the sun will rise and set. Many people say that they feel a sense of peace and joy when watching the sunrise/sunset. If you are an early riser, get outside with a cup of coffee or cocoa and watch the Sunrise. Take in the sense of happiness that you made it another day and you have all day to complete your mission. If you are not an early riser don’t worry about, you can catch the Sunset. Let the feeling of peace and satisfaction of a job well done, fill you. Either the Sunrise or Sunset will put a smile on your face.
  2. Surround yourself with positive people – We all have a person we know that every time you talk to them they are so full of woes, their car broke down, her boss is mean, her co-workers don’t like her, etc. If you don’t know that person it might be you! You want to speak positivity into your life. You want to be part of the solution not the problem. You want to surround yourself with positive like-minded people. The energy that you share and pick up is important to your state of mind. Stay positive and avoid anyone who is stealing your joy.
  3. Sweat – Find some way to get your sweat on. Find something that will make you forget about your problems, even if it is for just 30 minutes. Play tag with your kids, jump rope, swim or whatever makes you happy. You can do something as simple as turn on your radio and dance! I promise you, that alone with make you laugh.
  4. Smile – Yes, smiling will make you happy. A smile is contagious so wear it, share it and spread it all over.
  5. Stop and smell the roses – I know you have heard that before but it is very true, take time to enjoy nature. Take a timeout and walk around the block. I know our days are so cramped with all the things we have to do, that we feel guilty if we take a moment for ourselves. Believe me, you will have a clearer mind so that you can focus on that to-do list.

Take time daily to do something that makes you happy and share that happiness with others. We are all in pursuit of happiness so let’s help each other along the way.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on Fit Mind, Body and Soul

October 27, 2016

3 Methods to Overcoming Obstacles


I was recently a panelist for National Association of  Professional  Women and the topic was Overcoming Obstacles, Even During the Most Challenging Times.  It was such an amazing group of panelist and we all had a way to overcoming obstacles that I felt was so incredibly clear and concise that I must share with you.   Let’s face it, no matter where you are in your life you have obstacles.  Everyday, we face obstacles, we have to make discussions that will effect not just today but our tomorrows.  Let me start by giving you  the definition of Obstacle:  It is a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.  No matter how small or big.   I’’ll share with you 3 simple tools you can add to your toolbox and tackle any obstacle.

1.  Face fear – Look, we all have that fight or flight gut reaction and unfortunately many women have that flight reaction stronger than men.  We generally don’t want conflict.  Listen, when we have a plan set in our mind, we move toward that goal but  if someone else (may it be your boss, co-worker, or even your spouse) have a different plan we tend to agree and shy away from our plan even if it isn’t in our best interest.   No more, let’s face our fears. Speak up, show up and be prepared to stand for what you want.    You have a voice use it, no more sticking our head into the sand.  You will be surprised at how great you feel from standing up for something you believe in rather than just going with the flow  and your plan has been sidetracked.

2.  Hold yourself accountable –  We can come up with tons of excuse (obstacles) that can prevent us from doing the things we set out to do. Did you plan out your week? Did you make all the calls you were suppose to make?  Did you workout like you said you were? I could go on and on.  However, we all have 24 hours in a day it’s what we do in those 24 hours that count.  Plan out your week.  Set appointments for the things you have to complete and keep your appointment!  Look at yourself in the mirror and get real with yourself,  you can hide from other but not the person staring back at you.

2.  Get a team –  Look, we all have our strengths and weakness the key is to address them.  Sit down and make a list.  Once you have found your strengths, great focus on those and move forward.  However,  we have to acknowledge our weaknesses.  We all have weaknesses and that is not an obstacle we can’t overcome.   There are people who are strong where we are weak.   Seek out those people and form your dream team.

October 11, 2016

Get S.M.A.R.T


We are well over half way through the year and now is a great time to regroup and refocus on your goals. You have  3 months left in this  year left, so let’s get ready and set SMART goals.

S – Specific: Be specific with your goals. Make sure the goals are significant to you and your life. For example, you set a goal to lose weight. Is that specific? Nope. Here is what a specific goal should sound like, I want to lose 10 pounds.

M – Measurable: Make sure you are able to measure your goals. In sticking with that same weight loss goal. You have to weigh yourself at the beginning to get your current weight and weight yourself weekly.

A – Attainable: Make sure you are being realistic with your goal. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Make sure your goal is attainable. So, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 2 days, that is not attainable. Attainable is I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 months.

R – Relevant: Make sure you make your goals connected and close to what you truly want to obtain. If you have no intention of putting in work to lose weight, then it shouldn’t be a goal for you. It has to be relevant for you so that you have the passion and focus to get it done.

T – Time: You have to set a deadline for your goal. If you just say, I want to lose weight and I will start going to the gym one day, is not a smart goal. You will find that one day will never come.

Action for this week: Create smart goals.

Example: I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 months and I will go to the gym 3 days a week. I will weigh myself once a week on Wednesday mornings. Now that’s a smart goal. Remember, be specific, make it measurable, attainable, relevant and set a deadline.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on Fit Mind, Fit Body and Fit Soul

September 28, 2016

Visualize Your Future


Our mind is a powerful tool that works for us in many ways. Many successful people from the POTUS, CEO’s, airline pilots and even our most honored athletes competing in the Olympics have learned the skill of visualization. To say that they learned it, is an understatement, they have mastered it! I am going to share with you an activity you can do to get your powerful tool engaged. Let’s start with something simple, make a vision board. Simple right? For those of you who don’t know what a vision board is, let me explain. A vision board is what you create by placing all the things you desire onto a poster board where you can visually see your dreams. You will need a few supplies to get your vision board started. Most of these supplies you may already have.

– Poster board
– A stack of different types of magazines ~ Personal Photos ~ Images from the internet
– Glue/Glue stick. (Now if you are really crafty you can get really fancy with it and use glitter, markers, ribbons, etc.)

Suggestions to get you started:

– Set aside about an hour to complete your vision board.
– Create a relaxing atmosphere.
– Sit quietly and set the intent. Ask yourself: What it is you want? What is the life you want to live?
– Cut out images that represent the life you envision.
– Place the photo of yourself in the middle of the board or your most sought after goal.

Once you have all your material arranged on the board the way you like it, glue. Take a picture of your vision board and use as your screen saver, place it somewhere you can see it daily.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on Fit Mind, Fit Body and Fit Soul.

September 20, 2016

7 Things You Can Do Daily To Improve Your Life


Ever thought of improving your life? Sure, you have. We all have and many of us talk ourselves out of it because we think it has to be all consuming, a total life transformation. We tend to get overwhelmed and never move forward. You’ve heard that old saying “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time” I am going to share with you small bite sizes that you can chew on and make long term positive results to improving your life:

1.) Sleep – Sleep is important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Getting enough sleep can benefit your weight mind and temperament. Remember that saying: “Early to be bed,early to rise makes a man (wo-man) healthy, wealthy and wise” is true!

2.) Eat Breakfast – Starting your day with a healthy balanced breakfast just sets your day up for success. Eating breakfast helps you maintain a healthy weight, it get that metabolism going. You are able to concentrate more and stay focused throughout the day. It gives you energy to handle that to-do list plus more.

3.) Exercise – Ok let’s just get this one out of the way. Exercise has so many benefits for you that I can fill this magazine with all of them but I will keep it simple. Exercise help control your weight, stabilize your mood, gives you a boost of energy and just give your self esteem a boost!!!

4.) Plan your day – Before you get to bed, take about 10 minutes to set up your next day. Jot down your to-do list and you will find that you will sleep better and the next day, you will start the day in control, focused and prepared. When you plan your day you have a sense of control and a sense of accomplishment because you can actually see your to do list turn into to done.

5.) Read a book – Knowledge is power and reading daily will not only give you knowledge but it will keep your mind stimulated cutting down on the likely hood of you getting Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The mind is a muscle that need exercise just like the rest of your body.

6.) Play– Yes, we are grown but we need to have play time. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate game, you can color, do a jigsaw puzzle, a crossword puzzle a game on your phone. Play time can relive stress, reduce anxiety and lift your spirits.

7.) Smile – We know that working out releases endorphins but did you know that when you smile you release endorphins as well? Well it does, and it is contagious. Smiling makes difficult times better. A smile definitely have a positive effect own your well-being. It is so much better the RBF. Enjoy life and smile, you are helping the world!

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on  Fit Mind, Fit Body and Fit Soul.

September 8, 2016

All you need for a Home Gym + Workouts

Four things you really should have to get a whole body workout at home.

Resistance bands with or without handles – You can get resistance bands from anywhere and most likely you already have one at home. Different colors represent different strengths so pay attention to the colors. Here is a workout that you can do that will get those legs and arms toned. (I do these with the resistance bands with handles).

Squat /Curl Combo – Stand with your feet hip width apart on the resistance band palms facing upward. Squat and curl arms up. Release arms (uncurl) and stand tall at the same time. When you are doing your squat make sure your butt is pushed out, chest tall and shoulders back and square. The primary muscles used while doing a squat are your quadriceps and hamstrings but you get a bonus on those glutes (Booty). The biceps curls are working that large muscle in the front of your arms.

3-5 sets
5-20 reps

Dumbbells – Get a set of weights that fit your fitness level. I don’t care if they are those pretty pink ones or the black ones that shows you mean business. Just make sure they are the right size for you. If you have never lifted weights before in your life you may want to start with lighter weights 2-5 pounds. If you have lifted before but not consistently, you may want a set anywhere from 5-15 pounds. You can always go heavier, but if you are wanting to tone use a lighter weight and do more reps. If you want to bulk up use heavier weights and do less reps. Here is a shoulder work out you can do with your dumbbells. I tend to do lighter weights (5 pounds) when I do shoulders because I have shoulder issues, but most people’s shoulder muscles are weak because we seldom isolate them.

Lateral Raises – Stand with your feet hip width apart and your dumbbells are resting on the side of your thighs, palm facing thighs. Raise your arms straight out to the side slow and controlled and stop at shoulder height (hold for 3 seconds). Bring your arms back down to the starting point, just as slow and controlled as you brought them up. You will feel the burn.

3-5 sets
5-20 reps

Stability Ball – You need a stability ball in your life. You can use this ball for so many exercises. The key is to select the right size for you. The easiest way to do this is the shorter you are the smaller the ball size (55cm), the taller you are the larger the ball (75cm). The most common size is (65cm) which is for the average height women. When you have the correct size you should be able to sit on it comfortably with your knees at the right angle. Here is an ab workout that you can do.
The Exchange (ab workout) – Lay down flat on your back with your legs in a “V” shape and have your arms above your head holding the stability ball. (You can use a mat or towel if you like) Bring the ball and legs up at the same time. Take the ball between your legs and go back down. (Now the ball is between your legs). Bring your legs and arms up again and make the switch back to arms. You are focusing on your abs but you are also working the whole body as well as.

3-5 sets
5-20 reps

Jump Rope – Cardio time! All you need is a jump rope you don’t have to have anything fancy but again it is up to you. There are several different types of jump ropes out there weighted, nylon, plastic and even ones that count your jumps for you. You name it they got it, but remember choose one that fits your fitness level. A great way to get that heart rate up and burn calories is to simply jump rope for at least 10 minutes. Here are a few ways to get the best out of your workout:

Tabata Training

I do 30 seconds on and 10 seconds off for about 15 to 30 rounds. Make it fun, single leg jump, ski jump, cross over, double jump or just pretend you are a boxer. Remember jump for at least 10 minutes, but hey don’t let me stop your fun, you can go 20 minutes, 30 minutes or even an hour.

You now have worked your entire body plus got your cardio on all in the privacy of your own home.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on Get fit Mind, Body and Soul

August 30, 2016

Pick Workout Clothes that work for you

I often get asked the question, “How do I get the right workout clothes for me?” So I came up with a quick little guide that will help anyone who is purchasing new workout gear. When trying on workout clothes is it always very important to get your true size (not a small when you truly wear a medium) no one will see your size it is sewn on the inside. If you get a size to small or even too big you will regret it.
Here are a few tips that you should do when you are in the dressing room. Make sure you get the big dressing room because you are going to be doing some big moves.

1.  Stand with your feet hip width apart and raise your hands above your head, reach for the ceiling, really stretch, come up on your tippy toes so that you can reach your full stance.  You are doing this so that you ensure your top is not riding up and that your workout pants are not slipping down.

2.  Keep your left arm above your head, drop the other arm to your side and do a side bend to the right, keeping both feet firmly on the floor, do a nice full stretch. You want to make sure your top does not rise too much but if you don’t mind some skin showing you can choose what your comfort level is. Repeat on the other side.
3.  Bring both hands down and touch your toes.  You want to make sure your workout pants are not creeping down those hips.

4.  Stand tall and raise one knee to your chest, grab with both hands and pull in close to your body, make sure you have the flexibility and ability to move your leg easily, repeat with the other leg.

5.  Squat down and place your elbows on your knees with your hands together like you are praying. Again, make sure that the pants are not creeping down, we don’t want any plumbers crack in the gym. If you follow these simple tips, you will find the perfect workout clothes for you.

August 19, 2016

Workout: The Prayer


This workout can be done anywhere, you don’t need any equipment.  Click the link to workout with me:    The Prayer Workout

1st Exercise:  Squat & Swing

Stand tall with feet hip width apart. Hands together, palms flat together (like saying a pray) down between legs. Squat down hands trying to touch floor. Stand tall swinging hands above head.

30 seconds

2nd Exercise:  Squat & Twist

Stand tall with feet hip width apart. Hands together, palms flat together (like saying a pray) at chest level. Squat and push palms together. Twist to right, lift left heel. Hold for three. Return to center. Twist to left, lift right heel. Hold for 3 seconds.

30 seconds

3rd Exercise;  “4”

Stand tall with feet hip width apart. Hands together, palms flat together (like saying a pray) at chest level. Place left foot behind your right knee (like the number 4) Lift bent knee slightly you feel in that glut. Press your palms together tight so that you are working your upper body as well. Do for 30 seconds then repeat on right side.

30 seconds

Work out with me!!


August 11, 2016

Obesity: Let’s talk about it!


Did you know that obesity (adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and over) is considered a disease and morbid obese (adults with a BMI of 40 or more) is classified as a disability? More than 35% of adults in the United States are obese. I am here to help fight this disease. Here are three things you can start doing today! It is as easy as 1,2, 3.

1. Consume more fruits and vegetables. I know you have been hearing this since elementary school but now it is time for you to put this into action. It really is not as difficult as you think. Drink a smoothie made with fruit for breakfast, you can even throw in some spinach and it is delicious. Make a salad with green leafy vegetables, sliced strawberries and even toss in an orange for lunch, you just made a perfect summer salad. Make sure you have at least a cup of fruit or vegetables at each meal.

2. Decrease consumption of energy dense food. The definition of energy density is the amount of energy or calories in a particular weight of food and is generally presented as
the number of calories. Example of high density foods are cookies, chips and ice cream. These foods have lots of calories in a small portion. Eat foods that you can get more of with less calories: hint fruits and vegetables. Energy dense foods are commonly cheap and inexpensive. Remember, you are what you eat so don’t be cheap and easy!

3. Increase your physical activity.  
 Move that body! Increasing your physical activity will help you in many ways like improving your energy to helping you sleep better. The key is find something you love to do and do it! Schedule your activity. For example, I enjoy playing tennis so I schedule it into my week. It is an appointment and we all know that once something is in your schedule you have to follow through with it.

These 3 things are just a few simple things you can do that can help improve your life as well as help fight this epidemic that is sweeping our country. Let’s do our part and fight obesity together.