August 12, 2023

8 Things To Do When You Look and Feel Frazzled

We’ve all been there: waking up, looking in the mirror, and thinking a wild raccoon must’ve snuck in and had a party on our faces while we were asleep.  Feeling frazzled is like your inner self wearing disco pants – it’s flashy, loud, and doesn’t blend in well with a chill morning routine. But fear not! Here’s your quirky guide to de-frazzling when the world’s got you in a tizzy.

  1. Morning Dance Party

Yes, it might seem counterintuitive. You’re tired, and I’m telling you to dance? But there’s actually some good science behind this! Jumping around to your favorite tune kickstarts your heart, pumps oxygen to your brain, and releases those fun-loving endorphins. Plus, nobody’s watching, so channel your inner chicken or starfish or whatever creature vibe you’re feeling.

  1. Hydrate Like You’re Prepping for a Desert Trek

Water is the magical elixir of life! The next time you feel all frazzled, down a glass of water and you’ll be totally amazed at the effect it has on you! Hydrating not only helps the body detox but also gives your skin that fresh “I’ve-got-my-life-together” glow, that let’s face it, we all crave.

  1. Medspa Magic

Ever heard of a medical spa? It’s like if a spa and a futuristic healing chamber had a baby, and it’s so totally amazing for frazzled ladies everywhere! From facials that make your skin sing to treatments that could rival fairy godmother makeovers, a day at the medspa can transform you from frazzled to dazzling just like magic.

  1. Nature Hug

Before you raise an eyebrow, no, I’m not asking you to physically hug a tree (unless you want to). What I’m saying is that you should definitely spend some quality time outdoors, whether that’s having picnic in the park or hiking in the woods and looking out for cute birds. The fresh air, chirping birds, and greenery act as a natural calming agent to soothe your body and soul.

  1. DIY Face Masks with Kitchen Goodies

Raid your kitchen. Oats? Check. Honey? Check. Avocado? Double check. Mix ’em together, slap it on your face, and bask in the glory of an instant, nourishing face mask. Your skin will thank you, and your frazzled nerves might just take a backseat.

  1. Become a Blanket Burrito

Wrap yourself in a comfy blanket, snug as a bug. The warmth and cocoon-like feeling can be strangely calming, as you’ll soon see. Plus, pretending to be a human burrito is just plain fun.

  1. The Joy of Scribbling

No, not writing. Scribbling. Like, toddler-style. Grab some crayons and go to town on a piece of paper. The uninhibited freedom of scribbling is oddly liberating.

  1. Pet a Furry Friend

Got a pet? Shower them with cuddles. The act of petting a creature has been shown to reduce stress hormones by a significant amount. No pet? No problem. Funny animal videos online are the next best thing, and less messy too!

Remember, feeling frazzled is a universal experience. And while there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution, there’s no harm (and a lot of potential fun) in trying out these quirky remedies. So, what are you waiting for?

(Image credit)


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