July 7, 2023

How to Get More in Touch With Your Spiritual Side


While there is physical health, mental health, financial health, and emotional health, one other form of health that tends to get neglected is spiritual health.  You don’t need to be a religious person in order to embrace spirituality; it’s all about finding a connection, and that especially includes within yourself. While some people will do nightly prayers to get in touch with their spiritual side, others may do yoga, meditate, or even just sit in nature.

Whatever it is that you want to do, feel free to embrace but. But if you’ve never gotten in touch with your spiritual side before and just don’t know where to begin, then keep reading on to find out more about how you can do it!

Get a Deeper Understanding Through Reading

Did you know that reading can help you get more in touch with your spiritual side? You don’t have to read religious or spiritual books—anything that piques your interest and feels nourishing to your soul will do. Reading will give you a deeper understanding of yourself, other people, and the world around you. It can also help you develop a more positive outlook on life. It’s obviously going to depend on the book you’re reading or even the audiobook you’re listening to. But this could be a way to get you more in touch.

There’s No Set Way To Do It

Getting more in touch with your spiritual side requires more than just thinking about or talking about things that make you feel good. It also means nourishing your spirit, body, and mind with daily mindfulness practices. Whether it’s meditating to help clear your mind of clutter or reading books to learn more about different religions, detoxing with crystals, spirituality can take many forms. That’s why it’s important to try new things and find the ones that resonate with you. Remember that the goal is to deepen your inner world, so don’t worry about what other people think or do.


While it sounds generic and maybe even overdone, meditation (regardless of your religion) could be a wonderful way to really get in touch with your spiritual side.  Taking time every day to meditate can help you get closer to your spiritual side. It can also give you the ability to listen for guidance from the universe. Try to meditate at the same time every day to establish a habit and make it a regular part of your routine.

Even just 10 minutes of meditation can be beneficial for those who are new to the practice.  Whether it’s in your home, a wellness center, or even just lying in bed could help. It’s about clearing your mind.  It’s something that anyone could benefit from.

Consider Affirmations

Everyone benefits from giving themselves a positive affirmation on a daily basis. Spiritual affirmations are positive statements that help reprogram the subconscious mind, which is responsible for 90% of your thoughts and actions. They can be said out loud or silently and can be used to manifest your wishes and desires. It’s not so much about stating what you want; rather, it’s about telling yourself what your worth is.


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