January 26, 2023

A First-Time Model’s Guide To Preparing For A Photo Shoot


When getting into modeling, those first few photo shoots can be key to making or breaking your career. It’s important to produce some top quality photos that can kick your portfolio off to a great start.

What are some important things to consider when preparing for your first shoot? This guide lists a few considerations.

Run through the photo shoot with the photographer

It’s useful to understand what the photo shoot will entail and where it will be held, so that you can adequately prepare. Make sure to bring up any questions you may have beforehand with the photographer or the person organizing the shoot. For example, should you do your hair a certain way? What time do you need to arrive? And do you need to bring any props?

Plan your hair and make-up

Your hair and make-up could be something worth thinking about in advance. Ideally, you should try to embrace a look that makes you feel confident. Think about the location and the time of the photo shoot – an outdoor evening shoot could benefit from a different hairstyle and makeup to a midday indoor shoot. If there isn’t already a stylist lined up for you, you could consider hiring your own make-up and hair service such as Corrie Elle Artistry so that you look amazing on the day. Alternatively, if you can’t afford this, consider practicing your own hair and makeup a day or two before to get the right look.

Don’t overlook your hands

Many new models ignore their hands. Even if you’re not planning to be a hand model, your hands may still be visible in the photos. Make sure that your nails are clean and evenly trimmed. You could consider getting your nails done before the shoot if you think it will help with the look. On top of making sure that your hands look good, think about the position. Dead hands are something you want to avoid in photos – this guide at Pure Wow explains more as to what to do with your hands in photos.

Practice your poses in front of the mirror

A great place to practice your poses is in front of a mirror. This can help you to work out where your best angles are, what your hands should be doing and whether you need to work on your posture. A good photographer can help you get into a better position, but ideally you want to be able to naturally get into the right poses. Just remember when practicing in front of the mirror that the image in a photo will be reversed.

Get a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep will help your skin to look radiant and will reduce the chance of dark lines under your eyes. Make sure that you don’t stay up too late the night before the shoot – you need your beauty sleep.


When we’re nervous, it can often show in our expression. Tense shoulders and deer-in-the-headlights eyes are things you want to avoid. Good preparation will help you to approach the photo shoot in a calm and collected manner. Try to clear your head of any negative thoughts before the photo shoot and remind yourself that you look good. This will help you to come across confident in your photos.




(Photo credit)


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