May 26, 2022

5 Steps to Effectively Downsize When Moving Home

moving woman

When you move home, there is often a lot of stuff to deal with that needs downsizing. It can be a stressful and overwhelming experience if you downsize from a large house to a small apartment. However, downsizing doesn’t have to be overwhelming or stressful. It can be enjoyable if you take the time to prepare for it and make sure everything is organized and you have somewhere to store those items that aren’t being kept in your new space. In this article, we will detail five steps on how you can effectively downsize when moving home.


Take an inventory

The first step when downsizing is to inventory the items you have. Make a list of everything you own and where each item is located. This will help you to identify what you may have a lot of and what you may need to get rid of. Take photos of items that are unique or hold sentimental value. This will allow you to save these items without taking up a lot of space in your new home.


Determine what stays and what goes

Once you have taken an inventory of the items you have packed, you can decide what stays and what goes. You might have sentimental items that you’ll want to hold onto but are not storing anywhere. If you have things like this, make sure to keep them in a safe place. You might want to consider investing in a small safe for your valuables. You can also store sentimental items in a safety deposit box at the bank. When it comes to the other things you have stored away, you will have to decide whether or not you want to keep them. If you have items that you don’t use or are taking up a lot of space, it might be good to get rid of them.


Consider using storage facilities.

If you have a lot of stuff that you don’t know what to do with, using a storage facility might be a good option. This will allow you to store those items you don’t have room for in your new home. Make sure you find suitable storage locations that are easily accessible from your new home so you can access it easier when moving. Many self-storage facilities offer short-term and long-term options. This means you will be able to store all your items until you find a home that will suit your new lifestyle and you know where to put everything. For example, if you’re going to keep your old furniture, but it doesn’t fit the unique style of your new home, you can use a storage facility to store it until you find somewhere to donate it or sell it.


Measure everything properly

When moving, you should make sure you have measured your existing furniture and the dimensions of the rooms in the new house, as this will help you determine if your current items will fit and where so you can put them in place as soon as they arrive. It will also help you figure out if anything is too big to take with you to find more suitable furniture before moving.


Go digital where possible.

Finally, you should go as digital as possible when downsizing your items. This will help reduce the number of items you have and save you a lot of space. You can go paperless when dealing with bills and other essential documents. You should also go as digital as possible when storing photos, videos, and other essential items. This will allow you to keep them virtually and access them from any device with internet access. 

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