May 4, 2022

4 Ways A Simple Massage Can Improve Your Life

While advanced technology and novel beauty treatments are great, it’s often the simple things in life that have the most profound impact. Take massage, for instance. Rubbing the skin and tenderizing the muscles below doesn’t seem like it should have that much of an impact. However, the effect on your beauty, health, and wellbeing can be tremendous. That’s one of the reasons why most celebrities get daily massages. They know that it can make them look and feel younger.

In this post, we take a look at some of the ways that massage can enhance your beauty and overall well-being. Check them out below:

Encourages Physical Relaxation

Have you ever noticed that you look your best when you feel relaxed and have had a good night’s sleep? It’s not by chance. When the body is in “rest and digest” mode, everything works better. Your defenses improve and you feel like you can take on the challenges of life.

Getting to that stage, though, is difficult. Stressful relationships, demanding work, caffeine, sugar, pollution, and noise can all bump you out of a relaxed mode of being.

Massage, though, is a superstar in this area. It causes profound relaxation at a biological level, often bypassing the mind. The result? After a massage, you transition from a state of alertness to a state of repair.

Relaxation is also very important when it comes to specific body parts that often get tired the most. For example, if you work a job that requires you to stand most of the time, you should consider getting an electric foot massager to help you relax every day after work.

Enhances Energy And Vitality

Massage can also give you more energy to do the things you want to do with your day. That’s why spa services focus so much of their marketing on making you feel “like new.” It is actually true.

How you interpret your enhanced energy levels depends on your personal view of the world. From a strictly scientific perspective, massage frees up the circulatory system and allows more oxygenation of your body’s tissues. It also causes the brain to release feel-good factors.

From a spiritual perspective, massage boosts the body’s chakras. It increases “chi”, allowing energy to circulate more freely than before.

Relieves Tight Muscles

People get botox injections because they want to relieve tight muscles in the face. When muscles contract, they distort the appearance of the body, making it less attractive than it could be.

Unfortunately, many of us are so stressed out by life that we are involuntarily contracting our muscles all the time. We simply can’t help it.

Both facial and body massages help to reduce this tension. After a certain amount of stimulation, muscles elongate and start to feel softer. Tension releases from areas such as the upper back and hips, leaving you feeling much better and, sometimes, emotionally liberated.

Once this happens, your face and body start to look better. You begin to move more freely and everything feels lighter and less burdensome.

Reduces Pain

Lastly, getting a massage can enable you to live with less pain. Some clinic styles help to break down scar tissue and loosen stiff tendons and ligaments. You may also be able to get a massage that deals with long-term issues, such as muscle tears.

(Image credits: Image 1 , Image 2 )


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