March 1, 2022

How to help your elderly parents stay happy and healthy

Most of us are used to our parents taking care of us, but eventually, there will come a time when the situation is reversed. As your mom or dad gets older, they will likely need some help in order to continue living a happy and healthy life. This might sound daunting, but the good news is that there are lots of steps you can take that will enable them to live a fulfilling and independent life even in their old age. Read on to find out more.

Tips on caring for aging relatives

Here is some advice on how to help your elderly parents stay happy and healthy for as long as possible. Remember, some tips will be more relevant than others depending on your mom or dad’s physical and mental health, but at least some of them are bound to be useful:

  • Make adjustments to their house

Small alterations to a property can enable your mom or dad to continue living safely and comfortably in their family home. For example, you could install a stairlift, put handrails up in the bathroom, plug-in night lights to help them navigate in the dark, or buy a power-assisted rising armchair.

  • Consider assisted living

For those who are unable to live alone, a care home might be the best choice. You can find a Beverly assisted living facility that provides comfortable rooms, nutritious meals, activity programs, and much moreto ensure your parents are well looked after.

  • Ensure they have a healthy diet

Eating a nutritious diet is particularly important as we age; however, lower-calorie requirements can make it more difficult to ensure your parents are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need. Encourage them to consume lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and to avoid overly salty or sugary foods. 

  • Encourage them to exercise regularly

Keeping physically fit and active is crucial for our aging relatives to maintain their strength and have a good balance. This, in turn, makes it less likely that they will suffer a fall or stroke or develop harmful conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Try to persuade your mom or dad to take regular walks in nature, pick up an active hobby such as gardening, or join a special fitness class for seniors.

  • Make sure they stay mentally active

Keeping our brains active is one of the best ways to stave off cognitive decline. Simple actions such as doing a daily crossword or other puzzles, reading widely, and playing brain training games can be a huge help. For something more intensive, your parents might like to have a go at playing an instrument or learning a new language.

  • Encourage them to socialize

Loneliness and social isolation are key concerns for senior citizens, raising the risk of a number of harmful health conditions from depression to stroke. See if you can get your mom or dad to join a social club in their local area to meet people, such as an art workshop, book club, or walking group. Be sure to also meet up with them regularly yourself, either in person or via video chat.


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