February 1, 2022

Why Make the Switch to Natural Bath Bombs?

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Shopping for bath bombs is trending amongst people of all ages. It is tempting to buy
bath bombs in stores because they are readily available and much more affordable
than making one from scratch.

However, when you look at what goes into these products, you may want to think
twice before making that purchase.

Bath bombs natural ingredients can be complex to understand. Besides containing
oils derived from natural elements like seeds and nuts, scented oils are also added
to get the aroma desired for each bath bomb.

If you want to know more, here are the eight benefits of using organic and natural
bath bombs.

1. They Are Safe

Among all regions, Europe holds a dominant market share in the bath bombs sector,
owing to the detoxification and relaxation benefits offered by the products. Bath
bombs in the market today can contain dangerous toxins. Any product applied to the
skin must undergo rigorous testing before hitting shelves.

There are different ingredients on the market today that are known carcinogens
(substances that cause cancer) and hormone disruptors (a substance that interferes
with an enzyme needed for normal functioning).

2. They Are Non-Toxic

Many ingredients found in bath bombs are a severe health risk if misused or
misused. These ingredients can include fragrances, color additives, preservatives,
and essential oils. You can ensure that they will not have these harmful components
by purchasing organic products.

3. They Contain No Phthalates

Phthalate is a chemical used to produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and adhesives.
They can also be found in some bath bombs as plasticizes or substances added to
make the product more flexible.

These days, people are aware of the potential health concerns related to exposure to
phthalates. When choosing bath bombs' natural ingredients, you can ensure that
your products are low in or free of these chemicals.

4. They Are Not Tested On Animals

Many bath bombs on the market today are tested on animals, whether they come
from a large company or a small company. Customers will often say it's an "animal-
friendly" product even though it is not vegan. Some bath bombs can also be tested
on humans to get accurate results, but that is not always the case.

It would be best to buy natural bath bombs that are vegan or organic to ensure that
no animals are hurt during the manufacturing process.

5. They Contain Fewer Chemicals

Many bath bombs contain chemicals like DEA, TEA, and FD&C colors, often
carcinogenic. These chemicals are used for fragrance purposes after all other
ingredients have been infused together in a bath bomb recipe.

It is best for people with sensitive skin to choose a product that does not contain
these chemicals.

6. They Are Less Expensive In The Long Run

Many people do not realize how expensive bath bombs can be until they switch to
organic products. Since many of them use essential oils in their recipes, they are
more costly than essential soaps and detergents.

7. They Contain More Essential Oils

Many bath bombs on the market today use mainly synthetic fragrances to achieve
their desired aromas. By choosing organic and natural alternatives, you can be sure
that you are using all-natural products with many oils for a pleasant aroma.

8. They Are Better For The Environment

Bath bomb ingredients can be harmful to the environment if left in water sources or
landfills. They can contaminate the soil and aquatic habitats, so they should be
appropriately recycled after use. Hence, you must buy bath bombs with natural and sustainable ingredients.


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