January 23, 2022

5 Essentials That Parents Must Have When Traveling Abroad

Photo by Yulianto Poitier from Pexels


Things like accommodation changes or feeding schedules can create havoc when you least expect it. As such, it’s important to prepare everything necessary before embarking on such an adventure, especially with little ones by your side. Having said this,

Here Are 5 Essential Items That Will Help Ease The Stress Of Getting Around And Keeping Everyone Happy!

Food and Drinks

Parents who will be staying in hotels or with friends and family during travel may not need to worry about feeding their baby while they’re away if staying in a country with safe drinking water. However, for those planning to stay somewhere where water isn’t drinkable, it’s important to take enough formula powder/liquid to last the length of your trip abroad, even if this means taking the maximum allowed on the plane.

Changing Equipment

No matter if you’re staying in a hotel or with family parents, you should always bring your own changing equipment when traveling abroad with babies and toddlers. Of course, whether or not you’ll be bringing these items depends on how long you’ll be gone but even if it’s just for day trips, having the essentials is better than nothing at all.

A good travel changing mat that folds up small enough to fit into a large handbag, as well as disposable or washable nappies, are great items to stock up on before leaving home. Even though hotels and friends and family may be able to provide these items, it is always best to bring your own just to be safe.

Medical Supplies

When traveling abroad with babies and toddlers, one of the main concerns is their and your health. If you’re not in an area with a medical center nearby, you can minimize the concerns with a virtual dermatologist and making sure all the necessary items are packed to deal with any potential illnesses or injuries before they happen can save a lot of trouble while away from home.

For babies, there are a variety of things that parents should pack when going abroad, such as nappy rash cream, medication, thermometer, etc. Parents should also remember hygiene items for both themselves and their children while traveling, such as wet wipes, sanitizer, hand sanitizer, etc.

Clothes/ Weather Appropriate Clothing For Babies Or Toddlers

Depending on when you are traveling, you may need to pack more or less clothes for your baby. For example, if it is the middle of winter when you are traveling, then you will need to take more layers and warm clothing for your child, whereas, in summer, they can probably get away with just a couple of light outfits. For every season, there are different types of items that should be packed in addition to regular baby clothing, such as snowsuits, coats, sunhats, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.

Sun Cream

Protect your little ones from harmful UV rays by applying a lot of sun cream! As it can be hard to know which brands are familiar to your child, it may be best to pack a tube of SPF factor 30 or above before you set out on your holiday.


(Photo by Yulianto Poitie, Pexels)


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