January 6, 2022

Tasty CBD Treats for Your Beloved Cats – 6 Precautions

6 Precautions to Take When Using CBD Treats for Cats for
the First Time

girl with cat

CBD treats are becoming a more and more popular way to treat various health
conditions in both humans and pets alike. These tasty treats can help with anxiety,
pain relief, and even reduce inflammation for cats.

Unlike humans who have access to pharmaceutical-grade CBD oil, your cat can’t
exactly load up on as much as they need. You need to start slow and work your way

Here are a few things you should know before giving your cat CBD treats:

Always Consult Your Veterinarian

According to a recent report, hemp-CBD products could represent one in four animal
health supplements by 2025.

Like any other medication or supplement that your pet takes, it’s best to check with
your veterinarian before giving them CBD treats. Your vet can help you with the
correct dosage and tell you whether or not the CBD treats will help treat your cat's
specific condition.

If you’ve never given your cat CBD treats before, or if your pet cat has a severe
health condition that’s currently uncontrolled by medication, consult your veterinarian
first. Many pet owners try to self-diagnose and treat their cats with CBD without
consulting a professional. It is both dangerous and irresponsible.

Start with a Lower Dose and Gradually Increase

When you first start using CBD treats for cats, it’s essential to start with a low dose
and gradually increase it as needed. Too much CBD can cause adverse effects in
cats, just as it can in humans.

For example, give one to two treats and monitor your cat’s reaction. If they don’t
exhibit any adverse reactions after 30 minutes, you can slowly increase the dose to
three to three treats. Repeat this process until you find the ideal dose that works just
right for your pet.

Monitor Your Cat’s Weight

CBD is generally safe for cats, but it can have adverse effects if your pet is
significantly overweight. It makes it necessary for you to monitor your cat's weight
after starting treatment.

Reduced anxiety often leads to more playtime, which can result in increased food
intake and weight gain. While these are great benefits for an anxious cat, too much
weight gain can lead to other health problems, so it’s important to be mindful.

Check the Label for Standardization

To ensure you’re giving your cat a high-quality product, you must check the label for
standardization. Different companies use different methods to extract CBD oil from
hemp plants, so some may contain higher or lower levels of CBD than others. You
must make sure the CBD oil you’re giving your cat has been standardized to ensure
a consistent dose.

CBD is not a cure-all medication and should not be used as such. Any medication
should be given in proper doses. It’s best to always consult your vet before starting
your cat on any new medication or supplement, including CBD.

It should be given based on your pet’s height, weight, and breed. The correct measurement can avoid dangerous health complications in the future.

If you’re thinking of using cat CBD treats, you need to understand how the
medication will react.


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