August 17, 2021

Is It Normal to Have Mood Swings?

“She was a free bird one minute: queen of the world and laughing. The next minute she would be in tears like a porcelain angel, about to teeter, fall and break. She never cried because she was afraid that something ‘would’ happen; she would cry because she feared something that could render the world more beautiful, ‘would not happen.” – Roman Payne, The Wanderess

sad woman

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have experienced many underlying health disorders ranging from depression to lung failure. The reason may be different, but the health condition of every individual across the world was similar, and it was miserable.

As per Our World In Data, more than 46 million people suffer from mood swings (bipolar disorder) in the world. Out of this massive number, 0.55% are males, whereas 0.65% are females. 

So, now the question arises – is it normal to experience mood swings?

There are times when you feel low or on cloud nine. This sudden change of emotions seems no less than an emotional roller coaster ride taking a toll on your mental peace and stability. For once, you may feel like winning the world, and in the next moment, you sail through an emotion that you don’t have anything left with you.

The question is if it’s normal or not? And the answer is ‘maybe.’ It’s common to experience a sudden change in your emotional state and behavior followed by an event. But when it happens frequently, you need to watch out for your conduct and overall well-being to the earliest. 

What is a mood swing?

It is an emotional state when you feel excited and low both at the same time. The sufferer goes through a series of emotions which often makes it difficult to survive with the changes. If not treated at the right time, this condition can lead to severe mental health issues like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, dysthymia, DMDD (disruptive mood dysregulation disorder), and stress.

How to treat it?

Exercise – Begin your day on a positive note with a refreshing session of exercises. This will keep you happy, energetic, and healthy throughout the day. 

Get enough sleep – A sound sleep of at least 8 hours is a solution to many health issues, including – mood swings. Sleep deprivation can hurt your mood and overall well-being. Thus, sleep well. 

Try CBD – CBD is an effective solution for many health issues. Many studies have shown it as a remarkable remedy for stress, inflammation issues, restoring body energy, soothing a tensed mind, and much more. As a result, we see a massive demand for CBD enriched products in the market including – CBD oil, cbd strips, CBD tinctures, and much more. (Always consult your practitioner before consuming it).

Do something for you – All too often, mental health issues can develop due to people trying to do too much and, perhaps more importantly, trying to do too much for others. When this happens, there is no time to do anything for yourself, and that includes tackling your mood swings and enjoying some all-important self-care. So take some time out for yourself, whether that’s having a nap, taking a soak in the tub, going for a long walk, reading a book, or finding the difference between clear braces vs metal and boosting your confidence through teeth straightening.

The final word – 

Always remember that a sudden shift in emotional state can be an underlying sign of mental health disorder. Therefore, it should be treated with utmost concern from day 1. Besides consulting a practitioner, ensure to make positive changes in your life, leading you towards better results. 

Image: © Marcio Eugenio |



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