May 26, 2021

The Dos and Do nots of achieving healthy looking hair

Long or short, curly or straight, natural or dyed, whatever your hair type or style, the aim is usually to achieve healthy looking hair.

While it is common to consider what you need to do to keep your locks in great condition, people can often overlook the things they are currently doing that might actually be damaging their hair.

So here you can find out both the dos and the do nots for improving your hair and keep it looking great.

Do avoid heat styling

While it can transform your look, heat styling also ravishes your hair so try to reserve appliances such as hair straighteners and curling tongs for special occasions.

When it comes to blow drying, if you can avoid doing this every time you wash, you should. Letting it dry naturally is much better for your hair. If that is out of the question, at least turn down the heat by choosing a lower setting.

Do not wash your hair everyday

The process of stripping your hair of its natural oils every day can have a drying effect so try to cut down.

If you have very oily hair which needs a daily rinse, choose a gentle shampoo which will not strip your hair completely.

Do provide a moisture boost

Oils are particularly good for offering a moisture boost to dry, brittle locks. An increasingly popular choice is CBD oil for hair as not only does it provide moisture, but it is also full of amino acids which help to nourish the scalp and hair.

When choosing an oil, opt for a reputable brand such as who offer a range of products made from organic hemp plants.

Do not skip conditioner

Mornings can often be rushed and cutting corners on your routine can be the only option for getting out the house on time. One step you should never skip, though, is conditioning your hair. If you are washing your hair and stripping it of its natural oils, it is essential to replace the lost moisture.

Do eat well

To maintain optimum health, including good hair and skin, a balanced diet is essential. Include lots of protein, fatty acids and a range of vitamins and minerals in your meals and you should soon start to look and feel better.

Things like eggs, nuts, seeds, fish and green vegetables are particularly good for giving your hair a boost of nutrients.

Do not brush wet hair

Brushing hair while it is still wet can cause your hair to break, so instead make sure you brush your hair thoroughly to remove any knots before you wash and condition.

Use a comb or purposely designed detangler with a detangler spray whenever you are working with wet hair to avoid unnecessary damage.

For one last tip before you go – make sure you do not get stressed. Not only can stress cause hair loss, but it is thought it could even contribute to hair breakage too. You now have the perfect excuse to take a long relaxing soak in the tub, giving you and your hair a bit of TLC. You will look and feel much better for it!


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