March 23, 2021

The Dynamize Way

by Lisa Gal

While being one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, how much do you know about the coffee you drink? Did you know your morning cup of Joe could contain mold? Dynamize came on the market not only to be 100% sustainable but mold-free. They are not your ordinary coffee company. Their proprietary drying process prevents mold and toxins from forming and to ensure their coffee meets the Dynamize standards they test their coffee throughout every step of the process. Sourcing directly from farmers in Costa Rica allows them to pay double the fair trade minimum to ensure their workers not only make a living but thrive. So raise your hand if you want to try coffee that doesn’t contain harmful fertilizers, pesticides, mold, and is full of antioxidants! We are thrilled to include Dynamize in our Covid style Hollywood Swag Bags that are being direct gifted to the red carpet nominee’s honoring Oscar weekend.


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