February 25, 2021

How To Enhance an Unused Fireplace

pretty fireplace

A lot of homes have fireplaces that go unused. A fireplace that is rarely or never used can be an eyesore, but it can also be turned into a beauty. If you have one that does not work due to your home’s age or it is unused for any reason, there are ways to enhance its looks and make it more appealing. Here are some tips to help you turn an unused fireplace from an eyesore into a beauty.

Give it a New Purpose

An unused fireplace is already occupying space that you could utilize for other purposes. One idea is to turn the fireplace into a storage space. Once you clean it out, you can paint the inside and fill it with books, decorations, artificial fire logs and any other items that can help it become a focal point in your home. There are no limitations to what you can add to your new storage space, just ensure you pick the right design elements to make it look gorgeous.

Create a Decorative Display

Fireplaces can be a strong focal point for almost any space. Fireplaces can be decorated in almost any design to reflect your style and match the rest of the house. Pieces of art, accents and other decorations placed inside an unused fireplace can transform it into a beautiful space. 

It is also a good idea to add a mantel if one does not exist. Mantels are a great way of adding some creative designs to your home without having to do too much. You can also use the mantel to hold decorative pieces or pieces of art. 

Just remember to match the mantel’s design to the rest of the house. If you do not know which design to choose, you can choose an antique wood mantel from stonewoods.co.uk. Wooden mantels work with almost all home and fireplace designs because of their timeless look and the ability to change their look by painting them if you would like to do so in the future.

Consider Hiding it

In some instances, the fireplace might be too damaged to be turned into a decorative piece or be reused. In that case, you can consider hiding it. One great way of doing this is boarding it up with plywood and then painting the plywood to match the rest of your house. Alternatively, you can paint the plywood with a colour that adds some accents to the room. Other options include using decorative grills and screens around the fireplace.

Consider Installing a Wood Burning Stove

If you do not want to turn the fireplace into a decorative piece, you can repurpose it. If the room still needs heat, consider having a professional install a wood-burning stove. Just ensure that your firebox and chimney can handle the stove before having it fitted.

An unused fireplace can be an eyesore, but that does not have to be the case. All it takes is some creativity and imagination to turn it from an eyesore into a beauty. You can take decoration ideas from around the room to ensure the fireplace does not stand out too much once you are done.



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