February 11, 2021

How to Keep Your Carpets Looking Like New

These days, more and more people are spending a great deal of time at home. While this can be a welcome change to the hectic schedules of years gone by when it felt as though you had to be in multiple places at once, being at home for so long can make certain home improvement issues more apparent than they might have been before.

For instance, if the main rooms in your home are carpeted, you might have noticed that those carpets are looking a bit worse for the wear. The increased foot traffic that they have been experiencing might have accelerated the wear and tear process. Furthermore, now that you are at home more often, such wear and tear might be more apparent to your eyes than ever.

The best thing that you can do for your carpets is to be proactive in ensuring that they are looked after better going forward. With a few simple tips, you can find it much easier to keep your carpets looking like new.

Here are a few such tips that can help you maintain the quality of your carpets going forward.

Groom Your Pets

If you have a few furry family members in the house, it is probably already apparent that they can be some of the worst culprits when it comes to your carpets. Messes from food, trouble with housebreaking, and all the fur that gets trapped in the fibers of your carpets can leave them looking worse for the wear.

One of the best things you can do is get into the habit of grooming your pets on a routine basis. Giving them a good bath and brushing can help alleviate much of the hair and debris that would otherwise get trapped in your carpets. Furthermore, if you let your pet’s nails get too long, they can cause some serious damage to your floors.

Unfortunately, some pets aren’t the easiest to groom. It might be better in such cases to bring them to a professional groomer each month or so in order to keep them clean and tidy. You can find the right groomer for the job at exceptionalpets.com.

Institute a No-Shoe Policy

Many people are surprised to learn that one of the things that can go a long way to helping preserve the quality of carpeting involves insisting that people don’t wear shoes in the house. When you are out and about, you have no idea what sort of dirt and debris you might be picking up on your shoes. In fact, you might even be bringing harmful bacteria indoors that can get trapped in your carpets.

The best thing to do is make it clear that no shoes that have been worn outside are to be worn in the house. This policy will also help protect your carpets from the wear and tear that shoes can bring about on a topical level. Moreover, your feet will be much more comfortable in socks or slippers anyway.


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