December 11, 2019

Love your Garden – Tips on Lawn Upkeep and Care

The challenge of creating a desired outdoor space does not end with finding the right kind of grass and soil. You have to undertake several measures to keep it looking as good as new at all times. Fortunately, there are several tried and tested ways of ensuring proper upkeep and maintenance of your outdoors.  Here, we have outlined some simple yet effective measures to facilitate a regular maintenance routine. Read on to know more about eliminating the woes of your weed-infested lawn and keeping it in good shape. 

Tips for Proper Lawn Care

  1. Remove moss, weeds and thatch regularly

Weeds, thatch, and moss are pesky things that keep on germinating out of nowhere and spoil the look of your lawn. For instance, weeds can reach your front lawn or garden via pets, other animals, birds flying overhead, your footwear or clothing. It’s important to pull out the lawn weeds from their base – wholly and including the roots. In case the menace caused by weeds is large-sized then you may want to seek professional help wherein a low toxicity herbicide would be sprayed to eliminate them fully. 

Thatch buildups create blockages that prevent essential nutrients and moisture from seeping into the soil and reaching the roots of the essential grass and other plants of use. Scarification, a lawn care procedure, aids the raking and removal of mulch from your lawn. Along with a lawn sacrifier, there are several other tools available for assisting the process. 

As per experts in lawn care and maintenance, lawn care techniques and tips are best applied during the spring season or on an autumn lawn. The landscapers and lawn care specialists at are of the opinion that these seasons  allow the grass to repair itself and grow across summer and at other times of the year 

If you are concerned by moss growth in your lawn or any other outdoor space then it is important to identify and reduce the problem on hand by calling in professionals. The problem can be monitored and maintained through adequate control, feeding and scarifying.

  1. Check and make improvements to the drainage system 

If the soil in your lawn consists of high levels of clay or has thick thatch areas, then these elements are likely to prevent and impact water absorption. It’s essential to assess the nature and extent of the problem on hand and work on soil aeration. Proper aeration improves upon the flow of air, nutrients, and water to reduce surface pile-ups. On the other hand, you may want to change the nature of your soil to facilitate better drainage levels. Use more plants that can be nurtured in the existing soil type. Alternatively, adjust the soil composition with the help of organic materials to get better drainage. 

Take Care of your Lawn

It’s a good idea to get in touch with professionals in outdoor space and lawn care to add to the beauty of your property.  They have all the right tips, techniques, and expertise in place to help you create the open and green spaces of your dreams.


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