October 30, 2019

Great Tips For Feeling Zen

Feeling zen takes time and effort. Although once you are there, it may very well feel effortless. How do you go from someone who feels the stress piling up to someone able to process stress in healthy ways? 


We know that people aren’t great at looking after themselves; in fact, they will often simply forget for so long it becomes alien. But when we take care of ourselves, we make better decisions, we are more productive, our relationships are better, and we just feel great. 



So here are a few tips to get you feeling zen. 


Get some plants in and around your home. Not only will you have to take care of them, but it is a simple joy to watch them grow over time. If you want to take this one step further, then you can plant a range of seeds and grow them from scratch. A great option is to grow herbs if you are a first-timer – they tend to be more forgiving than many other flowering plants. The green pops around your home will up your productivity and give you a nice happy feeling. 


When it comes to sleep, many of us just aren’t getting enough. Which can really add to your stress levels. If you find you can’t wind down, get into a routine of warm herbal tea, reading a book instead of watching TV, and dim the lights. When you do finally get into bed, rather than just hope you get to sleep, try listening to sleep stories from the Calm app or the Headspace app. The stories are soothing and in a gentle tone that will have you drifting off in minutes, 

Happy Body

Drinking plenty of water and going for a walk every day will have you feeling much perkier. Do things that you love and wear clothes you enjoy too. Although not everyone loves everything about themselves, you can make changes if you want. Hair dye, lip fillers, and laser treatments are one effective fat removal treatment if you should want that. Take some time to love your body, but love the changes you want to make too. 


Painting can be so relaxing. Many people worry because they don’t feel like they can produce anything that looks nice. The great thing is that there are many methods of painting, and you don’t have to fit into any of them. You are free to discover how you want to use the colour and canvas. A great technique for a starter is the Dutch pouring technique. The colors are free to run and mix, and you can gently guide them in any direction you like. And the instructional videos are very soothing too. 

Walk It Out

You are ideally supposed to walk at least once a day. It doesn’t matter if it just around the block or through the woods. Getting your blood pumping improves the oxygen flow to your body and brain. It also gives you a chance to think and stroll – which is pretty lovely. 

(Image: Photo by Zara Walker on Unsplash)



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