August 29, 2019

4 Steps To A Good Night’s Sleep


We all know that sleep is important to us, and yet few of us get enough quality sleep. On average, adults need between six and eight hours of sleep a night, every single night. When we do manage to do this we feel better, we feel healthier and we are our better selves, from our mood to our productivity. This is why today we want to focus in on this important area for our well being and share with you 4 steps to a good night’s sleep. sleep in pink



Exercising will both tire you out and help to keep your body in good condition, both of which are conducive to sleep.

Go for something that you enjoy and aim to ensure that you have completed it at least an hour before you plan to go to bed to give your mind and body time to wind back down. 

If you are exercising close to bedtime, choose activities such as yoga with meditation to help you to relax and ensure you are comfortable wearing clothing from brands such as Glow

Watch what you drink

Alcohol and caffeine are not likely to lead to quality sleep, so avoid them where possible, certainly close to your bedtime. 

On the other hand, drinking plenty of water throughout the day can actually help you to get a better night’s sleep, so switch out the cups of coffee for glasses of water a few times each day and you will soon feel the benefits. 

Write lists

How many times have you struggled to get to sleep because there is simply too much swirling around inside your head? 

Writing lists can help you to sleep better by implementing a few different strategies.

Firstly, many people swear by journaling, so take the time each evening to write a short entry reflecting back over your day. You might theme it around things you have enjoyed, things you are grateful for, or keep it to just one line or mood to sum up your day. 

It is also then worth writing a to-do list for the following day. This gets all of those swirling thoughts out of your head and onto paper, giving you a simple list to work through the next day. By writing them down your mind does not keep throwing them back at you just as you are trying to drift off to sleep. 

Finally, keep a notebook next to your bed in case you are struck by things during the night. You can note them down and park them until morning.

Get comfortable

You are going to need to get comfortable in order to fully relax and drift off to sleep.

Ensure that you are wearing loose fitting and comfortable nightwear and opt for a sleep inducing scent

Be aware of your temperature as it can be hard to sleep if you are either too hot or too cold, so make sure that your bedding is appropriate for the season. 

You might also want to invest in a good mattress, and with so many different types out there, it is worth doing your research before buying. Try as many as you can to see what works for you. 

(Image Pixabay – Pixabay License)



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