August 6, 2019

10 Exercises You Must Do This Winter

There are so many exercise and diet myths published that it can be difficult to know what you should be doing if you are trying to lose weight or to get fit generally. Some myths are very misleading and so, care should always be taken. This article cuts to the chase and looks at 10 common exercise myths that really must be done during those winter months. By making a little effort, you’ll feel so much better.  

  1. Go for an early morning jogging session

As much as running is great for you, running in the winter months when it’s cold can bring a new set of challenges. If it’s cold, your body will be stiff and muscles tight and it is all-too easy to injure yourself. It only takes an ill-prepared jarring movement and back could be injured or, if your body is not warmed up sufficiently for pounding on pavements, the leg joints or muscles can be strained. It’s important to do a thorough warm-up first and to take your time with this.  Stretch out the body, get the muscles nice and flexible and wear the appropriate clothing.  

  1. Start Walking as Much as You Can.

Walking is a great way to get fit and it takes very little time to start to build fitness. Be careful not to overheat in those cold winter months as you will still sweat so opt for breathable layers and wear a breathable jacket too. A lightweight wind-stopper jacket can also help to combat those icy gusts of wind. When stopping for a break, make sure you stay warm, cover up before you start to get cold. There are insulating jackets that are lightweight which will work well. 

  1.     Go trekking every weekend

If you can get out and about every weekend, it will do you the power of good. Go somewhere scenic and breathe in lovely fresh air. If you can set aside your weekends, you will develop your fitness levels consistently and look forward to your treks. When you go trekking, you decrease stress levels and improve mental wellbeing. The very act of hiking improves cardiovascular health and depending on short or long hikes, will provide balanced training for your muscles.

  1.     Go outside and exercise

Exercising outside is always fun and it adds a new dimension to any fitness regime. There are things to consider, however. In the winter months, it will be dark earlier and cold. Safety must always come first. There are some appealing advantages at working out outdoors – scenery and fresh air are just two reasons why getting outside can enhance exercising. You may find you work out harder too…whether going for a run on the beach or hiking up a steep hill.

  1.     Do yoga in an open atmosphere

Yoga has often been practiced outside; it is a wonderful way to reconnect with self as well as with the elements. Yoga helps to replenish the mind and body, but the same rules apply in that you must remain warm while still wearing clothes that allow movement. Circulation decreases when you feel chilled and this slows down the effectiveness of the organs too, also, the muscles and joints are less flexible. Practicing sun salutations builds heat within the body and so, are a great way to take your yoga outside.

  1.     Head to the gym

A gym is a great way to get fit and it has the added benefits of an even temperature throughout while you work out. It also enables you to work out all muscle groups and have the benefit of a professional trainer on stand-by to ensure you get the best workout for your body.

  1.     Start stretching exercises

We all feel a little sluggish and less motivated to work out in the winter but if you find it difficult to get out and about, start some stretching exercises at home first of all and then, in time, take your stretching outside. Stretching in the morning helps to wake up those muscles and to prepare them. It also increases blood flow to the muscles. Try a hamstring or piriformis stretch as a starting point or if you like yoga, perform several Salutations to the Sun and this stretches the whole body. Tune into the muscles you are working and then, this will become an integral part of the whole process. Warming up is vital for the muscles and joints so don’t skimp on this.

  1.     Turn shopping into exercise

If you are often guilty of jumping into the car when going shopping, try when possible to walk to the local shops instead especially if you only need a few items. Do a little power walking and get your lungs working and your heart rate up. Wear the right breathable clothes however as you do not want to sweat and get cold. By alternating driving to the shops and walking, you will find your fitness greatly improves and you will feel better.

  1.     Do household work

We all must do the housework and jobs – whether inside or out in the garden will need to be done. Instead of considering them as a chore, consider them as exercise and embrace bending and stretching. Spend a little time in the garden digging the flowerbeds or creating space for growing vegetables. This affords a great workout and will revitalize mind and body.

  1. Play winter sports or play outside

Forget huddling up over the central heating in the winter, don your warm clothes and get out there and join in the wintry fun. There are many winter sports available or, simply take time out for a long walk, or, free that inner child and just have fun. Take the family to the local park and play tennis or football. Join a local athletics group and have coaching while you build up your fitness levels. There is so much exercise fun to be had.

There are so many options for fitness and the winter months or myths need not stop you in your tracks. Just create a fitness plan of action and invest the time and energy and you will reap the rewards quite quickly. 


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