December 11, 2018

The Myths About Tallness & Improving Stature Review


A significant number of people won’t mind adding a few inches to their height. Many of them don’t like their current height, and that makes them vulnerable to misinformation.

Short stature people are more likely to take the available information at face value. They are eager to strike it gold by finding one factor that may finally make them tall.

In a highly consumerist culture, there’s almost a product for every need. And that includes growing tall. So, which claims is wheat and which are chaff? We debunk some of the myths below.

Weightlifting is not good for your height

One of the most popular arguments has been that weightlifting is not good for young growing bones. Typically, the cartilage on young lads is significantly weaker than the bones on mature adults. The growth plates are even more fragile and prone to fractures.

Much debate has centered on the compression of the spine that supposedly inhibits height growth. However, research shows that the effect of weight lifting is nothing but a myth. Therefore, there’s no need for avoiding weight-training entirely.

It is safe, but a certain level of supervision may be necessary, especially for young boys and girls. The blame on most of the injuries that are as a result of weight training is lack of supervision.

You cannot grow farther after hitting puberty

Adolescent years are when most of the growth spurts happen. The stage is characterized by a high endocrine activity. It is the time when the growth hormone and other hormones are produced at optimal levels. In most cases, you reach your optimal height at the end of this period.

The argument is that growth plates close at the end of this stage. However, that is not always the case. Some people may still experience growth even after puberty. And it is not a miracle.

You see, there are various growth plates in your body, and they do not all close at the same time.  The spine is the most critical body part that supports your entire body structure. It is also responsible for most of your height growth. Luckily, it is the last to close, and it may not necessarily be after the puberty.

Drinking milk is critical to height growth

Most blogs and parents do not stop insisting on the importance of drinking milk. Most people believe that milk is at the center of height growth. It is true that milk contains a significant amount of vitamin d and calcium. The two nutrients are vital to growth.

However, other foods contain the two nutrients. There are a variety of fruits and vegetables that can serve as a suitable replacement for the food. That is especially true if you are allergic to milk. One of the blogs we found helpful is the Height Growth Club, they have practical advice on growing taller.

Stretching exercises are helpful

The main idea behind stretching is to decompress the spine. There is some truth in that, but the effect is temporary. You may gain some height by stretching, but you will soon go back to your original stature.

Stretching exercises are quite helpful to your overall health. They help enhance blood flow to all parts of the body by removing any tension. Unfortunately, there is no direct link between your stature and stretching exercises. There’s also no conclusive research that indicates stretching helps you gain a permanent height.

Stretching exercises have the same effect as having a good night sleep. Resting your spine while you sleep helps decompress, and you may notice that you are taller in the morning. However, you become shorter in the evening. And the cycle continues.

Your genes are the only factor that affects your height

There’s no denying that the genetic makeup determines your final height. However, it is not the only factor. Research shows that a good diet can impact your final height by up to 4 inches.

For example, countries with higher GDP have a better average height than the developing countries. Wealthy countries can afford a well-balanced diet, and that helps in growing tall.

Other factors include medical conditions and exercises. Damage to the pituitary gland can inhibit proper production of the growth hormone. Also, a sedentary lifestyle causes unhealthy weight and the eventual decompression of the spine.


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