June 27, 2022

Geek is the New Glam: How To Unapologetically Own Who You Are

For many years, you may have been worried to express who you truly are on the inside. Of course, your close friends and family members love you unconditionally, but are you shying away from other people in your life? This year it’s truly time to step into your own sense of self, and ignore the people who get in your way from being authentic. Whether you’re switching up your style to feel more confident, or you’re speaking up about your secret hobbies so that you can be loud and proud! It’s safe to say that geek is the new glam right now, so there’s no time to waste when it comes to being who you truly want to be. 

With that being said, you can achieve so much more in your life when you are willing to ignore the naysayers and follow your heart. Whether you’re dressing in a style that feels more authentic to you, or you’re surrounding yourself with people who love you for you, there are so many ways to empower yourself as a geek chic independent individual!

What Makes You Feel Good?

Now is the time to sit down with yourself, get comfortable and establish who you truly are as an individual. Getting accustomed to who you are as a person is the only way to embrace your true self and feel accepted by those around you. This type of task can bring up certain emotions, but it’s important not to hide them and go with what feels right to you. What makes you feel truly happy in life? What makes you feel good? These are the things you need to write down on a piece of paper and surround yourself with daily. Don’t be afraid if these things might seem strange or unconventional to other people. As long as you aren’t hurting anymore or putting yourself into a dangerous situation, your unique habits and routines are there to be enjoyed and embraced!

Wear Your Choices With Confidence

Now that you have made it clear what makes you happy, it’s time to wear these choices with confidence. If you enjoy wearing a particular style of clothing or participating in an activity that is a little out of the norm, you should do everything with self-assurance. Being accepted by every single person in society is not the goal we are aiming for. Instead, you’re looking to achieve a happy medium between being your authentic self and forging true relationships that bring joy to your life. Don’t shy away from being exactly who you want to do, as it’s an empowering feeling once you get used to it!

Seek Guidance Where Necessary

Although you do not need to validate yourself or your actions for anyone, it’s important to seek guidance where necessary. Whether you’re speaking to a licensed therapist about previous trauma or you’re confiding in your partner about your relationship needs, other people’s opinions do matter sometimes. If you’re looking for a more unique approach to seeking guidance you could also look into professional psychic reading services. This can give you reassurance that you’re on the right path, and it can even show you what’s in store for your future. Depending on your personality and beliefs you will find a way to seek validation and guidance in a way that feels authentic to you. Remember that there is no shame in asking for help, so don’t shy away from reaching out to someone if you need it.

Own Up To Your Mistakes

Everybody in life makes mistakes, and you have probably experienced your fair share too. Owning up to these errors in judgment will ultimately help you to claim who you are in the most organic way possible. There is a fine line between being confident and unapologetic, and being arrogant and close minded. Take note of your own behaviors and call yourself out if you have acted in an inappropriate way. As soon as you find the balance between owning your mistakes and owning who you are, you will have the perfect recipe for happiness.

Be a Ray of Positivity

When it comes to being a more positive person, there are a number of different things you can do each day to improve your skills in this aspect of your life. Nobody can argue with a kind, positive person who always does the best thing for others and themselves. The next time you are faced with a tricky situation, try to write down three positive things that may come out of this hurdle. Usually, you will be able to find many more things that make you feel positive, but this will get you started.

Do Good and Good Will Come Back to You

Being a compassionate, generous and kind person can only bring about positive rewards. Carrying out selfless acts and seeking out ways to help other people can ultimately put you on a stronger route to happiness. Being who you are can be very difficult in this day and age, but as long as you do good, good will always come back to you.

Ultimately, you can feel proud of every achievement in your life as long as you stay authentic to yourself in the process. In the modern world, it can feel very overwhelming to fit into a certain box and adhere to the rules that are laid out in front of us. However, if you want to live a free, fulfilled and empowered life, you can take a stand and stay true to who you are. There may be a number of people who judge you along the way, but you should try and take criticism with a pinch of salt. Remember, geek is the new glam this year and it’s time to step into your higher self and be exactly who you want to be in this world. Whether you’re seeking advice from someone you trust, or you’re practicing daily positivity, there are so many wonderful ways to celebrate your true, authentic self.

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