April 16, 2022

Reclaim Your Body Post Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyous and beautiful time in your life. Ask any mother and they will tell you that the feeling of something that you created, living inside of you is absolutely magical. The first time your baby kicks will become a memory that stays with you for decades or perhaps even a lifetime. However, a pregnancy can also take its toll on your body. It impacts you physically, mentally, and emotionally. The stresses of pregnancy also last longer than the moment that your little one enters the world. Some people never fully recover from pregnancy and struggle to get their health back on track.

There are plenty of women who are okay with this. They’re fine letting go of their toned physique and they are happily embracing the cliche mum look. However, if you do want to reclaim your body and your health post-pregnancy, then there are steps that you can take.

sleeping newborn

Get Sleep

First, you should make sure that you are getting enough sleep. It takes a lot of work and effort to get your body and your health back on track after a pregnancy. But you’ll only be able to do this if you get the right amount of sleep. A little further down we’re going to discuss the importance of exercise to ensure that you are getting your body back in shape. The key point to be aware of here is that exercise won’t do anything unless you are getting the right amount of sleep. To build muscle or lower levels of fat, your body has to have the right level of rest. Without it, your whole routine is going to be pointless.

Unfortunately, getting enough sleep as a new mum tends to be easier said than done. There are a few reasons for this. The first point to be aware of is babies often aren’t on a great sleeping schedule. This means that your only choice is to sleep when they sleep. If you’re breastfeeding, then you’ll be up at weird times anyway and there’s no way to avoid this. That’s why it’s incredibly difficult to get back in shape in the first couple of months. However, after your baby settles into a more traditional sleep routine, you can make significant strides here and that’s the goal you should aim for.

Do be aware that there are lots of different things that can impact your sleep pattern. For instance, you should definitely remove the tech from your room when you’re sleeping. This can be incredibly disruptive and stop you from reaching the deepest level of sleep.


Next, you should think about exploring completing the right workout. Depending on your type of pregnancy, you can start working out a few weeks after you give birth. However, it’s important to make sure that you don’t put too much pressure on your body. If you do this, then there’s a chance that you could cause an injury or you might find that you leave yourself feeling drained. This is the last thing that you want if you need to look after a newborn baby.

So what type of workout is going to be right for you? Well, you can try exercise routines that are not too intense but deliver real results such as yoga. A side benefit of yoga is that it will also provide significant benefits to your mental health at the same time.

Do be aware that sometimes the results of a workout can be more limited than you hoped. For instance, if you have had more than one child it’s unlikely that sit-ups will allow you to get rid of the mum-tum. If this is concerning you, then you can explore options like a tummy tuck. Not all tummy tucks are invasive. If you look at a mini tummy tuck versus tummy tuck procedure, you’ll see that there are significant differences in terms of the treatment.

Improve Your Diet

When you are pregnant it can be quite common to ‘eat for two’. This is fine as you need to feed yourself as well as your unborn baby. However, once your baby has been born you need to be aware of what you are eating. A tricky problem you can run into is if you decide to breastfeed your baby, this can lead to you feeling incredibly hungry. This is due to your body burning excess calories while it is producing more milk on a supply and demand system.

healthy snack, healthy pregnancy food

There are healthy snacks that you can enjoy if the hunger pangs get too much for you. Carrot sticks or other vegetables such as cucumber for example. If you are struggling to control portion sizes and what goes onto your plate then take some time out to research what is good for you and what can fill you up for longer. You could ask a professional such as a nutritionist or dietician for help.

As well as your diet and what you are eating, it is equally important to drink at least eight glasses or two liters of water a day. This helps your body and mind stay hydrated throughout the day, without this, you can begin to feel the effects of dehydration.


This one might seem impossible, you have just had a baby and they take up a lot of your time during the day and night. Once you have worked out a solid routine for yourself and your baby you will have more time to yourself to do the things you love and enjoy. This can be something as simple as taking a bath or reading a book. Once your baby is taking longer naps and potentially sleeping through the night, these will all be possible.

However, you need to be wary of your stress levels as this can cause you to gain weight in places you don’t want it. Stress can also lead to comfort eating which is an unhealthy spiral to get trapped in. Try and find ways to manage your stress levels, if family or friends offer to babysit for you then don’t be afraid to accept this help.

Find The Right Beauty Routine

Finally, in order to feel more like yourself again rather than just ‘a mum’ then think about introducing a beauty routine. You may be worried about not having enough time in the day to factor this in but it doesn’t have to take you long. You can do this while your baby is having their morning nap or while they are enjoying some time in their baby bouncer. Make sure that you are using the right products for your skin. There are different skin types and using the wrong products can do more harm than good.

Take a look online for beauty advice and how to find the right products. You might want to invest in a good quality moisturizer to apply before your makeup. This will help keep your skin healthy and hydrated during the day.


We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to reclaim your body after pregnancy. In doing so, you can regain your confidence and ensure that you are happier about the way you look when you catch your reflection in the mirror. You’ll be better mentally too because you’ll be looking after yourself. This is always going to have a positive impact on the way you feel as well as the way that you look. It’s just a case of taking the right steps that you need.

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