January 16, 2022

Does HydraFacial® Live Up to the Hype?

HydraFacial® has become a popular facial treatment, giving people glowing, clear, hydrated skin with a non-invasive treatment gentle enough for almost anyone. Will HydraFacial® give you the same results? Most people find that HydraFacial® treatments result in brighter, healthier-looking skin, especially for regularly using the treatment. The patented three-step technology has been proven effective in resurfacing, clarifying, and hydrating the skin. 

What is HydraFacial®?

You have many options for facial treatments, including chemical peels, laser resurfacing treatments, and other skin-rejuvenating choices. Many people choose HydraFacial® because of its gentle, pain-free treatments, lack of recovery time, and the healthy glow that results. It uses a three-step process designed to work for all skin types and provide customized results. 

HydraFacial® Steps

The patented process follows three HydraFacial® steps:


The HydraFacial® wand exfoliates away dull, dead layers of skin cells, revealing new, fresh cells with a more youthful glow. 

Pore Cleaning and Hydrating

A painless suction in the handpiece extracts dirt, debris, and oil from the pores while delivering targeted hydrating serums. 


Antioxidants and peptides work to protect the skin and protect the healthy new skin, so it keeps its glow longer. 

Applying serums to healthy, resurfaced skin lets more beneficial treatments absorb below the surface. While many people with acne avoid hydration because their skin already feels oily, the extraction and targeted serum can provide a powerful anti-acne effect. 

What Can HydraFacial® Treat?

The benefits of HydraFacial® result from the combination of HydraFacial® steps. The exfoliation provides all the benefits of resurfaced and refreshed skin, while extraction clarifies the pores, and serums provide individualized hydration. This can improve skin concerns, including:

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Rough texture
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Dryness and dullness
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Oily skin
  • Skin laxity

Only HydraFacial® can give you all these results in one treatment with no discomfort or downtime. You will need a quick treatment once a month to keep your results. People who want more thorough resurfacing can consider biweekly treatments since this treatment works so gently that the skin needs very little time to recover. 

Is HydraFacial® Worth It?

For most people, HydraFacial® definitely lives up to the hype. You can maintain a youthful, healthy glow and clearer, more hydrated skin with treatment once a month. While returning once a month may seem like a chore, treatments take as little as fifteen minutes. While other methods may last longer, they will require some downtime, while HydraFacial® lets you return to your regular activities right away.


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