June 20, 2020

Biotrue® ONEday..highest moisture than any other lens

Many people are talking about how to look good for Zoom calls, and while there are some obvious tips (curled eyelashes, fresh coat of mascara, the filter feature on Zoom), there is an overlooked contributing factor to tired looking eyes – screen time!

With so much concentration on devices and binge watching TV, add in homeschooling on even more devices, and eyes may begin to feel and look dry, irritated and tired. This may be even worse for contact lens wearers, and when it comes to contacts, moisture matters!

We’ve all heard how everyday activities can strip our bodies of their natural moisture barriers. Hot showers can dry out your skin and harsh detergents in shampoos might strip our hair of natural oils.1 We spend a lot of time (and money) trying to regain that moisture with lotions and serums. With moisture being so essential in our self- care regimen, why should your choice of contact lenses be any different? Staring at screens, 2 pollution in the environment3 and even wearing contact lenses can cause uncomfortable dry eyes.4 When you’re dealing with your eyes, moisture matters.

Biotrue ONEday® contact lenses have highest moisture than any other contact lens available. This is because the lenses are made with a water-loving polymer that is locked into the lens during the curing process. During this process, a surface active macromer, which naturally drives to the surface, is also added to the lens. This helps to form a dehydration barrier, which results in the lenses being able to maintain nearly 100% of their moisture for a full 16 hours.*

Maintaining moisture in the lens is essential for clear vision. Blurry vision at the end of the day can be common among contact lens wearers and can be due to lenses losing moisture over the course of the day, which changes the shape of the contact and therefore can blur vision.5

Biotrue ONEday disposable lenses were created by the eye care experts at Bausch + Lomb with your eyes in mind. These lenses were designed to have the same water content as the natural eye (78%). The 78% water content delivers the oxygen needed to maintain the eye’s health, mimicking the natural way our bodies protect us by keeping our eyes moisturized. Moisture is key for a contact lens that provides clear optics and Biotrue ONEday has highest moisture than any other lens.

Biotrue ONEday lenses will help your eyes see the world clearly without compromising comfort.

For more information, please visit:  www.biotrueonedaylenses.com

®/™ are trademarks of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates.

©2019 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates. BOD.0246.USA.1


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