March 7, 2018

Spring 2018 Fashion, Nails, Home

Spring 2018. What’s on the horizon?  From a bold tomato red to a romantic yet elegant lavender, this spring season is bound to blossom with a fresh take on your favorite color trends. Here are a few ways  to incorporate this season’s trending colors into your everyday life.

Fashion- Press play on your pastels! Make a statement by pairing pastels with neutrals like a white or sand colored jacket and accessory. Team two pastel pieces together for a solid ensemble.

Nails– Ready or not, it’s sandal season! Before hitting the mall to see the newest spring shoes, why not get started with some fun nail polish colors to spice up your manicure and pedicure. Rose gold remains a favorite but brands have been adding some shimmer and shine to their collections for a more futuristic, galactic look.

Home Decor- Let spring inside! Add a new piece of artwork to incorporate trending colors into your home. This is an easy way to brighten up your space and gear up for the new season.

Optimism Acrylic painting on poplar wood, print on plexiglass and LED lighting

Optimism Acrylic painting on poplar wood, print on plexiglass and LED lighting

Ariela is scheduled to exhibit at Artexpo New York this spring. Her art incorporates a range of bright colors and focus on self-reflection – encouraging the viewer to reflect and improve their outlook.

A Home Decor Tip from the team at It’s a Glam Thing: To use curtains or not? With the right pattern and fabric, curtains have the power to completely switch up a room’s look.


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