April 15, 2016

8 Important Things To Do Before Travelling Abroad


Before travelling abroad, you will find yourself anxious and in the process, you may forget a few important documents or processes. This is not only embarrassing but it might also cost you more money or cost you the trip. Use the following checklist to ensure that everything you may need is in order:

  1. Passport and Visa

You may have forgotten to apply for a Visa assuming that the one you have is still legit. Ensure that your passport and Visa are up to date. The application and processing time takes long. Therefore, you should give enough time for the processing to be done. At least six weeks is appropriate.

If you will have to drive in your destination, ensure that your international driving license is renewed. Also inquire if the country you intend to visit allows use of international driving licenses. Also prepare copies off all your documents and have them backed up online.

  1. Make inquiries on travel warnings and restrictions

Travels alerts are often issued for residents and visitors. Therefore, find out if there are alerts and warnings issued against travelling to some countries. This way, you will be safe and you will not have to waste time at the airport. It also gives you time to make alternative travel arrangements if necessary.

  1. Vaccinations and prescriptions

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) gives comprehensive information about the vaccinations you need before travelling to particular places. You should also get all your prescriptions and photocopies with the generic drug name. This will make your journey through the airport immigrations swift. Also ensure that the medications you pack will be enough to last more days than your planned journey.

  1. Register your trip

You can so this online. Check the immigrations website and register your trip. This makes it easy for the government to help in case of emergencies in the country you visit. You will be required to provide information of your next of kin for easy contact when you leave the country.

  1. Find the nearest parking services near the airport

There always are traffic snarl ups into and out of airports. Melbourne airport car park could be full or with limited space. Therefore, a parking facility like the United Airport parking would be convenient. You can also book your space and get your packing ticket online.

  1. Prepare your wallets

Always carry enough money. One or two credit cards are enough. You should also know how to contact your credit card provider and your back in case you get into trouble.

  1. Get Insurance

Travel insurance is important and you should have your insurance information updates. International insurance companies will need this information in case of medical emergencies and evacuations.

  1. Pack all essentials

Besides electronics necessary during your trip, enough clothes, travel documents, extra glasses if you wear them, a scarf, medications, extra shoes, some toiletries etc. These are important for when you first get to the host country.

Never carry valuables and don’t keep all your valuable in the wallet. Thieves are very fast and you may lose everything you own before your trip or just after landing. Keep your bags well closed and include your name, address and your contact details.


Author Bio

Sharma Punjabi is an Australian travel consultant. She has years of experience in the customs and immigration department. Her blog is focused on travel and Melbourne airport car parks security measures, a travel guides and best destinations in Australia. Visit her blog for more info.


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