October 8, 2015

Never Leave your Favorite Perfume Home Again


Ladies, have you heard of Travalo? No, well let me introduce you. It is a colorful, beautiful empty capsule that you can put your favorite perfume in and carry it anywhere you go. It is so simple to fill, all you have to do is pop the top off your perfume and place Travalo over the top and pump. Your favorite perfume is now in the Travalo and you are ready to go.




So, if you are a woman who travels or always on the go, like me; then Travalo is going to be your new best friend. When I travel I always forget to bring my perfume because it only took one time for TSA to throw away my favorite perfume for me to never travel with it again. I know you are thinking you can store it in your luggage and check it, but I don’t always have a check bag. I also worry about losing my luggage or the perfume breaking in my bag. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper and I no longer have to worry about that because I have Travalo I can now bring my favorite perfume anywhere. It is TSA approved and I can keep it inside my purse at all times. You never know when you may need a little squirt on your wrist, now it is readily available. It is so convenient to have it in your purse and not have to carry around that big cumbersome bottle that looks so nice on your dresser where it should stay.

Ladies travel with your favorite scent, get your Travalo at http://us.travalo.com knowing your favorite perfume is safely tucked away in your purse.


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