April 27, 2015


Hello beautiful people,

My apologies for being MIA for a little while. My days have been filled with almost no free moments, but no complaints about that because it’s an exhilarating journey every day. If there is one person who has kept me from going absolutely crazy and who has helped me avoid any mental breakdowns, it is definitely my mom. I needed to write this blog about my mom because she is seriously the most amazing woman I know. She is by my side through everything and I am always shocked and humbled by all that she does for me. My mom constantly reminds me that every day is a part of my personal journey to where I’m going, but the journey is not one I am in alone. My mom is a part of the journey at every step as my mom, my friend, my momager (HA), my biggest fan, my partner in crime, my reality check, my laughs and cries and so much more. It’s such an incredible feeling to know that no matter what, my mom is there guiding me but allowing me to be myself, make my own choices and take charge of my own path. I would not be where I am today without my mom. She has taught me to challenge myself, love myself, let go of the negative energy people push toward me, build a genuine team, practice what I love and most of all; never give up on what I am passionate about. “You have to believe in yourself or no one else will” is what she has always told me and I couldn’t be more thankful for that or for her.

Take the time out of your day to appreciate someone around you that has inspired you, loved you, and or pushed you in some sort of way. These are the kinds of people we want to surround ourselves with and these are the kinds of people that help get us to where we want to be and beyond.



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