January 9, 2014

Be Real, Be Confident, Be Younique

The greatest gift you can give the world is just being yourself.  We all have our own unique style, personality everything. Then why not have your own unique makeup look?  You can achieve any look from day to night with Younique Makeup and Skin care products.

After looking at all the products Younique has to offer, one in particular stands out to me. It is the 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara because I am all about the lashes.  The 3D Fiber Lashes will instantly give you a 300% increase in volume and length that will look natural and beautiful.  It comes packaged in 2 separate bottles, one is the transparenting gel, and the second is the fibers themselves that will enhance your natural lashes.  The best thing about them, they are water resistant so you don’t have to worry about it washing off during the day.

I was introduced to the Younique line by my friend Diana Kane who is an independent presenter for the company and is also an educator at my beauty school, The Salon Professional Academy in The Villiages, FL.  She stands behind Younique’s goal of helping to build the self-esteem of women everywhere. Younique products are just like it says, unique.  With mineral based, chemical free eye shadows, concealers, blushes and more even the most sensitive skin can enjoy these awesome products. For more info and to buy the products you can visit Diana’s personal Younique page at:
