April 15, 2013

Jane Austen’s “Guide to Thrift” Gives you the Best Bang for Your Buck

“Jane Austen’s Guide to Thrift” by Kathleen Anderson and Susan Jones has some great tips!  I love finding ways to make my household budget stretch. It can be a real challenge, but this book makes it easy by  sharing lots and lots of valuable ideas. Not every idea is for everyone but there are so many good ones here that I am sure that you will find something that makes your life easier and/or saves some of your hard earned money. Anytime I learn something new, I feel that my time reading was well spent. I was amazed to learn about “felting” which I had never heard of before. Something new for me to try my hand at. From shopping to cleaning, buying or selling, there are many things presented  that will help you get “your best bang for your buck”. The author’s  presentation was unique and well written. Worth the time; worth the read!

Find Jane Austen’s Guide to Thrift at http://www.amazon.com/Jane-Austens-Guide-Thrift-Independent/

Sharon Hatcher, Guest Blogger