December 12, 2012

Comfort and Joy All Day Long

Don’t you hate it when your looking all cute and sexy in those new pants and then you see that emabarrassing panty line?  Or how about when your bra strap keeps knawing into your shoulder and you keep trying to adjust them?


With Shibue strapless panty and shoulder savers you can now wear that cute outfit witout any embarrassment.  You are probably wondering how does Shibue strapless panties work.  Well, it is real simple really. All you have to do is make sure your skin is clean of all lotions, and oils then you peel off the plastic covering to the reusable gel adhesive and position the panty to a comfortabel position.  Do the same for the back and enjoy the comforting feel all day long. The same with Shibue’s shoulder savers.  Just plaace Shibue’s shoulder savers under your bra strap and place strap on the saver in the slit.



To discover the comfort of Shibue visit and feel the comfort for yourself.