June 5, 2016

Rory Uphold Has A Laugh About Hollywood Style


Funny girl Rory Uphold, who is the creator and star of the popular web series Only In HelLA, which “makes fun” of everything-Hollywood, is one of the most blunt people you will ever meet. So of course I just had to sit down with Rory to find out what she thinks about various Hollywood fashion trends, what people should do who want to move to town to pursue their acting dreams, and more!

NN: How would you describe your own personal style – both while at home and on the red carpet?

RU: Dark, casual, lazy.

NN: Since you are one of the most observant people in Hollywood, what Top 3 GOOD things style wise do you see happening these days in town?

RU: A natural looking face with strong brows. 60’s inspired swimwear. Sustainability – it’s cool to care about how and where your clothes are made.

NN: What Top 3 Style Trends in Hollywood do you HATE right now?

RU: Anything that could be described as “Coachella”. Overly ripped jeans, like the ones where it looks like they’ve been attacked by a tiger. Mistaking nudity for bravery or feminism. I am all for body positivity but I think we’ve put some people on pedestals lately who are more about hype then they are about empowerment.

NN: In general, what is your biggest pet peeve?

RU: Allergies. Slow drivers in the left lane.

NN: What is your advice to anyone wanting to move and start a career in Hollywood?

RU: Find something else that makes you happy and do that. Truly. If you don’t have anything else you love/think you could be happy doing then my advice is brace yourself.

NN: What is your definition of Hollywood “Glam”?

RU: Feeling comfortable in your own skin. To me, glam is an inner quality, a confidence, that gets externalized in a million different ways.


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