February 6, 2014

Author Avery Flynn’s High-Heeled Wonder is a must read sizzling thriller !

Author Avery Flynn's new sizzling thriller~ High-Heeled Wonder

Author Avery Flynn’s new sizzling thriller~ High-Heeled Wonder

It was a great opportunity to interview author Avery Flynn. Flynn, well known for her exceptional romance “suspense” books, has launched the first book in her Killer Style Series, titled High- Heeled Wonder!

High-Heeled Wonder is a book that takes you into the fashion industry with a fast paced storyline that has all of the elements of a best seller!! With each turn of the page you’ll experience deceit, adventure, danger, uncertainty, and a crescendo of sensual passion that will make it impossible for you to put this book down!! So fasten the seat belt on your “easy chair” and settle in for a terrific read from cover to cover!!

At the end of this article I’ve included all of the links where you’ll be able to secure “your” personal copy of High-heeled Wonder, but first, my interview with Avery! I was very interested in learning even more about this prolific author, her writing, and some juicy tidbits about High-Heeled Wonder to share with you.

I truly appreciated Avery’s time and candor in an interview I know you’ll enjoy!




1. VICKI: Avery, when did you discover your passion for writing ?

AVERY: I don’t know if I’d say I discovered it so much as it’s always been there. I wrote my first story on a baby blue typewriter my dad had gotten me for Christmas. I couldn’t spell, my grammar was unforgivable and it was about my stuffed animals, but hey, I was in first grade. 🙂

2.VICKI: Well you certainly did get an early start writing Avery… Your books are quite remarkable, and they sure do fit your website homepage commentary (http:www.averyflynn.com) as books that are “Smart Sexy Romance”, and “Steamy Romance, with a Twist of Mystery”, and a “Wicked Sense of Humor”!

What inspired you to bring that “winning combination to life” in your books ?

AVERY: Really that’s just my sense of humor and my sensibility. I love to write what I love to read and that involves lots of laughs and sex mixed in with a story that at the end your heart and belly do that flutter thing. You know the one I’m talking about, right?

3.VICKI: Indeed I do!! High-Heeled Wonder certainly gets a 5- Star review from “this” Beauty Editor! It has all of the elements that keep you moving at a nice pace with never a dull moment! High-Heeled Wonder is also the first book in a series that you are writing. Could you give us a hint about what we have to look forward to in the upcoming series?

AVERY: Big egos. Cut-throat ambition. Fabulous fashion. Hot sex. To-die-for heroes. Heroines that you want to hang out with. Who’d-have-thought-it plot twists. Adventure. Laughs. Amazing shoes. Exotic locations. Happy endings—always.

4.VICKI: WOW! I’m going to start making some room on my book shelves! It sounds like we have some awesome books to look forward to from Avery Flynn!! I can’t tell you how many people wanted me ask you this question! So here goes…. Do you get to choose the male, and or female models who grace the covers of your books, and have you ever met any of them at Romance Writer events or seminars?

AVERY: Oh I wish! I would have had to spend a lot of time interviewing male models to pose as Tony, the hot Italian PI. I’ve never met any of the models in person, but the cover models in my first release (Temptation Creek) contacted me on Facebook. That was really cool.

5.VICKI: Well that IS extremely impressive !! Your book reviews are all very positive, and you have a great style of writing. Is there any particular goal you are striving to accomplish as you continue to gain success and recognition in your field?

AVERY: Is total world domination too much to ask for? 🙂 I want to write the kind of stories that people love to read, that they can fall into and escape when they need it or find inspiration in or have a ton of laughs. Ideally, I’d love each reader to walk away with all three. Romance books are amazing because they speak to what is the most exciting, exhilarating and frightening adventure of all—falling in love. How can it get better than that?

6. VICKI: You really nailed it on that one Avery, and with that I believe you are already well on your way to capturing fans worldwide with such a great intent!!! Please tell us about your street team, the “Fynnbots” , and their cool “perks”!! Are you still recruiting new Flynnbots ? If so, how would someone go about becoming part of this “special” team? (I’m a proud Flynnbot, myself!!)

AVERY:The Flynnbots are so much fun! They are readers (just like me) and we’ve come together online to talk books, giggle and have a blast. Whenever I have a new release, they get to read it before it’s even in the stores. They get other perks too (T-shirts, goodies and gift certificates), but honestly I love chatting with them online. Fingers crossed, I’ll actually get to meet all of them in person at RWA or the RT Book Lovers Convention this year. Everyone who loves kickass romance books is welcome to join.

All you have to do is go on Facebook and request to join at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Flynnbots

7. VICKI: Is it true that you’re planning a fun and really awesome Rafflecopter-based giveaway with a “Big” gift certificate for DSW ? Please share with readers how they can participate?

AVERY: Yes! Enter the High-Heeled Wonder Shoes, Swag and Books Extravaganza Giveaway for your chance to win a $100 DSW Shoes gift certificate, books from Entangled Ignite authors releasing in January (Avery Flynn, High-Heeled Wonder; Jody Wallace, Angeli; Julie Rowe, Molly Gets Her Man; Caridad Pineiro and Cathy Perkins, Love International Style box set) and more!

To enter visit: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/9fe4a512/

VICKI: I can’t thank you enough for taking time from your hectic schedule to do this interview for our readers! We wish you all the best and look forward to your upcoming books!! I gave my input about High-Heeled Wonder at the beginning of this article. I’m now going to share yours with our readers below and once again, much gratitude for all of your time, Avery….

QUOTE FROM ~New York Times Best Seller Rebecca York “When a fashionista and her bodyguard get tangled up together, watch out for sizzling sex and surprising plot twists.”

High-Heeled Wonder by Avery Flynn:
Tony Falcon, an investigator from the other side of the tracks, is the olive oil to fashion blogger Sylvie Bissette’s Evian water, but it’s not just her temper he’s inciting. When Sylvie’s stalker almost runs her over in broad daylight, Tony must pose as her boyfriend to infiltrate the close-knit fashion community. In a world full of overblown egos and cutthroat ambition, Sylvie and Tony must work together to find her stalker before she ends up with a literal knife in the back.

About Avery Flynn:

Avery Flynn loves a hockey-addicted husband, has three slightly wild children and is desperately wishing someone would invent the coffee IV drip.

More about Avery:

Avery’s Website : http:/www.averyflynn.com

Twitter: @AveryFlynn

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AveryFlynnAuthor

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/averyflynnbooks/

(On Pinterest, Avery posts all sorts of fashion, reading and hero inspiration pictures!)

PURCHASE YOUR COPY OF High-Heeled Wonder at:

AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/High-heeled-Wonder-Killer-Entangled-Ignite-ebook/dp/B00HP1JYRC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1390842750&sr=1-1&keywords=high-heeled+wonder

BARNES&NOBLE: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/high-heeled-wonder-avery-flynn/1117987582?ean=9781622662098

GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4894804.Avery_Flynn

ALL ROMANCE eBooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-highheeledwonder-1395855-237.html

(Any Quotes or Paraphrased information in this article obtained from a provided “Press Release Kit”. Any personal commentary was my own opinion as the reader of an ARC copy of High-heeled Wonder. Much gratitude to Miss Flynn for her wonderful interview, and ongoing success with the Killer Style series!)