June 24, 2019

3 Mistakes That Are Damaging Your Hair

If your hair is badly damaged, it can be very hard to get it looking great. Trying to style hair when it’s dry and you’ve got loads of split ends or your hair is thinning out quite a lot in places is tough and most people end up just putting it up because they don’t really know what to do with it. Sometimes, things like dry hair can be genetic and for some people, it’s just more of an issue. But most of the time, there is a reason for damaged hair which means that there is something to do about it.

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There are certain products that you can use to fix split ends, add volume, and lock moisture into the hair. But you don’t want to be constantly using those products to fix your hair every time it starts to get damaged. If you want your hair to look amazing, it’s important that you avoid the damage in the first place by changing the way that you treat and care for your hair. Usually, people struggle with damaged hair because they’re making a few simple mistakes that are easily fixed. These are some of the things that could be damaging your hair.

Applying Too Much Heat

heat styling pexels.com

Too much heat is never good for your hair and over time, it will dry it out a lot. This is a very common problem because most people are using hair dryers, straighteners, and curlers on a regular basis. You don’t need to stop using those hair styling tools completely, you just need to make sure that you’re using them in the right way so you don’t damage your hair. When it comes to drying, you should try to dry your hair naturally if you have time. The problem is, most people won’t have time to let their hair dry naturally every morning because they need to get out of the house and go to work, so you’re going to end up using a hairdryer quite often. That’s fine, just try to keep the heat setting low if you can and make sure that you keep the dryer at least 15cm from the hair, that will reduce the impact of the heat a lot and stop your hair from getting too damaged.

Straighteners and curlers are a big problem as well because you’re applying heat directly to the hair and that can be very damaging if you’re doing it all of the time. It’s important that you buy a good quality pair of straighteners that have good temperature control on them, and pick ones that are right for your hair type. There are a lot of different types out there and it can get confusing, so you should visit Hair Straightener Studio for a quick breakdown and a list of the best straighteners on the market right now. If you can, you should try to avoid using straighteners or curlers every single day and just embrace your natural hair more often. Applying heat to the hair is ok when done right but if you go overboard, you could be doing a lot of damage to your hair.

Too Many Chemicals

Hair Products flickr.com

If your hair is constantly being exposed to harsh chemicals, that could be doing a lot of damage as well. Hair dye is one of the most common ways that people damage their hair with chemicals because a lot of them contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia which both do a lot of damage to your hair if you’re using them too regularly. If you love changing your hair color and you do it all of the time, it’s likely that you’ll struggle with dry hair and split ends. Using hair dye is fine but you should try to limit it to once a month at the very most if you want to avoid damaging your hair. You should also make sure that you’re using a good conditioner that is designed to protect colored hair and make sure that you lock in enough moisture.

Some shampoos contain a chemical called DHT as well which can contribute to hair loss so you need to check the ingredients carefully on any products that you’re using. In general, you should try to use more natural products instead. There are so many new hair products on the market that are made using all natural ingredients like coconut milk rather than lots of harsh chemicals and they’re often a better choice.

Chlorine is another one that causes problems for people that swim often. It can dry your hair out a lot and lead to discoloration for some people so you’ve got to be careful. Always make sure to wear a swim cap and shampoo your hair straight away after swimming in chlorinated water.

Sun Damage

shielding from the sun

We all know that the sun is bad for your skin and you need to make sure that you’re protecting yourself when the weather is warm, but a lot of people don’t realize just how much damage it could be doing to their hair. Too much sun exposure is actually one of the leading causes of thinning hair and it will quickly dry your hair out and make it very brittle. If your hair is getting very dry and frizzy and you have a lot of split ends during the summer, it’s likely that you’ve got a problem with sun damage. If you have light colored hair, you’re more vulnerable to sun damage so you need to take extra care to protect it.

When you’re trying to protect your hair from sun damage, you can follow some of the same basic rules that you would when protecting your skin. Try not to stay out in the sun for too long without taking a break every once in a while and wear a hat to cover your hair when the sun is hottest. On top of that, make sure that you’re using a good conditioner to keep your hair moisturized during the summer months.

If your hair is always dry and damaged, it’s likely to be caused by one of these things. But the good news is, if you can avoid these problems, your hair will be looking healthy and vibrant in no time.


(Images: flickr.com , pexels.com, pxhere.com)




  1. […] time for your hair to adapt, but by following the new trend, you can reduce the heat on your hair, improve the condition of your hair, and feel confident as you embrace your natural look. Once your hair has adapted, it becomes an […]

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