May 29, 2019

Warning These Bad Habits Could Be Thinning Your Hair

before after thinning hair

Thinning hair can be distressing to both men and women, and on a cosmetic level, can lead to a poor self-image. The situation is often worse for men, as thinning hair can often lead to complete hair loss, but even for women, a look in the mirror can be discomforting when more of the scalp is seen because their hair has thinned out on top.

If you have noticed your hair thinning recently, there may be some very good reasons why. In many cases, it is down to age and genetics. As you get older, you might shed more hair than normal, and chances are, if your mother had thinning hair, you might too. However, as we will discuss in a moment, you might also be guilty of bad hair habits that are causing your hair to thin more than it should.

Thankfully, you can do something about the problem. Your eating habits can promote hair growth, there are store-bought products that can help you, and if needed, hair surgeons such as Miguel Canales can offer advanced treatments to manage the problem. So, don’t despair if thinning hair has been affecting you as it’s not too late to save your golden locks.

Still, let’s return to those bad habits we mentioned. Whether age or hereditary factors affect your hair or not, you should still consider your day-to-day life, because as we said, you might be responsible for your hair thinning out. Take note of the following, and then make a few tweaks to your daily routine, so the problem of thinning hair doesn’t get any worse.

These are the bad habits you need to watch out for.

Bad Habit #1: Spending too long under a hot steamy shower

We can all be guilty of this, especially after a tiring day, but you need to take care. Not only will your skin dehydrate when you spend too long under hot water and surrounded by hot steam, but the hot water will wash away your hair’s protective oils too. Your hair will then become dry and brittle, and more prone to breakage and additional shedding.

Tip: This is an easy one: don’t spend too long in the shower! Turn the temperature down a notch too, opting for warm water rather than anything approaching boiling point so as not to damage your scalp. You should also avoid brushing or combing your hair straight after coming out of the shower as wet hair breaks more easily when wet. If possible, let your hair air-dry for around 5 or 10 ten minutes, and then blot it gently with a towel before carefully combing it into shape.

Bad Habit #2: Spending too long in the sun

You already know that the sun’s powerful UV rays can be damaging to your skin, but it’s not so great for your hair, either. With prolonged exposure to the sun, your hair will become dry and brittle, and that could eventually lead to hair loss.

Tip: There are various sun protection products for your hair, so look for something that is suitable for your hair type. Apply them before going out into the sun, and then carry them around with you so you can apply them again if necessary. You might want to wear a sun hat or a headscarf too, as this can also offer you some protection from the sun’s UV rays. And be sensible; walk in shaded areas, and when possible, try to avoid going outside during the hottest parts of the day to reduce the chance of damage to your hair.

Bad Habit #3: Smoking

It’s a no-brainier that smoking is bad for you, but did you know it has dire consequences for your hair too? No? Well, you do now! Smoking reduces the blood circulation to your scalp, and this slows down the growth of your hair follicles. Not only that, but as well as aging the rest of your body, smoking has also been linked to premature graying. So, aside from the fact that smoking can lead to respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer, do you really need any other incentive to kick this terrible habit?

Tip: Okay, so giving up smoking is easier said than done, we know. If you aren’t able to quit the habit easily, go and see your doctor for professional advice. You might want to try vaping as well, as this is a far safer alternative to smoking, and there is a help guide here that might prove useful to you. For the long-term survivability of both your hair and your life, this is one habit that you do need to deal with.

Bad Habit #4: Letting stress control your life

stress affected hair loss

Now, we know stress can’t easily be avoided, but you shouldn’t let it take over your life. Not only can stress affect you mentally, but it can affect you physically too. This includes telltale aches and pains, but it also has an effect on your hair. The more stressed you are, the higher the level of the stress hormone cortisol you produce, and this can lead to growth disorders and hair loss. You might be more prone to pulling at your hair as a nervous reaction too, and this will weaken your strands and lead to further shedding. As expected, the loss of hair will add to your stress, so this is one vicious cycle you need to escape from.

Tip: While we would advise avoiding stressful situations, we know this isn’t always possible. Still, you can take steps to manage your stress, and this includes eating a healthy diet and taking part in exercise to reduce the consequences stress can have on your life. You should find ways to relax too, so make it a habit to meditate and do things that you enjoy, as this way, there is less chance of stress playing havoc on your life.


For some people, thinning hair and hair loss is inevitable. However, to protect your flowing locks for as long as possible, follow our suggestions above. And by cutting out the bad habits we mentioned, you will also improve your health in other ways, so you need no further incentive to make a few changes to your everyday life.

Take care, and thanks for reading.

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