September 8, 2017

Back to School

Back to school time has begun and during this hectic time it gets hard to remember the little things. As we become engulfed in assignments, responsibilities, our social lives, and planning for the future, we often forget to take a step back. Being busy is truly an amazing thing because you are filling your life with memories and experiences as well as learning on the way. However, try to remember that within your busy schedule you must always make time for yourself. This can be done in a variety of ways depending on you and your personality. Maybe you need to go on a run, meditate, bake a souffle, watch an episode of Gossip Girl, read a book, take a yoga class, or just listen to music—in whatever way resonates with you, take time to just be and not do.

I always talk to my dad about how I feel like time is unavoidably going by faster and faster and that there is nothing I can do to slow it down. I jokingly tell him “I feel old,” and he laughs along but always reminds me of one simple truth. Taking a step back to just be in the moment and appreciate the world right in front of you allows time to slow down. So thanks Dad for the best advice always, I am starting to just be and enjoy the world around me. And I hope you will too!






  1. So wise. Great advice for all of us even those of us who no longer go back to school.

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