August 20, 2015

A Leg workout you can do at home -No More Excuses!!!

Leg work out picture

When it comes to exercise, we come up with all kind of excuse of why we can’t exercise. “The kids need to be entertained”, “The gym is too far”, “The gym cost too much” “I just don’t have time.”

Well let me help you overcome these obstacles. School is about to start. You can work out from home. You don’t need to purchase any special equipment. 1 hour a day is only 4% of your day, you can do this!

Click on the link below for a great leg workout you can do from home with a chair and a broom. Are you ready? Let’s do this, go ahead grab that chair and a broom and I will work out with you. [youtube]



  1. Great video. One of my favorite love/hate leg exercises is the split squat, but I think the results are worth it! Such a pleasure meeting you today at the gym. You have a great personality that exudes energy. Keep sharing your passion.

    • Elizabeth Colen says

      Thank you so much Karen! We share that same love/hate but hey we have to do what we have to do! You and your husband are such an inspiration and it was an honor meeting you both!

  2. Great blog, Elizabeth!
    Really enjoying!

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