August 18, 2015

Learning to Let Go

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My acting class is seriously a life class. Anthony Meindl’s acting studio is a force to be reckoned with. Filled with so much inspiration, the studio informs us as much about the skill of acting as it does about our individual lives. It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own thoughts. We hold on to things even if they are not positive and are not serving us for a multitude of reasons and sometimes we can’t find the courage and freedom to let that go. As an actor, I sometimes find myself placing judgement on myself during a scene, or questioning my actions during a scene and when these thoughts come to my mind, they often take me out of the moment and alter the scene. The ongoing challenge for me and many others, is learning how to let those thoughts go and just trust my instinct and let it fire. This is something that transcends into my own life. Because I’m a perfectionist and obsessive hard worker, its hard to let go of what I think is “supposed” to happen and just let what is happening, occur. I am working on not giving too much power to thoughts or situations that aren’t serving me. I am working on letting go and I think it’s valuable for all of us to at least think about..

Thanks for listening friends <3



  1. Life is a constant letting go because life is a constant change. As adaptable human beings, we can definitely let go and move on despite of how hard we think it to be.

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