As someone who works in the field of product development and “branding” I am often asked: ” What needs to be branded?” “What does it even mean to “brand” oneself?” “Do I need to brand myself?”
These aren’t simple yes or no questions. No matter your field, your goal, your dream, your current position, branding yourself doesn’t hurt your image and it can even help guide you towards creating your dream job.
Business branding is, in large part, protecting yourself. Buying your business domains, trade marking your name and/or business name, getting copyright or patent protection on things you create or invent is crucial in building your brand and business. In the sense of business, consider branding as protection and a necessary step if you want to ensure no one can recreate what you do exactly as you do it.
Personal branding is different. It’s about making sure that when a group of people picture you or your personality they are all thinking of the same things. It doesn’t have to be what you wear, but it can be as simple as that, especially if you are in the field of design or fashion. It doesn’t have to be your comedic timing, but it can be, if you are a writer, comedian or television personality. It doesn’t have to be your products or services, but it could be if you are to be considered an expert in a certain field. It is truly about representing yourself on any and every platform in a way that is uniquely and authentically you. It’s about being remembered and having the true you represented so well that you leave a lasting impression with people whether it be at the close of a meeting or when someone reads your “about” page on your website.
Do you need to brand yourself? Only you can answer this question and your answer depends largely on if you want to be thought of and remembered for what you contributed to the world when you’re not around. Personally, my greatest contributions that I hope to be remembered for above all else, is as a woman who inspired others through her work and who was a really good mom at the same time.
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