You can imagine my enthusiasm when asked if I’d like to interview the phenomenal Olympic Gold Medal swimmer, now commentator,TV Show Host, and Mother of two, Summer Sanders.
I was quite intrigued about Summer being the spokesperson for “Rethink Varicose Veins“. Summer mentioned that she had been experiencing aching, and heaviness in her legs. She thought that it might be a result from being very active, on her feet a lot with her children, a busy career, and possibly getting older, but discovered after visiting a vein specialist that it actually was “Venous Insufficiency” which is what causes Varicose Veins. She was told that if not treated it could get worse and become CVI or Chronic Venous Insufficiency where symptoms could become more serious.
I asked Summer if there were any Varicose Vein problems in her family and she told me that her Mom got them after pregnancy. Summer did have her Venous Insufficiency treated, and told me not only was it resolved, but she was able to walk out on her own after the treatment. That was pretty amazing to me, and I was so happy for Summer being able to overcome this Vein problem and now help share the information with others as Spokesperson for Rethink Varicose Veins.
With the upcoming 2012 Olympics in London, I needed to find out if Summer would be covering them, and indeed she will be doing webcasts for Yahoo Sports.
I asked her if she felt that same thrill as an Olympic commentator as she did when she was an Olympic participant. She said that she got out of the competition at the right time and is still closely involved with her commentary work on TV that keeps her close to the competition and the “ adrenaline rush of the excitement.”
Curious about what sparked Summer’s passion for swimming she said that she has a Brother who is 4 years older, and when they were younger and living in California with such wonderful warm weather, they would spend lots of time swimming in their pool at home.
Wrapping up our interview I wondered if Summer and her husband, Erik (a former Olympian Skier), were noticing any inclination toward sports with their two children. Summer said that the children do enjoy sports and right now they were just letting them try and participate in various sport activities and see what happens.
Talking with Summer was so enjoyable. I wished her all the best as spokesperson for Rethink Varicose Veins, and lots of fun covering the 2012 Olympics in London.
I still had a few more things I wanted to learn about Varicose Veins and was very happy that I was able to speak with the delightful and extremely informative Dr. Mark A. Adelman who was also available to be interviewed.
(Quotes from Dr. Adelman’s Biography) Dr. Mark A. Adelman is an Associate Professor of Surgery at New York University Medical Center. As Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery, he is well known nationally and internationally for his academic accomplishments. He has served as a President of the New York Society for Vascular Surgery as well as President of the Association of International Vascular Surgeons. Dr. Adelman has published more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and is well recognized by the media for his contributions in venous disease. Dr. Adelman has been an innovator in the endovascular treatment of venous disease and aortic disease. He has been an investigator in more than 25 clinical trials, and holds three U.S. and international patents for surgical instrumentation. His clinical interests include venous pathology, endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysm, and carotid artery disease.
I asked Dr. Adelman when Varicose Veins usually occur and which gender is more prone to get them. He said usually they occur between the ages of 35-55 and at a 3 to 1 ratio of women to men. He also noted that there is most often a pre-disposition to Varicose Veins in the family.
He mentioned that things are different now than they were years ago and a patient with Varicose Veins does not have to suffer with pain as they did in the past. In the older days it was a more intense procedure. Now a days with Laser type procedures they are much better and can be done locally.
More good news! Where as in the past insurance generally didn’t cover this procedure,now,in most cases, the procedure is covered by insurance, and you’ll most likely be able to walk out after your treatment like Summer did!
Dr. Adelman shared so much positive and encouraging information regarding Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency and it’s so nice to know that there is new technology that is able to help. I was so glad to have had an opportunity to speak with him. Ongoing success Dr. Adelman and thank you!
I believe now we need to be proactive and personally educate ourselves about Varicose Veins, and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) and see if it may be something that might be helpful for possible problems that we may be dealing with. This is probably the perfect time to refer you to the RETHINK VARICOSE VEINS WEBSITE where you will not only receive more information about Varicose Veins, treatment options, read about Summer’s experience, and be able to take a self assessment and screening to find out if you should see a doctor. There is also a locator, to find a doctor in your area! Please take a moment to visit:
Now is the time!!Don’t delay! We are all so active these days, that there is no reason to suffer with the discomfort of Varicose Veins, and Chronic Venous Insufficiency anymore.
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