August 27, 2023

Top Things You Should Know Before Getting Botox

Most people get to a point in their lives where they begin to age, noticing fine lines around the eyes, wrinkles around the mouth and a general sagging in the cheeks. We all go through it, but it doesn’t mean that you have to always accept that time will march its way across your face. One of the ways to hold back the years – or at least slow them a little – is to use Botox.

There is nothing wrong with enhancing your appearance, and you want to do it safely and securely. Finding the right provider can be as simple as going behind the curtain – as it were – and using an aesthetics course to show you what’s safe or what isn’t. You can get Botox beyond using makeup to enhance your looks, but it’s all about finding a safe method! Before you go for it, there are some things that you have to consider and know and we’ve put together a shortlist of things below:

  • Botox isn’t a magic wrinkle fixer. Botox is used for so many things, such as slowing down the rate in which you sweat by injecting under your arms. Botox is usually a treatment for wrinkles and finer lines but it doesn’t just get rid of them. It’s not going to magically get rid of all of the unwanted imperfections across your face. In fact, it’s going to ‘freeze’ the muscles in the face – that’s the whole point! You should know that people choose Botox because of its preventative methods rather than for restoration. Botox won’t work to iron things out; it’s just going to help you to slow it all down.


  • It’s not going to last forever. Don’t gasp in shock – you definitely don’t want something in your face that’ll last forever and ever! Botox is temporary and the average duration for it to work between the brows, forehead and the crow’s feet around the eyes is up to 16 weeks. It can fade faster than this, especially if you’re a gym bunny who likes to exercise a lot.


  • It may hurt. No one wants to hear this, but it can hurt when you get your first Botox injections. You might find it stings a little when you have your first appointment. They can be a little more intense than you expect, especially if you aren’t aware that more than one needle is used. It can be overwhelming to hear the sound of the syringe as it’s expelled into the skin. This sensory experience can be difficult but once it’s done, it’s done!


  • You are restricted afterwards. You might not be one for the gym, but it’s a good idea to learn the activities that aren’t quite recommended too soon after you have had a Botox appointment. For example, you really shouldn’t exercise in any way, lie down or take any medications such as Ibuprofen. You should also keep your head level and not bend for at least two hours after your appointment. Following the advice of the practitioner is vital if you want to stay healthy, right?


  • You can get it whenever you want. Botox has long been touted as something only celebrities do but it’s not like that. You can get it yourself whenever you want to as long as you ensure that the place you head to is safely administering the treatment. Sure, it can be costly depending on where you go but you have to think about the results rather than the fact it ‘may not be for you’.


  • You might love the feeling! Some people fear getting Botox because they worry they’ll look expressionless, or that they’ll look unfeeling and robotic. The thing is, it may feel like a weight lifted when you can’t just furrow your brow or frown all of the time. Emotions dance right across your face and with the help of Botox you can hold that back a little and not wear your heart on your sleeve so much! You may love the feeling of being frozen for a while, and you will feel happier as a result of the treatment you’ve received.


Botox can be revolutionary for those getting it done for the first time. If you are contemplating having your first round of Botox, then the best thing that you can do is research practitioners that can administer it safely so that your face feels and looks fantastic for longer. Take the time to do your research before you book!


(Photo credit)



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