October 1, 2022

Clear Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Skincare Routine

A really good skincare routine is a must if you want to make sure that your face and your skin feel bright and hydrated. Skincare routines are becoming more popular than ever and you will always see the adverts for new products detailing amazing ways to make sure that your skin looks and feels great. There are still people out there, however, with a complexion that they are not happy with, but often it’s not the skin that’s the problem – it’s the routine behind it.

Are you using the right face serum? Are you helping your skin routine with vitamins or cannabinoid capsules? There are so many signs that you need to change your skin care routine and upgrade your products, because the reason behind your issues could be the products that you are using right now. Let’s take a look at the signs that you need to upgrade your skincare routine.


  • You are dealing with breakouts. If you are getting repeated patterns of stubborn spots but you are not able to get rid of them, it’s because these are often caused by skin-care with too much oil in it. Check the ingredients in your current moisturizer and check the face serum that you are currently using. It might be time to change to something a little bit lighter, so cut out the creepy face washes or night oils and see if you noticed an improvement first.
  • Your skin is drying out and beginning to flake. Dry, flaky skin can be caused by lack of moisture. It’s not just a lack of oil that could be the problem and it’s usually what people will assume. With a good hydrating serum, ensuring you are hydrating your body through the day, and stopping over cleansing, you need to make sure that you will be able to fix the dry and flaky skin issue that you are dealing with. Check out the cleansers that you are using, and switch to something creamy or more of a bomb if the foaming cleanser you are using is drying you out.
  • You are dealing with blackheads. Nobody should have to continue to deal with blocked pores, and that’s the cause of blackheads. Blackheads can be caused by using products that contain too much oil, but it also could be caused by a lack of exfoliation. Check the ingredients of your products to ensure that they are not too oily, and make sure that you are keeping up a regular exfoliation routine. If you want to get rid of blackheads, consider micro dermabrasion as an option.
  • Your skin is sensitive. Any products that are harsh or irritating can cause sensitivity and reactive skin. A strong cleanser, a powerful preservative, essential oils and even products with too many ingredients are all known to cause sensitivity in your skin. If you swap over to a gentle brand, the sensitivity in your skin should reduce and you should feel the effects pretty much straight away.
  • Your skin is looking dull and feeling rough. In effective exfoliators can result in lackluster skin. If you don’t exfoliate enough, the buildup of that skin makes your face look dull.



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