April 19, 2021

Family Owned and Operated in the Heart of Sonoma

by Lisa Gal

Sonoma County, California, is most famous for its vineyards and amazing wines, but did you know you could produce vodka from organic grapes? Hanson of Sonoma Distillery did just that. Family-owned and operated in the heart of Sonoma, their vodka is distilled from organic grapes and infused with real, organic ingredients to create a pure, clean, and above all deliciously smooth vodka. Hanson of Sonoma organic vodka is the first of its kind and is already bringing in awards like Best of Show and 2020 Vodka of the Year. They have more than a half dozen organic fruit-infused vodka’s that set them apart from the competition (if they have any). They are at the top of their game and climbing fast. We are thrilled to include them in this years “Covid-style” Hollywood Swag Bag being direct gifted to the nominees honoring Oscar weekend!


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