November 18, 2019

5 Tips For A Beautiful Smile



When it comes to looking and feeling great, our smiles beat any fashion accessory! Whether you’re a real lipstick-lover or prefer to go natural, let’s take a look at five simple tips for keeping that smile beautiful. 

1 . Perfect your oral hygiene

Rule number one for those gorgeous smiles is of course- perfecting your oral hygiene. Ensure that you are flossing as well as brushing, and that you’ve got yourself an excellent toothbrush. Replace your toothbrush every three months to make sure that your oral routine is always effective. Ensure that you don’t brush too hard because doing so can lead to receding gums. Your brush should be at a 45-degree angle toward your gums, and you should brush in little strokes as wide as your teeth, back and forth. Get yourself a nice mouthwash while you’re at it to keep pesky bacteria at bay.

2. Get your routine dental checks 

Even if your teeth look and feel perfect, you shouldn’t skip your regular check-ups. Often, problems can go unnoticed and then flare up at a later date. A dentist can spot signs of trouble early and give you advice or treatments if need be. Have a professional cleaning often to remove the plaque and stains that can build up on your teeth over time. Ongoing check-ups will leave you with the brighter smile that you seek in no time.

3. Braces for straighter teeth

If your teeth are crooked and you’re insecure about it, why not try braces? Now the traditional metal kind doesn’t have to be your only option. Most dentists now offer braces which are clear and barely visible on your teeth. While you’re at your dentist, they can also talk to you about teeth whitening options. Many people choose to get teeth whitening after braces to ensure that their teeth are not discolored. Of course, certain foods and drinks are notorious for staining your teeth. If you’re a red wine fan, for example, it’s a good plan to carry a toothbrush around for a little extra brushing after your drink! 

4. Banish dry lips

During the wintertime, our lips have a tendency to become cracked and dry. The key is to give your lips a treat with some DIY all-natural moisturizing practices. Get yourself some Coconut oil and rub it onto your lips to get them feeling soft and smelling delicious too. Another tasty treat to try is rose water and honey; mix them both together and apply to your lips for a lovely boost of hydration.

5. New lipstick time 

If you’re a lipstick-loving girl, you won’t need much excuse to invest in a new one! Why not try a shade from the ‘100% Pure’ brand? These lipsticks are eco-friendly, vegan and made with packaging that’s easy to reuse or recycle. Each lipstick is totally natural and free of paraben, sulfate, and all toxins. There’s a range of gorgeous colours made from fruit pigments, shea butter, cocoa butter, and vitamin E too. If you’re not usually a lipstick fan, these lovelies might just change your mind. 





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